posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 06:07 PM
Two United States Army Specialists
speak out about the wikileaked "journalism" murders.
As a former Marine, while what they have to say is controversial, I believe strongly in what these two enlisted men have to say no matter how
controversial. They have opened themselves up to public scrutiny to share with the United States and the world how the men and women on the ground are
feeling about what has been and is currently going on. The enlisted man, not the three star general who's employment is "at will of the President"
and who is therefore forced to be a political mouthpiece for the Executive Branch.
This is real #.
We need to digg this, we need to spread the word on this, these are the words of true Americans who ACTUALLY represent We the People of the United
States of America.
Do not let this get silenced. Read what these two Soldiers have to say, give them the time of day, they said it for us, they could have easily chosen
to just remain silent.
Don't discourage other Soldiers from doing what these Soldiers did by letting them be silenced. Their voices need to be heard.
I was touched by this, I understand that many of you will disagree with what they have to say, but as a Marine I can definitely at least understand
what they are saying.
The Pentagon
refused to apologize, so these two MEN stood up and did what should have been done and apologized anyway.
[edit on 19-4-2010 by sremmos]