posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 09:32 AM
Plus, with the the new hotness being home wifi all in ones, what you need is to pass by, crack the signal and download all the archived content for
your personal perusal. Kinkos and the like have contributed a great many documents that were scanned, printed or copied from their machines by people
in an attempt at anonymity to law enforcement and court proceedings resulting in punishments.
Cameras above can't see what you are hovering over holding face down, but the machine tells them the rest of the story from the bottom up. Add in
built in camera images captured when you use cards to combat id/credit fraud/theft and you got a pretty damning case if one needs to be raised against
[edit on 4/20/2010 by LockwithnoKey]
[edit on 4/20/2010 by LockwithnoKey]