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The Dollar bill... I noticed something - MDCCLXXVI...

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posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by hawk123

yes this is true but you have to think just likewith aliens or any other conspiricy theories if you are looking for something then you can always find it somewhere. After i saw number 23 i found 23 in just about everything.JUST SAYING

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Corruptedstructure

THIS GUY IS FULL OF IT. I am a 33rd degree scotish rite freemason and i will tell you i am christian. in fact every mason i know is christian in some form weather it is catholic, baptist. methodist fact the G in the middle of the freemason sign stands for GOD. Im not saying everyone has the same beliefs but in all my years as a mason i have never seen nor heard of any evil or occult type activity. You have heard of the shriners right. well in order to become a shriner you must go through the degrees of freemasonry. You dont realy think those old guys that drive around the tiny cars it the parades have a hidden agenda do you

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by jinx880101

"1776 was so iconic, that even though there were 14 states by the time the Great Seal was adopted in 1782, the number of stripes and stars and arrows was set at 13, the number of states in 1776. "

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by jinx880101

Its strange that May 1, 1776 ( 5/ 1/ 1776 ) can also be read as 5+1+1776= 1782, the year the order adopted the seal.....???

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by 33degree

If your only a 33rd degree then you have yet to be enlightened about what knowledge is on the other "slope" of the ruler..... Besides there is alot of room between 33 and 360
edit on 12-2-2013 by ucms7167 because: Grammer

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 07:11 AM
I decided not to read all the replies purely for the fact that MDCCLXXVI was 1776, the year the USA gained independence. Is that not the beginning and the end of this or have I missed something?

posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: MR BOB
reply to post by ibiubu

not what i was saying.

there are a lot of christians who are masons.

what i was saying is as a mason, you are free to worship whoever you like.
but it stays at the door.

It divides people religoin, so it's not discussed between them, the same with politics.

But nothing to stop the Occultists/satanist, making their own order.

posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 03:23 PM
it's interesting how the truth always finishes last ! some truth for all who are interested. in the beginning when God created everything jesus was there ! 1john the spirit is the power or anointing of god and no masons are not Christians neither are catholics nor anyone who does evil in the name of Christ ! you cannot molest children and serve jesus and you cannot have or serve any god that you make up in your head ! this fight has been going on since the beginning when satan Lucifer that serpent was jealous of god and even lied to 1/3 rd of its fellow angels telling them to rebel and they would be great in his kingdom . right now the devil knows his time is short and therefore is going about like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour ! that's right even the modest people in your city or town who join the occultist activity . the dollar symbolizes the beginning of the occult in America ! and under that the symbol for new world order ! the bible states that all would marvel after the beast ! to marvel is to wonder ? I wonder what its like to be a mason ? will they tell you ? no ! but you will be baptized into them and receive a demon who will instruct you to serve Lucifer ! the devil wants to be god , and masons believe in god but don't follow jesus Christ therefore they are anti-Christ not anti god . jesus said I am the way to the father the only way john 14;6 without jesus there is no way so why are they following demons ? you see that dollar ? we all need it to live and the devil knows it that's why when the devil met jesus in the bible to tempt him he told jesus if you bow to me I will give you all this and pointed at all of Jerusalem ! jesus was god in the flesh why would god bow to his creation ? jesus told him no there is only one god ! the devil didn't know why jesus was there or who he was but he knew hed better try to stop him. but god had a plan to save all who would come unto him .soon the dollar will be no more and you will have to take a mark to buy or sell they will say its for security purposes to protect you but really its another deception from the god of this world satan its time we all make a choice give our life to jesus soon the true Christians will be taken away and people who are left will have to take that mark! don't you think its time to wake up ? just ask jesus its not that hard come into our heart and say forgive us our sin and watch and see if you aren't awakened

posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 03:37 PM

Numerology is a pointless exercise. With enough mathematical gymnastics nearly EVERYTHING can mean "666" or something.

Symbology is a little more important, in that symbols can (and have been proven to) sway thought and opinion on things.

Anyway, why is this old thread being dug up from the grave?

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