posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 03:45 PM
I say official because my 1st intro thread got removed (due to my fault ) to the fact that I posted a couple things which I shouldn't of. Sorry
But yea...I would like to take this minute to say hello to everyone....HELLLO!!!
So Iv been lurking for about a 2 months on this site and quit enjoy it. Gotta be very open minded though. Some people just seem too crazy or to much
into their own fantasy world. As for me I am also very opened minded and usually look into anything if it catches my eyes and would do a little more
research if the given info doesnt please me. then right before sleep, while laying down, I would go threw everything I researched and what not, and
decide what my final stand on the topic would be so I can wake up happy
I do have my own thoughts on religion and those kinds of topics but also
kinda sometimes find myself questioning my own beliefs which in natural for a human I guess. But yea, once again hey to everyone and its nice meeting
you all
P.S - When will I be able to make an account to upload photos so I can put my Avatar in?
[edit on 18-4-2010 by YouCanCallMeKM]