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Infowars Journalist Arrested, Held for Asking Karl Rove a Question During UT Appearance

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+2 more 
posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 12:48 AM

Infowars Journalist Arrested, Held for Asking Karl Rove a Question During UT Appearance

Infowars reporter Aaron Dykes was arrested today during a Karl Rove appearance at the University of Texas in Austin. The former Bush deputy chief of staff and notorious dirty trickster Rove was invited to the university where he was asked to talk about “his time at the White House as former President George W. Bush’s top political adviser,” according to News 8 Austin. “Rove will also share his analysis of key issues the nation currently faces, including health care, the economy and the protection of individual liberties.”

News 8’s description of Rove’s discussion covering “p
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 12:48 AM
Infowars reporter Aaron Dykes was arrested today during a Karal Rove appearance at the University of Texas in Austin TX. Dykes was arrested during an A&A session after he asked rove about the downing street memo and a record documenting a beet between Bush and Tony Blair. where the two leaders discuses painting a reconnaissance aircraft in UN colors in order to provoke iraq. Infowars cameraman Rob Jacobson also was detained by UT Police but released. Please call the Travis County Jail and demand that Aaron Dykes be released immediately.Be polite but firm in your demand that he be released and that it is unconstitutional to arrest journalists on false charges.

The phone number is: 512-854-9033. The Travis County Sheriff's Office Public Information Officer is Roger Wade. His telephone number is: 512-854-4986

That number is NOT his privet house number. It is his work number. It is 100% legal for me to give thin info out and it is 1000% legal for you to call and voice your option

Send this to every one you know.
(visit the link for the full news article)

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:34 AM
Rove is the one
who needs to be in jail

what a scumbag and criminal

and he's making money
off of it

+2 more 
posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:41 AM
Honestly, I stopped paying attention to anything infowars for this very reason.

I bet you a million dollars that the journalist raised his voice and accused Karl of something degrading while asking his questions. That is defamation of character, and that deserves someone to be escorted off the property.

I am not sticking up for Karl Rove, but infowars and infowars supporters are known to be a loud ignorant bunch who are quick to judge and jump to conclusions. Always preaching about JUSTICE, yet totally ignoring the "innocent until proven guilty" part.

Infowars doesn't care, they will accuse people of things in public on a loud speaker even if it is correct or not...

Seriously, INFO WARS.. Think about the name for a minute.. It's not just a name. It's some group playing war games with both true and false info.

Some may have a genuinely real interest in spreading truth, but from what I have seen from infowars from the past 5 years is nothing but hatred and fear being spread via true and false information.

The article posted in the OP is specially designed to fuel hatred in you. I can see it.... it's clear as day. It is also designed to make you think more about a police state which Alex is dedicating his life to making you believe.

Honestly... seriously... what was the last good thing that ever came from Infowars? NOTHING.

[edit on 20-4-2010 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:41 AM
Is that fat little bastard still alive?


Evil personified. Didnt he just have a run in with a pink hat lady at a book signing?

It must be tough to live that way....:shk:

Rove should steer clear of crowds, they dont seem to take very well to him.

Oh and what did the Infowars guy do to merit this? Or is it merely the fact that he is affiliated with Alex Jones? Betcha that's it.

[edit on 20-4-2010 by dgtempe]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

They have something the rest of us lack. Balls. And i can say balls because i've seen it here many times, i do believe.

You may hate me but i speak the truth. I dont mince words.

[edit on 20-4-2010 by dgtempe]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

It doesn't matter what his TONE was or what the content of the question/statement was! As long as it wasn't hate or yelling "FIRE,BOMB" or something. That is no reason to be arrested.

I don't know the whole story but anything Rove and it has to be abuse of power. This guy thinks he is a NOBLE and you are the PEASANTS. He treats the American people that way. He doesn't give a rats ass about anybody but Karl "Scumbag" Rove.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by dgtempe

Uh, speak for yourself.

Infowars doesn't have balls, they have misguided agendas.

Any idiot can show up at a public speech and start yelling out conspiracies in the faces of those so called conspirators.

That will only get you ridiculed, and mocked, and thrown in jail. For Infowars, jail is a good thing because that means they can write about it on PrisonPlanet and get a bunch more blind followers.

