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ghosts and the dead?

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posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:23 PM
its taken for granted that ghosts are dead people trapped in limbo before going to heaven or hell , as a person who believes in something paranormal but not heaven or hell , i have a theory

are there any direct links to ghosts being of dead people ? i mean - is there some kind of evidence to suggest a ghost is a spirit (i know evidence is lacking of ghosts but just something, no matter how small, to back it up)

my take on it is - afaik - the visual sightings of ghosts seem to be played back like videos - this isnt a spirit (if spirits have a conciousness then they would do something else instead of the same old boring shlt) and therefor more like an echo of energy

now the ghosts who seem to interact with people are the invisible types who open doors , write things , make funny noises etc , this could be a form of energy from a living person

if this is the case then the long thought of "undead spirit" wandering around is actually not true and really it is just psychic energy in one form or another

anyone have anything else to add to this theory?

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:31 PM
I remember seeing something on that TV show "Sightings" once about ghosts being latent energy from past events. Powerful events, like the Battle of Gettysburg for example, left an energy print on the area that was viewable and would be replayed so to speak at times. Interesting theory.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
my take on it is - afaik - the visual sightings of ghosts seem to be played back like videos - this isnt a spirit (if spirits have a conciousness then they would do something else instead of the same old boring shlt) and therefor more like an echo of energy

It is called residual hauntings. Google it and you'll find massive amounts of information.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:43 PM
i know - what im saying is that hauntings have nothing to do with spirits of the dead wandering around our world and its actually psychic energy released from living people now or people that where alive at the time

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:44 PM
Who knows. Personally, if there really is such a thing as ghosts, I don't want to have anything to do with them. Who knows what their motives are?

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:57 PM
Their motives would probably be not much different than what they were when they were alive...

And with EVP's you can probably find out if they're really ghosts or just residual energy...

[Edited on 4-6-2004 by TheBandit795]

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 04:05 PM
The first thing you're talking about there is the Imprinting of an Event or Experience on the surrounding area. That's an idea that's been kicking about for years.

The second thing you're talking about is Poltergeist activity, mostly centred around individuals and more widely accepted as not actually spirit behaviour but more a projection of One persons sunconscious feelings.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 04:12 PM
My thoughts on this tend to put apparitions into several categories. Some I definately believe are psychic imprints of energy upon a specific location. I also believe that these will replay the energy imprinted there. I'm not convinced that what we witness and classify as ghosts are infact our dear departed loved ones. Sure they look like them, but seeing as we are the energy source such entities need to manifest (OK....that's my psychic vampire idea) it would make sense that we'd see something our perceptions would recognize. BUT.... and it's a bit butt, The most profound haunting I ever encountered personally involved me and a buddy when we rented a house in the Azores while in the military. The owner began pulling up the floor boards and replacing all the floors in the place. We had WILD stuff happening every night while this was going on. Loud banging...pots smashed against walls from one side of the room to another. Misty apparitions floating above my friends bed trying to get in with him. A disembodied ladies head sitting on my night stand that dissappeared when I grabbed the bat I had next to my bed. (At this point I wasn't sure if it was a ghost or people breaking in and screwing with me.) Every occurance came with a nearly nauseating scent of lilacs. We were so sure we'd have something happen, that we had folks stay over a few times just to see for themselves. One woke up to see his bed being shaken violently with no one next to it. He left.... My Buddy and I were talking about this and we agreed that the entity was female.... we decided to give her a name and we both said Lenore at the same time. So we went with it. Turns out the owners grandmother's name was Lenore and she loved the house and was quite particular about how well the place was kept. He said his main memory of her as she died when he was a boy...was that she always wore too much Lilac scented purfume. Later after the floors were done and Lenore apparently went away, I was rummaging around in the loft of the barn of the house we lived in. There I found the bottom of an old barrel made into a frame...painted black glass on one end containing a black wreath and a framed photo of a lady. She looked exactly like the head on my night stand only older... The landlord identified the photo of his grandmother Lenore.
So I guess that would go against my theory, but as I said, you can't put everything you see into one category or explanation

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 04:19 PM

The first thing you're talking about there is the Imprinting of an Event or Experience on the surrounding area. That's an idea that's been kicking about for years.

