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False Flag alert. Dates & Agency

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posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Mr.Noman

Originally posted by Anti-Evil
its sort of like blackmail in my opinion - the can pull this rabbit out of the hole anytime they feel like it. after all what are we going to do - they control the media - the police - the army .... ?> what do we control - >>?

If we could just learn that together we are the majority and they are the minority and stop being so afraid to "die" then we could overthrow it all. After all, it is within our constitutional rights.

[edit on 17-4-2010 by Mr.Noman]

I would stand with you my friend.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by ClearJustMind

Originally posted by Mr.Noman

Originally posted by Anti-Evil
its sort of like blackmail in my opinion - the can pull this rabbit out of the hole anytime they feel like it. after all what are we going to do - they control the media - the police - the army .... ?> what do we control - >>?

If we could just learn that together we are the majority and they are the minority and stop being so afraid to "die" then we could overthrow it all. After all, it is within our constitutional rights.

[edit on 17-4-2010 by Mr.Noman]

I would stand with you my friend.

And i too mate, if the worst was to happen, i would urge the majority of the people to question everything before they are fed what the controlled media tell you. As 9 11 was false flag operation, please dont be susceptible in falling for another one. Question everything first before yall point fingers

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:09 AM
bunch of bs about a bunch of bs. if an event happens, it happens. but no one on ats is going to know about it and ats isn't going to stop anything. all illusions of grandeur, imo.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by tracer7

Can you give some example our Sources for this? im interested.


[edit on 17-4-2010 by ThraexX]

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by mikelee

If this turns out to be half as false as the last false flag that was last flagged as False
when Israel was going to bomb Iran, then this is just another false False Flag.

To Date, none of these False Flags have ever eventuated, If you keep
catapulting the Propaganda eventually one might hit the target.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by ClearJustMind

Originally posted by Mr.Noman

Originally posted by Anti-Evil
its sort of like blackmail in my opinion - the can pull this rabbit out of the hole anytime they feel like it. after all what are we going to do - they control the media - the police - the army .... ?> what do we control - >>?

If we could just learn that together we are the majority and they are the minority and stop being so afraid to "die" then we could overthrow it all. After all, it is within our constitutional rights.

[edit on 17-4-2010 by Mr.Noman]

I would stand with you my friend.

Same as I my friends..

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:33 AM
The timing, the warnings, the preparations, the timing. This is an election year. Seems to me to be a trifecta. The economy is threatening to reveal itself to all, the Nov elections will oust the current Majorities, the terrorists are ever so more terrorizing now that we are all so aware that they are trying to get NUKES omg!!!!! Fear sarcasm.

If there is to be a "terrorist" nuke attack, this is the year, some time before the elections - long enough to postpone for some time or even eiliminate the elections with martial law and a new economic model - saving the country.

Thank god for those protecting us.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 09:00 AM
I have put some information regarding this upcoming NLE 2010 in the following thread that was created a few days back:

"No-notice" or mysterious NLE 2010

This exercise or "drill" is spanned across a time frame of more than a month and one of the primary objectives of this "drill" is to check the preparedness of the authorities in the event of a nuclear catastrophe.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by ClearJustMind

Can anyone honestly tell me that they accurately predicted the September 11th Attacks? I mean this in a non-demonizing way guys, no disrespect to the "Truthers", out there. I myself am not what you consider a Truther though.

Dear Clear - Well we know some people were warned in advance NOT to travel by plane on 9/11, Willie Brown ex-Mayor of San Francisco reported this on the news that he was warned by someone in Washington DC not to travel by plane on 9/11. Also, some folks knew enough in advance to do "put" options on the exact airlines whose planes were allegedly involved in crashing into the twin towers. Those are just two of what might be called predictions about 9/11. - Whatever 9/11 was, it certainly wasn't a surprise to many in power at that time and a warning to the leasees of the Twin Towers would have been nice. I think it is uncomfortable to believe people could have let this happen for whatever reason but just observe the cover up afterward and the resistance to any kind of REAL investigation by many in the government and their talking puppets, the media. If you look closely there are too many anomalies. I'm not trying to change your mind. Think as you wish. But this forum allows us to explore all avenues of inquiry and I think it is important we do. .. Sincerely, LMD

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by yoesse

Every year since 2001 some oganisation comes forward and says Al-Queda has a Nuke.
As no proof has ever been offered, and nothing has blown up one can
assume they haven't. Who would gain from saying these things:
Al-Queda, abosolutely not
USA, due to the loss of Interest shown by other countries, it's a neat way of getting them back on board.