No balls, and no brains...

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

I speak for millions.

But you're entitled.


posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:59 AM
I found a link to video of the event:

[edit on 4/20/2010 by this_is_who_we_are]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by DEEZNUTZ
It doesn't matter what his TONE was or what the content of the question/statement was! As long as it wasn't hate or yelling "FIRE,BOMB" or something. That is no reason to be arrested.

You said, as long as it wasn't "hate"...

Well, do you think Infowars would ever "love" Karl rove? No...

Going to a public speech on private property and asking questions which probably included derogatory statements which insulted Karl Rove and could be considered defamation of character is bounds for getting escorted off of the private property. If resisting to be escorted out, they should be arrested for resisting.

I wasn't there, I don't know what was said, but because of the history of Infowars and PrisonPlanet and their overall attitude and lack of respect for anyone or anything, I can make a pretty accurate guess that the journalist probably did the same exact thing that guy did in front of John Kerry. You know the "don't taze me bro!" guy?

I don't know... I will stop posting on this topic since I know there is a crap load of Infowars supporters on ATS.

I just dislike anything Infowars because nothing good has come from their in a very long time. Nothing but fear and hate.

[edit on 20-4-2010 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 02:10 AM
^ Yes, lets go to an alternative person. Rush Limbaugh. Here is a man of true character, someone who speaks the truth, and uses dulcet tones, a true American patriot, father figure like.


Sean Hannity- the boy next door, who also doesnt have anything harsh to say, and spreads the love all over the airwaves, and television, and lets not forget those hate- I mean those love filled rallys of his.


Bill O'- Now there's a man!

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by this_is_who_we_are

Oh wow, I just now watched the video... and sure enough, I called it.

He got up and yelled "You're a liar.. the Iraq war... blahblah (inaudible)"...

Calling someone a liar while they are in the middle of a speech on private property is NOT PROFESSIONAL. They are accusing him of lying (guilty until proven innocent?), and that is defamation of character.

I believe Karl Rove is a liar too, but I'm not going to go pointlessly disrupting his speeches, and accuse him of something that isn't official. That is actually harmful to any truth movement... now they might even disallow certain people from going to these speeches because of loud ignorant journalists from conspiracy websites.

This all seems more like a planned event. I can see it now...

Alex Jones: Hey, lets go to a Karl Rove speech and yell out insulting things like we care, then get arrested so we can put it on the net, claim police state, and then get a billion hits to our website. Yeah that will work.

[edit on 20-4-2010 by ALLis0NE]

[edit on 20-4-2010 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 02:25 AM
THIS is why I don't trust Infowars.... Look at the VERY misleading title of this article:

Infowars Journalist Arrested, Held for Asking Karl Rove a Question During UT Appearance

"Held for asking Karl Rove a Question"....
That is a FAT LIE. That is total propaganda. A complete fabrication.

The journalist was arrested because he interrupted and insulted Karl Rove with a loud (considered antagonizing) voice calling him a liar. That is disturbing the peace.

Also, when the police were escorting him out, he tried to turn around and go back. That is called resisting...

So this entire article is an entire lie, and further supports my distrust and dislike for Infowars, and proves they are nothing but lying scum as well as hypocrites. They are no better than Karl Rove now...

Quote from the article:

Dykes did not cause a disturbance and did not resist arrest as the police charge.

Really, so getting up and yelling "liar" and then yelling about the Iraq war is not a disturbance... sure.. ok...

This here is proof you can't trust Infowars.

[edit on 20-4-2010 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

What else would you call a liar?

Hell, its done in congress, its in vogue now to call em as you sees em. I agree that it is not nice or polite, but these warmongering liars asked for it.

Good nite .

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 02:40 AM
Lies and lies from Infowars, funnily enough the evidence that proves there was indeed a disturbance has been provided by one of their own.

Did anyone else think the cameraman sounded frightened in the video, hardly cool, calm and professional? Hate to say it but I see this as nothing more than kids playing with things they know nothing about and it really does shame conspiracy theorists in general, the more that speak out against crazy behaviour from people like these young men, the better.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

I too don't pay much attention to infowars and alex jones for the reasons you stated but common, like Karl Rove has any class. He tells him to shut up and sit down. What I find really sickening is the applause the clown gets. I can't believe there are still ignorant people out there who even show up to hear this man speak. Everything the clown says is a lie.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 03:03 AM
Karl Rove should be heckled at WHEREVER HE GOES UNTIL HE GOES TO JAIL.

