Bleh, everyone saying " dont do it" ... has done exactly that, not done it. so their opinion is pretty invalid.
everyone I talk to from the service including family and friends have different opinions, ... some love it, some think its boring, some say, " eh,
it's ok" ...... but all of them have one thing in common......
They would do it again in a heartbeat. My " lil sis" is going into the airforce next month to be a cook.
and I'm thinking about going in perhaps after the summer, I'm not sure what branch. so if there's anyone out there who are in the military can you
tell us what branch your in, the pro's and con's, ... and what branch you think is best.
which is what this OP is supposed to be about..... instead of " don't do it" and " how would you feel if you shot a baby with a rocket
Wether or not you agree with the war or the government is of no consequence, there are countless jobs which don't involve combat. You could be a
medic and save american as well as iraqi lives.
Don't make it anymore than it is, even if you die in combat,.. your not dying for your country. Your dying for yourself, .... because thats the
career path you chose, you knew the risk, .... and at the end of the day ....... it's just a job.
or is it ??? perhaps you can join with a personal sense of responsibility, ... so there is no collateral damage, and so you can bring to light any
war crimes you witness and actualy make a difference.
The choice is yours DanielSon.
[edit on 18-4-2010 by IntastellaBurst]