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On April 19th 2010 The Voice Of Freedom Will Be Heard Across America

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posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 03:09 PM

On April 19, 2010, the Voice of Freedom will be heard from Hawaii to Maine as Constitutionalists gather in every Capital City to simultaneously sing the praises of America and Her Constitution, and to serve the Articles of Freedom on Her federal and state officials.

The Articles of Freedom, include a series of Remedial Instructions for both the Federal and State governments – instructions designed to restore constitutional governance in America, together with a Nationwide Civic Action and Pledge signifying the belief that:

a) for decades and over many administrations, both political parties have been violating the

Constitution and the states have acquiesced;

b) the Articles of Freedom should be served on key elected officials in the federal government and all 50 state governments;

c) the federal and state officials should comply with the Remedial Instructions designed to put an end to the violations and restore constitutional governance; and

d) if the government officials refuse to comply, the People shall engage in a nationwide, well-organized, pro-active, non-violent series of civic actions, including economic sanctions if ultimately necessary, to peaceably procure the relief they are entitled to under our system of governance.

The Articles of Freedom must now be delivered to our federal and state elected officials. In Unity, and with a single mindedness of purpose (our process goes beyond Tea Parties and beyond Elections, Parties and Personalities), the Plan is to deliver the Articles of Freedom on April 19th at the same moment in time, across all time zones in America, regardless of what other “patriotic” events may be scheduled that day or any other day in April.

This is where your service is required. In many states, there is great activity underway. In others, we need you to ensure all states participate.

The Plan

I find it intresting that this plan is kicking off on the 19th. The Guardians of the Free Republics Served the Governors letters on the 29th of March.

I wonder how this will be received by the establishment?

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 18-4-2010 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 03:13 PM
Though im not a US citizen it is a nice thing to see and i hope enough people will contribute to this with their attendance.

It is time to take back your country and constitution.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 03:19 PM
These Articles of Freedom are absolutely meaningless pieces of paper, just like the Constitution. The criminals are in control and NO piece of paper is going to change anything, and if you don't like it you are a terrorist.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by warisover

This Articles are in no way meaningless, you are an ignorant fool to say so.

They are only meaningless as long nobody makes sure they are followed.

In that sense.


[edit on 18-4-2010 by Impetus]

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Impetus

Welcome Impetus, I see you are a new member.
You are absolutely right, the Constitution does mean something and you are also right that it time to take back our country, words are meaningless, action works.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 03:30 PM
I hope this is true. I really, really want it to happen.

The fact that Arizona is allowing folks to carry concealed weapons without a permit is hopefully evidence of what is about to take place.

The fact that an Ohio judge has told its residents to arm themselves is another piece of evidence.

This must happen! We won't bow down to those who are shredding the Constitution!

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by Aquarius1

Thanks for welcoming me!

Originally posted by Afterthought
I hope this is true. I really, really want it to happen.

The fact that Arizona is allowing folks to carry concealed weapons without a permit is hopefully evidence of what is about to take place.

The fact that an Ohio judge has told its residents to arm themselves is another piece of evidence.

This must happen! We won't bow down to those who are shredding the Constitution!

Then i hope you will attend this event, people like you and me can make sure that we get what we need by expressing ourselves and by showing that we are not as much sheeple as they hoped we are.

And as Aquarius said, action works so dont sit at home talking, go outthere and take back whats yours.


posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 04:02 PM
for those that go
please take along ur cameras and
camcorders so all capitals rallies
can be posted on the internet
for the world to see.

however, I expect big brother
to covertly interrupt these rallies
by placing moles in the crowd
to incite violence so the crackdown
of martial law can begin.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Impetus

I wish I could attend, but my pocketbook is about bare & I'll need all my remaining funds for my attorney this week. I'm already waging my battle against Bank of America in the hopes that I will get to keep what's mine as well as pave the way for others. That's about the best I can do at the moment.

Welcome to ATS

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 04:22 PM
Articles of Freedom Delivery Day April 19th (5min)

Forward this to everyone you know.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:08 PM
Times are turbulent and Americans are waking up to our diminishing liberties and our failed system of corrupt government and corrupt politicians doing what is only in their interests.

While I have no doubt that the voice of freedom will be heard on April 19th regarding our freedoms and our form of government, but April 19th is also the first day of a 13 day period that begins a 13 period of evil which is April 19th through May 1st, 2010.

Will the Space shuttle explode while attempting to land? Will some fake CIA/Muslims fanatics bomb some US Embassy or some naval ship or worse? Will the secret corrupt government intentionally explode nuclear devices in American cities?

