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Introducing the ATS Conspiracy Chicks

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posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:09 PM
After some thought, Ashley and Asala should use Dave Rabbit and Johnny Anonymous as field reporters, wearing nothing but speedos for our female members to get interested in the show.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by blupblup


This Conspiracy Chicks I do believe is just a way to get in new members and is just using the sex sells idea to do it.

I have nothing against the two women. They aren't even the issue here. It could be any female users of this site. Wouldn't make a difference to me.
But the nicknames as people have already said are only there for one reason.

This is just the same as how the site is getting a new layout. It will bring in new members. It's as bad in my opinion as the terrible, cringeworthy endorsing of Robbie Williams and his new album.

One thing that has really annoyed me is the fact that people have voiced their opinions saying they disagree with it, yet all we get from the site owners is contempteous and sarcastic comments.

Thanks a lot.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Springer

But honestly I would rather watch these two girls than Jessie Ventura any day on cons... So I guess sex does sell IMO...

[edit on 19-4-2010 by Gouzze]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Simon_Boudreaux

Whatever happened to Val anyway?

I'm sure Springer can answer that one,

Sure she still sometimes posts, why not check out her membership profile?

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

'Bimbo' has direct connotations of a lack of intellect. To me personally, 'chicks' has associations with energy, femininity, youth, and lightheartedness. Bimbo, bitch, broad, etc., has implicit negative attachments while I do not feel chicks does. Likewise with cutie and what not.

The way I see it, I do believe there is a conspiracy in the works against the masculine and the feminine. A masculine man is often compared to a caveman stone age throwback while a feminine woman is often accused of setting the women's movement back to the 19th century.

I disagree with that. In essence, I feel as if some are saying any attention on the feminine is automatically negative, derogatory, and degrading by default. To me that is far more upsetting. As if, the only way to be taken seriously is to intentionally forsake femininity and the message is unintentionally being delivered that you absolutely cannot be intelligent and attractive at the same time if you are female. Or, perhaps more accurate, you cannot draw attention to the fact.

In this we are seeing something very innovative. And that is, a heavy focus on the feminine- something not widely done, if at all, in conspiracy circles.

The way I am interpreting it is the opposite of what is attempting to be conveyed. In other words, among the accusations that something is sexist, I'm actually wondering what is so offensive about femininity, attractiveness, and brains all in one. It's like watching a television show and having a friend say once an attractive and brainy scientist comes on the show 'Oh please. That actress is so unbelievable. No female scientist looks like that.'

It seems by nature we are programmed to have brains and beauty (and sex appeal) be unnatural to us when presented in one package. As if beauty automatically equates to bimbo and unattractiveness automatically should equate to braininess. It's a shock to our system because we've been programmed to believe the two cannot mutually exist.

I guess it sparks my rebellious side and is a way for us to say femininity, brains, and sexuality is not mutually exclusive and one shouldn't have to hide it in order to be professionally respected and accepted. That's my alternative interpretation of all of this.

P.S. No insult taken.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:14 PM
Also what was wrong with ATS News?

Because basically that's what this new feature boils down to.

Yet they've just got two female users to front so as to glam it up.

These things (amongst many others) are making me question coming to this site anymore. Believe me I come here so often I wouldn't say that lightly.

Considering all the virus warnings I keep getting evertime I come here though, it's a wonder I even bother anymore.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by 1SawSomeThings
reply to post by blupblup

Yeah, and if I had worked on so many topics for so long with so many admirers and fans, I could just see my Texas Bubba fat-face with mustache really bring in the crowds. W00T!

People relax, don't give up before the first show. D@mm!t!!!

I don't see your point?

What are you saying?

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:14 PM
Let's get some perspective here. Shall we?

There is nothing insulting or degrading about the title "Conspiracy Chicks". Now there would certainly be a problem if it was called Conspiracy Bimbos or other such derogatory terms, but that is NOT the case here. Not even close! "Chick" is NOT a derogatory term. It's just a nickname for the female gender...just like "dude" is a nickname for male gender. We DO have male and female genders in the human race! It does NOT mean that one is greater or lesser than the other. It just means that there is a distinction between the two. BIG DEAL! Grow up and get over it!

As for the usage of terms such as "hottie" and "cutie".......SO WHAT! There is nothing insulting or degrading about that either. It does NOT detract from their intelligence at all. It's just an acknowledgement that they both happen to be good looking as well as intelligent. What's wrong with that?

As for the accusations that this project looks similar to mainstream media and marketing tactics, I will say this. GOOD! These alternative topics and viewpoints NEED to be brought to the mainstream! Conspiracy theories, alternative topics, ect, are NOT specialized ideas for you all to carry around in your back pockets like some personalized intellectual talisman. Seems to me that all this false moral outrage from the naysayers is nothing more than a pretense for trying to maintain some sort of special status of being more informed or more enlightened than the rest of the populace. And that is just disgraceful.

All that to say that I really like the concept and even the title of this new ATS show. It is NOT meant to be insulting or degrading at all. But rather, it is meant to bring a fresh and stylish approach to the expression and analysis of content in an otherwise dark and foreboding realm within the marketplace of information and ideas. And you know what? IT WORKS!

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Springer

We use "mainstream, stylistic" production values because they WORK. They attract people rather than repel them.

