posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:42 AM
Those saying it does not make sense to kill him because the video is out, you have to remember something, we only saw what the camera saw, the person
behind the camera would have personally witnessed a lot more, the camera never tells the whole story, what happens before the record button is pressed
and when recording stops, there is still a lot more to be seen and witnessed.
If what he filmed was right, then he would have possible seen who was shooting, who was roaming around and what they where doing, if he has been
murdered, it would be to stop him telling what he saw off camera, a vital witness who could have opened the whole thing wide open, and if he is dead
then he cant do anything to hurt them anymore.
All we can do is hope he had the sense to share everything with others, which seems in this day and age to be the only way to cover yourself from this
kind of atrocity, it makes no sense to come and say I have a secret and then say nothing, the best way is to get as much information into the public
domain as possible, it's the only insurance for anybody.
And I might add why many people are afraid to speak up, for fear of their lives and that of people close to them who know the story, people are
realising this is the only way to protect themselves, and fortunately all we have to do is write out what we know, then send it to as many sources as
possible around the world, then if something does happen, people will look deeper into it.
It is happening way too often, deny it or not there are to many coincidences regarding this kind of incident, remember the guy who was taken from his
car after a stand off and supposedly deported to Israel? as far as I am aware, he has not been seen since, and many stories of Scientists dying in
suspicious circumstances, then being judged as suicide.
Human life means nothing to these animals, and one day they will pay after being judged by the people they want to hide their secrets from, the
problem is would doing to them what they do to others make us any better?