If Al-Queda had a Nuke they would have used it by now in either Israel or USA,
unless their waiting for the Last man standing.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Anti-Evil
I think they are bending the News to Say Iran is Al Qaida. but that just really listening to the language and sentence structure. but you never know until it happens. but I think we will be missing a City if we dont go along with their plans. its sort of like blackmail in my opinion - the can pull this rabbit out of the hole anytime they feel like it. after all what are we going to do - they control the media - the police - the army .... ?> what do we control - >>?

What is the chain of command required to order a nuclear strike on a domestic target?

If you look at this you can discover the likelihood that this would occur. I think the likelihood is very, very low that they could pull this off without a hitch.

Always remember that military have a responsibility to defy illegal orders, especially an illegal order as obviously illegal as "we are detonating a nuke in Hollywood." The military has a stated function, to protect We the People of the United States of America. Any order to detonate a nuclear bomb in order to kill large numbers of innocent "the People" is an extremely illegal order.

I think that if any official tried to move a domestic and armed nuclear bomb into any major city a lot of red flags would go up and it would get leaked to the public.

Do not let disinformation and government scare tactics convince you that these supposed "NWO" could just do whatever they want. It's not the case.

It is possible that they are building up talks of nuclear war for propaganda reasons, and in fact likely, but don't kid yourself into believing that a false flag nuclear detonation is necessary. The cold war had the nation in fear to such an extent that it was reflected in art, music, poetry, writing, fiction, and etc. Fear was a fundamental part of the cold war culture even though no nuke ever detonated on a United States population center.

In fact, your fears that a false flag attack is imminent is proof that they don't actually need to false flag a nuclear detonation. The fear of being instantly vaporized by your own government is a chilling thing, right?

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by LaMadameDuval

But Brown flew anyway, If he felt his life was in danger he would not have gone
period. It has never been Identified who the person was, so he did not know them.
And out of all Public figures in the USA, a unkown person just calls up
brown out of the blue to tell him not to go. As for the 4,000 jews that were
told DCM, that also turned out to be bogus.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 09:30 AM
If I could flag this a 100x, I would. Great catch with the Public Intelligence getting the removal notice!! This is very, very disturbing and important. Link for that:

But why May 13th? If they do it, they want to do it at the beginning of the week's news cycle .

Operation Eagle Horizon (phoenix reference) is May 17 - 19. Obama has gone from "scheduled" tests/ exercises to "no- notice" tests, cancelling the location of Las Vegas and now to be held at an undisclosed location.

Since "they" know that we know about their use of training exercises in conjunction with false flags (due to making exercises "no-notice"), we can assume it will NOT be on those specific dates, but in a timeframe close to it so as to have plausibe cover that they are not correlated. My guess is before, by a week or so. If they do it before Monday May 17, strong dates would be May 3rd Monday, May 4th Tuesday and May 10th, 11th MON, Tues.

My own guess is Los Angeles, with an anthrax attack, not a nuke attack. A nuclear attack just doesn't serve their interests as efficiently as an anthrax attack (conditioning the masses to be mass vaccinated/ mass medical countermeasure compliant when the inevitable bird flu and swine flu recombination cover story in 2012 is unveiled, by the distribution of anthrax vaccine and antibiotic dispensing and also to get funding to build the "health" infrastructure needed to achieve nation wide vaccination). My thread on this topic:

I'm imagining that the storyline will be Al Queda teams up with US militias in Riverside and they travel to nearby Los Angeles. From a dead news link from my thread:

Al-Qaida's American-born spokesman on Sunday called on Muslims serving in the U.S. armed forces to emulate the Army major charged with killing 13 people in Fort Hood. [...] Gadahn grew up on a goat farm in Riverside County, California, and converted to Islam at a mosque in nearby Orange County.

"You shouldn't make the mistake of thinking that military bases are the only high-value targets in America and the West. On the contrary, there are countless other strategic places, institutions and installations which, by striking, the Muslim can do major damage," he said, an assault rifle leaning up against a wall next to him. [...] In the latest video, Gadahn said those planning attacks did not need to use only firearms like Hasan, but could use other weapons. "As the blessed operations of September 11th showed, a little imagination and planning and a limited budget can turn almost anything into a deadly, effective and convenient weapon."

In what manner would they disperse the anthrax? The great propaganda mouthpiece Huffington Post just posted the "hypothetical" scenario.