That piece of garbage IS A WAR CRIMINAL.


And defamation of character... ARE YOU KIDDING? You could call that piece of trash A CHILD RAPIST and it would be too kind for him.


Yeah, let's RESPECT HIM!

Respecting war criminal is one of the reasons why Americans are hated worldwide.

[edit on 20-4-2010 by Vitchilo]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Ok, well if you are going to call him out in private places, don't go crying when you get arrested.

Also, please don't go around lying to people and telling them you got arrested just for asking a question. Tell the truth, tell them you got arrested for disrupting the peace and accusing someone of something before you've gone to trial to prove it.

Also, don't lie to them like Infowars did in order to get a bunch of angry people to call the police station to release you.

Originally posted by conspiracy88
reply to post by ALLis0NE

He tells him to shut up and sit down.

Yeah, after he was interrupted by a loud incoherent screamer. I don't blame him.

Let me clarify, I am NOT sticking up for Karl Rove. I don't trust him either.

[edit on 20-4-2010 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 03:45 AM
Nothing good comes out of Infowars?

Really. This site would hardly exist without the tireless efforts of the Infowar team. I'd be willing to wager at least half of the members here at ATS were 'woken up' by Alex Jones and company. Its stunning to me that on a supposed 'conspiracy' site, a huge vocal minority will derail thread after thread whenever Infowars is cited, unknowning and uncaring that Infowars source matirial is almost always MSN public record, and in the cases that an 'inside source' is used, that info is almost always confirmed later by the MSN as legit. Perfect example: the MIAC reports that almost everyone groundlessly decleared a fraud until the documents were confirmed as real (even Ron Pauls camp couldnt believe it) reluctantly by the MSN.

How about another couple quick examples that people cried foul on but were later confirmed to be true: WTO going to level 6 during the swine flu hoax, and John Holdrens Eugenics manifestio 'Ecoscience'. Both times Infowars was ridiculed by MSN and this site as 'more AJ lies' until confirmed by the almighty MSN and independant journalists, and in the case of the Swine Flu, by the WTO itself. The MIAC report was also confirmed by the state as legit. Critics again fell silent after AJ and companys info turned out to be honest journalism.

So to this random poster from the depths of the interweb, people crying foul and disinfo in general, and SPECIFICALLY in this case when a legit reporter was DETAINED, not arrested for asking legit questions that every journalist worth his salt should be asking, to the prince of darkness HIMSELF...well this random poster finds is disgusting that anyone who values freedom would derail, confuse, or downright disinform people in siding with said PRINCE OF DARKNESS over one of the true independant sources of informantion left in this world. It sickens me, and saddens me, that on a site that prides itself on denying ignorance, that anyone would dismiss this clear violation of freedom in favour of one of the most evil public figures one could imagine. Or ANYONE for that matter. Questions are not a crime! Even if you mistakenly believe everything that comes out of Infowars is BS, if you value freedom, you should support their right to ask any questions they want, and write any articles they want, BS or no!

Sucks that I have fallen into the disinfo trap of debating the execution of the messenger, when we should be talking about the topic itself, which is serious and important to anyone who likes freedom. But this Infowar bashing must stop, unless you feel people like Paul Craig Roberts, Ron Paul, Max Kieser, Gerald Celente, John Perkins and MANY other truth tellers are in on the disinfo campaign and conspire with AJ in a conspiracy against conspiracies to mislead us all with disinfo and lies that somehow almost always turn out to be true.

But this response is a derailment in itself. If the subject matter is true (lets assume it is for sake of argument, and id be willing to bet it is) do we support the police state actions of detaining someone asking REAL questions, or dont we? The way we respond to this is critical to all our futures.

Whos peace are we concerned with disturbing exactly? Is calling someone a liar now an arrestable offence, even when addressing the PRINCE of lies and spin?! Seriously!? Messed up that any of you would support this action, you should be ashamed.

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