posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 04:27 PM
Cut military spending by half, or more.
For the 2010 fiscal year, the president's base budget of the Department of Defense rose to $533.8 billion. Adding spending on "overseas
contingency operations" brings the sum to $663.8 billion
America uses about 4/10 of the world total in military spending. In next place is China, who spends 85 billion yearly. (Some sources have different
level of spendings.) China spends 5.8% of the world total.
Cutting military spending by half would save $330 billion dollars alone in 2010. In 5 years the debt would be cut by 1.65 TRILLION dollars. In ten
years $3.3 trillion would be saved, getting 1/4 of the 12 trillion dollar debt gone, without even raising taxes.
Redesign the infrastructure
We are running on technology of the past. Look outside, and look at a light pole, or the telephone wires. They have most likely been there sense the
80s. If we where to replace them with current technology, they would be more energy efficient, and we more effective. Solar panels could be hooked to
the top of most light poles, collecting energy by the day, and turning on during the night. There are garden lights that do that, giving off a lot of
light. Light bulbs don't even need to be used, everything could be replaced with LED lights, which almost never burn out, and are usually around a
dime a light. Solar panels can be put on traffic lights. You probably wouldn't even have to put a whole new pole up. You could even use glow in the
dark paint!
Find a new energy source
Get rid of the need for oil, you just have to pay for it, and repay for it over and over again. Use a new energy source. An example of a new energy
source would be wind, solar, hydro, thermal, geothermal, nuclear, and many others yet discovered
America should be a science nation again. We should be on other planets. We should have renewable energy. I am tired of America being behind in
Science, we have not gained many achievements sense sending people to the moon. We need to open up a new pathway to science.
In order by use.