posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 01:56 PM
I do not have the Abacus prospectus in my possession, but I do have the exact wording involved apparently below. It will be interesting to see how
the SEC pursues this as it is clearly delineated in the prospectus that was handed out that Goldman can/will go against you in the trade...
Goldman Sachs does not make any representation, recommendation or warranty, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, reasonableness or
completeness of the information contained herein or in any further information, notice or other document which may at any time be supplied in
connection with the Transaction and accepts no responsibility or liability therefore. Goldman Sachs is currently and may be from time to time in
the future an active participant on both sides of the market and have long or short positions in, or buy and sell, securities, commodities, futures,
options or other derivatives identical or related to those mentioned herein. Goldman Sachs may have potential conflicts of interest due to present or
future relationships between Goldman Sachs and any Collateral, the issuer thereof, any Reference Entity or any obligation of any Reference
Sounds like someone didn't read the contract before going into negotiations...
What do you guys think? Very very very interesting...