Never mind. The weapon will be a state-of-the-art agricultural sprayer launched from the countryside. It will fly at 229 m.p.h. and spray 660 gallons of liquid that in a single pass might cover as much as three square miles of cityscape. The aim is to spread inhalational anthrax through the population below. But first, the terrorist needs to overcome many huge obstacles just to launch the attack. The amount of anthrax required to cause even the radically fewer fatalities we arrive at below would dwarf two to four pounds - that small an amount would result in few fatalities. Thanks to well designed experiments based on worldwide, decades-long agricultural spraying using a harmless relative of anthrax we have data to calculate what he will need and how he must use it. Modern crop "dusters" deliver only liquids, so the killing power must come from sprayed droplets that by chance remain suspended as an extremely fine mist and are breathed in by those on the ground. Most drops will fall without much effect. To achieve the required dosage of deadly Ames strain anthrax the spores must be suspended in liquid so finely that their clumps are no larger than five microns -- smaller than a red blood cell - and it will take 115 pounds of those spores, not four.

Where does he get a deadly anthrax strain? The only likely place: Fort Detrick, Maryland, source of the spores that killed five people and left two dozen permanently injured in the "Amerithrax" letter attacks of October, 2001. The anthrax in those letters reportedly was enough to kill many thousands of people -- under ideal conditions -- and those spores were almost certainly stolen by a lab insider with access. If a few grams were stolen, how could anyone handle such deadly pathogens and culture them from a few stolen grams into 115 pounds -- then weaponize them to the sophisticated degree that even the Amerithrax powder was not. How will the payload spores be kept from clumping in the tanks as they naturally do? Beyond the five-micron size limit they will not penetrate deeply into the victims' lungs; few infections will follow.

No matter. Given: the terrorist is airborne with this most improbable cargo. Now the spores are released. At 229 m.p.h, it would take only four to five minutes for the "duster" to unload over three square miles. If the terrorist can get from takeoff to target without detection by air defense - what are the odds? -- he may be able to cover that area before being shot down. Everyone in the drop zone, of course, must be out in the open and fail to notice an aircraft only 60 yards overhead spraying mist, and they must fail to seek medical treatment. Inhalational anthrax is treatable if caught early. Again, no matter. Given: they all have been so exposed. Under these ideal conditions, which stretch even the most fearful imagination, we calculate the maximum death toll at 3,100.

I know, not a staggering death toll (but coincidentally the same number for 9-11...), but that isn't the point, which is control, a brief taste of martial law, and a mass medical countermeasure distribution.

And they get to say that American thought criminals are in league with Al Queda. Can they get to say that with a nuclear attack? No.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 09:32 AM
This scenario brings to mind 9/11 and it's series of breakdown in national air defense, command and control structure just so the thing could "happen". What worries me is there's been little talk of Missing Nukes and the possibility they could 're-surface' in the hands of our favorite long-dead terrorist guy Osama Binladen.

Folks who doubt the validity of government's official story of just what happened on September 11 can certainly 'see clearly' what's wrong with this latest NLE. It seems our government is hell-bent on scaring the crap out of us with all this terror. The real lesson learned, is we cannot depend on them to protect us BEFORE something happens (ya know like you see in movies?!), but rather use the event to become more frightening themselves.

Ohh....when will they learn?!!

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 09:36 AM
Funny you say that, op. For months, I've had a nagging gut of a flash boom incident ocuring here in atlanta. Either its nothing, or something....or maybe its the failed reintro of!

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by sremmos

Everything you are saying makes perfect sense and sounds good and all but it also reminded me of Nukes go Missing. Stories like that lead me to wonder just exactly how secure that all is. Apparently someone in the military was both not looking out for we the people and was able to cause a nuclear weapon to become unaccounted for. That seems like a very dangerous combination.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 09:40 AM
I've been reading a couple threads pointing to some type of attack on the Poish leaders' funeral this weekend. Many heads of state will be in attendance, despite the grounded air traffic in Europe.

And there's another thread that goes into detail about the significance of April 19th in history as it relates to the so-called illuminatti.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 09:53 AM
If a false flag attack occurs, it will be to start a civil war in the United States.

The far left progressives have control of Washington now and they know that they will lose power come November and we will have a divided government.

If you're for small government, you're now called anti-government, racist and even a terrorist. The left compares anyone that disagrees with Obama and their agenda Timothy McVeigh.

So, if there's a false flag attack, I think it will be to spark a civil war.

People are trying to push the term "American Terrorist" and you're a terrorist if you want limited government, support the Constitution, support the 2nd amendment or espouse traditional values.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
reply to post by SWCCFAN

do you have a militia ???
Are you part of one ???
If so, what is the name of the militia
and where is it located???

start here and you will find out about a lot of them.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by Hadrian
bunch of bs about a bunch of bs. if an event happens, it happens. but no one on ats is going to know about it and ats isn't going to stop anything. all illusions of grandeur, imo.

And if it were to happen... what are you going to do ...? Tuck your head between your legs and kiss that other part goodbye...or would you stand up?

The vast majority of people would stand..... What say you?

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