posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 12:53 PM
Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, a long, long time ago, music was performed by orchestras consisting of sometimes hundreds of instruments,
and choruses and choirs, consisting sometimes of dozens upon dozens of singers.
It really filled up the sound.
In the late 1800’s an important invention was made that would radically change all this.
The Car, that’s right the car, because soon after the car was invented, the garage was invented.
Soon after the garage was invented the Garage Band was invented.
This was by and large to give people who had a garage, but no car, something to do with their garage.
So they would hang out and play music in it.
Yet there was a problem, very few people could fit in the garage!
With out hundreds of instruments and dozens of singers taking part, well, it sounded a little thin.
Enter technology! Reverb which creates a slight echo is in fact just a way to get a multi vocalist, multi instrumentalist sound, by playing back what
the singer, or instrument player just sang or played a split second later.
This would end up having a tremendous impact on the economy, as musicians, and vocalists being replaced by machines in garages two small for them to
squeeze into, would hence forth ever be known as starving musicians.
This concept, of using machines to enhance performance, would soon lead to the atomization of assembly lines in many other industries, creating a
domino effect that all start with the use of reverb!
Today that domino effect has left millions unemployed and all but destroyed the economy!
Reverb, a bad thing or a good thing? You make the call!