Please excuse my inferior opnion but I find it extremely ironic that these "mainstream, stylistic" production values were probably originally developed by TPTB as a form of subliminal advertisement to attract people.

I know this strategy works so don't get me wrong because I'll definitely be watching, but it's still a little disappointing to see ATS subsribing to the "if you can't beat'em, join'em" philosophy.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:18 PM
I'm not going to read 21 pages about this topic so if my view has already been expressed then my apologies.

This is a joke. It has nothing to do with the women either. What are you doing ATS? You are now just like the MSM. All I could watch during the teaser video was their eyes and guess what? They are reading off a prompt just like your MSM "counterparts".

I am ashamed for you. There is a reason I have been coming here less over the past year.

Conspiracy chicks! Yeah! Thank goodness you put your efforts into something so meaningful. I am so much better off that you have done this.

Wow. I am at a total loss.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:18 PM
Looks great to me, Ill be watching

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:20 PM
I live in Miami, and for many Latin people, flirtation and sex appeal is a way of life.

It’s not about sex though, or even a prelude to sex, it’s about flattery and feeling good about oneself and making others feel good about themselves.

Arguably both are attractive women, with the one giving my posts more applause, definitely the more attractive of the two! (Proto can be bought for relatively small sums and meaningless things)

Arguably both are intelligent women, with the one giving my posts more applause, definitely being the more intelligent of the two! (Proto can be bought for relatively small sums and meaningless things)

As I go through my old U2U’s of applause, so far Ashley D appears to be both more attractive and more intelligent!

The truth is they are both attractive and smart though, and I am far more likely to watch their show than I was Johnny Anonymous, Johnny never gave me any applause for anything!

Keep the applause coming ladies, and I am bound to do the same!

Two bits-four bits-six bits-a dollar
Everyone who loves the Conspiracy Chicks Stand up and holler!
Gooooooo Conspiracy Chicks!

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by blupblup

Hey blup, of course I get it.
And if there are some out there that don't then I suggest they have no place on ATS really!
Neither of these girls ability or suitaility to present this show is being questioned, it is about production and marketing styles.

Just think this is getting so tedious now.

Some of the best that ATS has to offer squabbling for 20 plus pages??

Why not let everyone sit back and consider all that has been said and wait and see what is presented to us.

Are we really that shallow???

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro

Originally posted by Springer

We use "mainstream, stylistic" production values because they WORK. They attract people rather than repel them.

Please excuse my inferior opnion but I find it extremely ironic that these "mainstream, stylistic" production values were probably originally developed by TPTB as a form of subliminal advertisement to attract people.

I know this strategy works so don't get me wrong because I'll definitely be watching, but it's still a little disappointing to see ATS subsribing to the "if you can't beat'em, join'em" philosophy.

100% spot on.

Alxandro, you've always had a good head on your shoulders and I have agreed with you on just about everything. Only thing is I will definitely not be watching. These "chicks" can't tell me anything reading from a prompt that I can't decipher for myself. Who's prompt are they reading anyways? They seem so robotic.

And once again, this is no slam against either of the women.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Simon_Boudreaux

i don't think the people having problems with this are females. So the speedo thing would be for the males here who would prefer to see a male (or presumably an ugly woman or asexual woman or a woman in a paper bag/abaya,etc) of any kind, than a woman.

There's also that element that sees anything glitzy as decadent materialism and capitalistic and therefore, would naturally dislike the entire presentation, from beautiful ladies to beautiful art to snazzy graphics and catchy buzzwords. And finally, there's the folks who don't like white women. Had they been of a different racial color, the problem would perhaps be less pronounced.

I say put an ugly white woman on there, and the problem is solved. their dim view of women and particularly western women of the caucasian variety could be assuaged by a butt ugly version of what they already see as an inferior race to begin with. Gimme a spot. I'll teach them to appreciate beautiful intelligent women and quit their belly aching about what is clearly just a problem with projection!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (deep breath) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:22 PM
For those of you thinking it's about just getting new members or to make more money have only been here for a year or so. If you have been here for years and have watched ATS grow and seen the many things that the Amigos have done and tried out then you would know doing it for money isn't the case. It's about making ATS better and finding ways of reaching a bigger audience to get the information out there to those that don't have time to read through numerous pages of threads or having to weed out all the off topic posts just to get the good info in those threads.

For those of us that HAVE been here for awhile have seen all these things, and know some have worked out and some haven't.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:22 PM

[edit on 19-4-2010 by December_Rain]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:22 PM
So is it alright now for members to refer to women members as "chicks"
"hotties" "cuties" "babes" in the normal course of posting?

Will some of the women members be offended at the use of these terms?

Should they be?

[edit on 19-4-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:23 PM
The add is a humorous send up of how the MSM would run adds for shows if they could. Its taken to the extreme because that's what humor does. That was my first impression and it hasn't changed.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
In essence, I feel as if some are saying any attention on the feminine is automatically negative, derogatory, and degrading by default. To me that is far more upsetting. As if, the only way to be taken seriously is to intentionally forsake femininity and the message is unintentionally being delivered that you absolutely cannot be intelligent and attractive at the same time if you are female.

How does a member applaud a mod?

That is Excellent!!!!!

Very well said, it's interesting how you don't often see insight like this in today's society. Everybody is too busy being offended or offensive and nobody just stops and think anymore.

I mean WOW!!!
What an amazing post!

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