The second thing you're talking about is Poltergeist activity, mostly centred around individuals and more widely accepted as not actually spirit behaviour but more a projection of One persons sunconscious feelings.

i know that , what i am saying is "GHOSTS MIGHT NOT BE THE SPIRITS OF DEAD PEOPLE AT ALL"
most of society seems to thing ghosts are the spirits in limbo walking the earth still - im saying that THERE ARE NO SPIRITS - do you get it now ?

i was asking if there was any direct proof to link the dead with ghosts ?

oh , and thanks Gislebertus for shooting down my theory

[Edited on 4-6-2004 by acidhead]

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 04:24 PM
What are you fishing for a religious afterlife flame war or something?

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 04:29 PM
moi ? how dare one think such a thing?

i have not a clue what you could be talking about ?

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 04:36 PM
Always happy to destroy a theory... hell I destroy my own all the time!
I eluded in my posting that you could have a good point there about Ghosts not always being kindly Old Auntie Millie. There's a lot of crap floating around out there and if you are some odd dimensional entity looking to contact or cross into this world.... what better way than to appear as Kindly old Auntie Millie to someone who wants to see her.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by acidhead

The first thing you're talking about there is the Imprinting of an Event or Experience on the surrounding area. That's an idea that's been kicking about for years.

The second thing you're talking about is Poltergeist activity, mostly centred around individuals and more widely accepted as not actually spirit behaviour but more a projection of One persons sunconscious feelings.

i know that , what i am saying is "GHOSTS MIGHT NOT BE THE SPIRITS OF DEAD PEOPLE AT ALL"
most of society seems to thing ghosts are the spirits in limbo walking the earth still - im saying that THERE ARE NO SPIRITS - do you get it now ?

i was asking if there was any direct proof to link the dead with ghosts ?

I knew what you were trying to put across. What i was saying was that it's hardly a new theory, is it?

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 05:39 AM
i dont know - i havent a clue what yours or anyone elses theory is of ghosts , all i know is after searching the net - the main theory is that ghosts are dead people still wandering the earth

sorry if i wasnt totally original for you

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 05:56 AM
The other possibility is ghosts aka poltergeists are human manifestations of the psyche.

So be careful what you think or you may be unintentionally scaring the masses.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 10:15 AM
In my humble opinion there are 2 main forms of "ghosts"

Ghosts - These are people who have stayed on this plane because they have unfinished buisness or are simply so attached to a place or object they cant bear to leave it behind. e.g someone waiting for a loved one to return or a servant who spent his entie life looking after and running a mansion. Most ghosts dont even realise they are dead, so they spend there days carrying on with the things they would normally do when they were alive, and percieve everywhere as it was when they were alive.

Spirits - These are loved ones, friends and guides etc, who have gone onto the higher vibrational plain and are much rarer too percieve visually, purely because their vibration is so high. They usually like to visit in dreams and when you are meditating. They can also cause smells which would remind you of them, and will touch you lightly on your head or back of the neck.

There is also things like imprints but I think somone else mentioned these before.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 11:12 AM
Until you have actually died, it's speculation at best and pure bunko at worst. So anyone speaking on authority of fact about where the dead are is full of it. I have experienced several NDE's and I have recieved no indication that the dead stick around trapped in a limbo between dimensions.

There's no security breaches in the firewall between here and there imo or it would be called M$ Heaven XP...

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 10:09 AM
I've read about experienced astral projections who "eliminate" ghosts...

They go out, into the lower planes and find the deceased people who are attached to the phyisical world, or who have no idea that they're dead. They then try to get their attention, and talk to them to try to get them in the higher realms, so they can get help go on with their lives, and keep developing...

Regenmacher, you may have had NDE's but I guess it's better to learn astral projection, because while AP-ing you are better able to get the information you want, or go where you want IMO. In an NDE, based on the experience of what I've read, your NDE experience is mostly directed by other beings, or by your subconscious.

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