posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 03:03 AM
For those who subscribe to the Ancient Austronauts Theory, this location and its egnimatic structures may be further evidences. To figure out those
structures, look at what the area contains.
1. According to geological studies, that area contains metallic minerals such as iron ores from hydrothemal activities nearby. Metal, as we know, had
been a vital resource to construct societal habitat infrastructures.
2. This location is a medow gentle rolling land as compared to its stark nearby surrondings of high forested hills and mountains. It is an open
landscape, an oasis for aerial operations with vertical lift/take off crafts..
To support such aerial operations and into the night, light sources are needed to create ground markers for aerial commanders to recognise its
locations or signals.
That location is windy, thus lighted branches would not work well. There jars were of sandstone construction, were easily and cheaply created should
one lack resources and need to start or recreate a civilisation anew.
In summary, those jars were used as light beacons.
3. Such beacons are not new in terms of pre-history usage. The Nazca lines comes into memory. However, the Nazca lines were made on dry desert type
landscape. But the Plain of Jars area are heavily vegetated area, and any lines drawn would be quickly erased with the next season of rains.
4. Overtime, as had happened to all pre-history structures, its use was converted into other purposes.
Just a hypothesis. I could be wrong or may be right. There is unfortunately, no evidence to support either way, except to look into the broader
world-wide picture to come to a conclusion.....