posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by snowen20
Please, don't take me wrong... this thread has been funny because I really don't give a damn about celebs! Really, the people I like that can be
classified as that can keep themselves under their "cloaks of anonimousity" (sp) and I'll never care about that. If I was 15, maybe, but that was
like 12 years ago
. On the internet we're all equals,no matter gender, race, location or if you're posting from an expensive apple laptop or
from an old pc that barely handles an internet connection. And I like that!.
Once i was a frequent contributor on 4chan, and there were LOTS of celebs around there. Maybe that was the time when I started to see everyone as an
equal. That imageboard used to be great for things like that, the late night threads about "ask a [insert any job here] anything" were absolutely
great, and it didn't matter if the OP was or not really who they said they were. We had fun anyway, so why care about?
The magic of the internet, if you ask me, is precisely that you can be whoever you want =)!