Will the federal government crack down in a violent way and or perhaps begin shooting and rounding up those that attend large gatherings to create a contrived resistance to the federal government's crack down on those promoting a return to the Constitution and a free Republic?

When the first day of the April 19 through 1 May period begins, it will involve death and dying as a sacrifice to their dark lord Lucifer? This is the key element that you should look for. Violence, death and suffering begins on April 19th and if it lasts till May 1st, then you and others can rest assured that those that use such dates for such evil are going to be very busy starting tomorrow, so in that regard let's hope for the best and that they haven't planned too much evil for this period.

Time will tell but if history has proven anything is that April 19th is going to be filled with much that will try to pass as ordinary. Don't be fooled. Anything or anyone that ends up dead on April 19th by acts of violence were planned for April 19th and as such that implies that whatever happens is happening because someone wants it to happen even if includes someone dying to satisfy the ritual requirements for the dark ritual that must be performed at this time of year by those that worship their dark lord of evil called Lucifer, the Illuminated One.

Whatever happens will begin on April 19th and if it has a crescendo after some buildup, it will most likely happen on the 13th day, May 1st which is the birth date of the Illuminate. This is not a coincidence, so in that regard, do not be fooled into thinking that this 13 day period means nothing because to do so would be foolish.

We are about to find out in a few precious hours and I for one hope that calmer minds will prevail, but I do not think for one moment that this evil group will miss a ritual opportunity to help them usher in a New World Government even if it involves Martial Law and round ups of Americans deemed a threat to the nation.

So get ready, because it's coming fast and when it arrives we will know without a doubt that what we are witnessing when we see it is pure evil that someone planned as part of a blood ritual that gets performed each year during this special 13 day period of evil. Get ready, because it's coming and I for one do not look forward to what may happen to fulfill their sacrificial blood ritual of evil.

Thanks for the posting.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:41 PM
With the Articles of Freedom and the Restore America Plan in action, its a change from all the meaningless protest and petitions.

I firmly beleive that this may be the last means of demanding Redress, just as the Declaration of Independence did in 1776.

Are we as a people, become too passive to take it to the next level should all peaceful means fail?

If only 3-5 % of the population stood up we will win!

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 07:03 PM
We can hope, pray and motivate each other, just as are forefathers did, and win back our country.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 08:31 PM
Hmmm, thought I already posted this...

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by MaxBlack

I agree Max, times are quite turbulent right now. This plan, as I have studied it, is America's only hope to return to a time of Constitutional values and a respecting of everyone's rights as a sovereign person instead of a "citizen" of the corporation. I think the governors will see it as a no win situation not to sign on, but the bullets could start flying if the central government balks, or tries to order troops against the movement. Don't think it will come to that, we are many, they are few. They work for us, and it's time they knew that.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Afterthought
I hope this is true. I really, really want it to happen.

The fact that Arizona is allowing folks to carry concealed weapons without a permit is hopefully evidence of what is about to take place.

The fact that an Ohio judge has told its residents to arm themselves is another piece of evidence.

This must happen! We won't bow down to those who are shredding the Constitution!

It is true. I am delivering to a Senator and a Congressman in our state at 2 p.m. sharp today. This is a group that has for years taken all the right steps by the Constitution for redress of grievence. It has been through the courts multiple times and not answered.

Today they are getting legal notice of intentions. I suggest to everyone that you read the 63 pages of it.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:39 AM
I noticed that some are worried about this so-called "Devil's Day." Why would the organizers of this "Delivery Day" direct it to be the same day as Devil's Day. They are, many of them, supposedly God-fearing people so wouldnt they know what day it is? Mischief takes no prejudice to motives or meanings. Just a thought.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 08:25 AM
Do you love it that "patriots" could not be motivated to get off their fat arses and protest or otherwise act when Bush literally called the Constitution "that g0ddamned piece of paper," then proved his disgust for it by writing and passing the Patriot Act. Concurrently, he was looting the treasury and murdering for war profits for his and Cheney's best friends. Meanwhile his other cronies and buddies in big business were busy raping America. But none of this was enough to get all you tough guys off the couch.

But now that a 1/2 black guy with a non-typical and foreign-sounding name is in the White House, it must be End of Times and a constitutional crisis the "patriot" movement steps into high gear.

Hypocrites, fools and cowards because they are moved by fear, not facts.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 08:28 AM
good luck with this guys...and thanks to anyone taking part..

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by SWCCFAN

Thanks for this is information, i was not aware of this. Though i doubt much will come out of this i will be attending today in austin texas. i'll bring camera along with me and take some footage.
i hope to find other board members doing the same.

See y'all later with some footage.

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