posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 01:25 AM
Another long-time lurker, first time poster......
Hello all! I'll keep this short and sweet. Well I have been a member here since last year, but never had my own internet connection until
recently. I've visited this on a daily basis, but from a tiny cell phone that never let me log in. Well, all that is cleared up now, so I thought
i'd introduce myself..
Im a 25 year old male with a vast interest and knowledge about many subjects here on ATS. I love listening to, talking, and debating about
spirituality, religion, the metaphysical, the NWO, 9/11, our American government, secret societies, hidden archeology, ancient history and
civilizations, politics, UFO's, cosmology, theoretical physics, all physics in general, art, our beautiful planet, science, astrology, astrotheology;
basically anything that can be learned! My imagination is ALWAYS at work and therefore my thirst for knowledge is never quenched.
I am also a musician and have been since I was a child, and play multiple instruments. I am very spiritual, and practice daily meditation aswell
as yoga, and am currently in the process of investigating past lives. My interests and knowledge cover a wide range of subjects, and I feel I can
offer unique views and discussion here on ATS. I look forward to posting new threads and replying to many posts in the very near future! Thank you
for reading my intro!
[edit on 17-4-2010 by Enigami]