posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 04:40 PM
Good satellites, interesting "by the horizon" flare ups/satellites, but nothing out of the ordinary in south Oxon, and my eyes have been peeled. But
that's not to say the whole thing has not been a great epic experience already
The stars themselves just seem more mystical and brighter than
usual and that is just nice to see. Some fairly credible videos from the UK but their content a little dubious, like someone said - people taking the
chance to let off chinese lanterns.
Surprised no-ones been out there with a laser though.
EDIT: I would not say "down" though. UFO reports in the UK over the last 30 days or so has been at an all time low. Major report was that M6 jet
chase crap that has made world press. Most credible footage in mainstream lately are the iceland volcano UFO's. In fact we've had a couple of decent
"orange orb" videos on YouTube
during the ban, which is more than was produced over the last fortnight at least. But as I said above,
questionable material about chinese lanterns. But sightings I would say have been
up. America is still fresh with amazing sightings over this
period too.
[edit on 20-4-2010 by markymint]