Originally posted by Heisenberg
Imperial threat? Try international peacekeepers and global humanitarians, first. How much does Iran give in foreign aid? HMMM. None. But, their
laws are quite nice, though. Very respectful of human rights, especially their treatment of young men and their women. And homosexuals, if you are
for the rights of all, then what about them. CUZ in ole Iran, they would be beheaded!reply to
post by Dermo
Many countries around the world do not contribute foreign aid. In fact the list of contributors is quite short. Are you suggesting that all non
contributors should be considered evil? Israel is one that does not, so by your logic they would be as evil as Iran.
Your comment that the USA is an international peacekeeper and global humanitarian first is really quite a stretch? I wont even address the peacekeeper
issue as it is obviously ridiculous to anyone capable of thought, but I will say something regarding the foreign aid. Yes, the USA is a foreign aid
contributor, but they are far from the most generous on the list. Actually, when compared to their Gross National Income, which is the realistic way
of showing generosity, they are among the very least generous of all. Look at their minimal contributions closer and you'll find out most of this aid
is going to only three particular countries; Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. In case you find this fact confusing, these are the countries the USA has
been devastating lately with their "peacekeeping" operations.
These benchmarks you are using to justify the US as more wholesome and peaceful than Iran are flawed at best. Surely a true peaceful humanitarian
would easily better this record?
Finally, you suggested that Iran was proven to be an evil enemy due to the continued enforcement of Sharia, or Islamic Law? Using your logic here
would be to condemn all the other countries doing the same? This would include condemning the USA's ally in that region, Saudi Arabia.
Following your logic, we now have three threats to deal with in the Middle East; Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia? Iran for not contributing foreign aid
and practicing Sharia Law. Saudi Arabia for Sharia Law, but we could add their sizable involvement in the 911 attacks? Israel for no aid, but we could
add the fact that they are war mongers that attack and threaten their neighbors, attack using WMD's like White Phosphorous munitions, illegally
possess Nuclear Weapons and commit genocide on their host nations citizens?
To only demonize Iran is very hypocritical here. Especially when the only tangible evidence against them is the minor criticisms related to religious
and cultural practices and are nothing new. The only serious accusations are based on opinion and political propaganda. The only fact regarding a
nuclear Iran is their desire for its energy capabilities and their right to pursue it. They've also agreed to be transparent and compliant to every
protocol required of them. People like you are twisting this into a desire to end the world? What they might, or could possibly, do with this in the
future is irrelevant. Letting the most aggressive war mongering country, as well as the only perpetrator of deployment of Nukes, is the popular
rational here?
Although you refuse to acknowledge this for the absolute fact that it is, this is the actual and only truth in this situation. Who is really crazy
here? Who is really a threat to the world? Who is really hypocritical? Who is really instigating violence? Who really wants peace? Who is really for
the rights of all?