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Internet connection trouble with another computer

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posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 05:35 AM
My roommates friend has been here and she has a laptop as well and uses the wireless here...however whenever she is here her computer somehow affects MY internet. I have to reset the router many times if she is online. I got annoyed last night because she kind of was a little whiney when I said I needed to restart it, then they both said it's not the internet but when BOTH my laptops wont connect it has to be something with the wireless. Why does her computer block my connection? Once I reset it it works, but it will constantly go out and i have to reset it. Usually I only have to reset the router maybe a few times a week but everytime she is here with her computer is messes mine up.

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

this happens to me, whenever my brother comes to stay here, my internet connection goes really slow. The only thing i can put it down too is that he has a mac book, while i just have a PC, but it's like his mac book hogs all the band width or something. its getting to stage that I'm gonna stop inviting him to stay

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 08:29 AM
I believe you can usually log into your router (type in your address bar) and you can set up the QoS (quality of service).

With that you should be able to identify specific machines by their MAC address, get your friends one on that list and limit the bandwidth.

I think there is usually some sort of application on some peoples computer that is able to hog the entire bandwidth available, maybe your friend is always downloading or seeding torrents?

edit - you might want to google your specific router or find your instruction manual for the specifics.

[edit on 16/4/2010 by Now_Then]

another edit... When you say you loose your connection is it like the wireless network is simply not visible to your computer or that your internet slows right down and freezes?

[edit on 16/4/2010 by Now_Then]

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
reply to post by mblahnikluver

this happens to me, whenever my brother comes to stay here, my internet connection goes really slow. The only thing i can put it down too is that he has a mac book, while i just have a PC, but it's like his mac book hogs all the band width or something. its getting to stage that I'm gonna stop inviting him to stay

Lol I feel ya! Mac's are the best though
I have a powerbook g4 and well I am on a windows laptop I had to buy for school and I cant stand it lol I am so use to Apple. Yeah everytime she is here it happens and I was getting upset last night when they were telling me that isnt possible when my computer guy told me yes it can happen. Neither of my roommates work on computers so how the heck do they know! I was trying to get class work done and she acted like resetting the router was really gonna cause her problems when in reality it was messing up both my laptops and iPhone. I resat the router and it worked fine but it kept disconnecting through out the night. I like her but I will be glad when she leaves with the laptop lol I do know that when she lived here before her computer was the one everything was set up on so that might be it.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 02:33 AM
I've been looking for a solution to the same problem. Every time I turn on my PS3, it knocks my desktop's wireless connection off. It always reconnects almost immediately, but it shouldn't be happening to start with. If I find something that works, I'll post it.


posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:40 AM
Hy just a thought here, does the problem seem to be when Apple Macs and in TheAssociate's case his PS3 joins the wifi?

Cos Israel has banned Apples Ipads cos right now (they say) they use the stronger US wifi signel strength, they reckon they will over power other wireless devices.

link here

Just throwing that one in there.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:47 AM
I still say go with the evil approach.

Steal her laptop, smash it to bits, or download a lot of nasty illegal stuff and turn her in for it.

Sure, you can be nice and add her mac address to your router and limit her bandwidth (don't ask me how) but if you do that, there still will be a drain on your bandwidth.

I say be mean, steal her laptop while she sleeps and give out her IP addy to 4chan.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by whatukno

Haaa I would love to do that.

We are both on PC's actually. I wish I had my Apple lol

She just got online and it instantly started messing with my connection and I can't even view my netflixs online. I had NO problem before she got online nor last night when she wasnt online. I have said to her it's a problem and she wont listen. I am getting highly pissed off. I need my internet to work, I have SCHOOL and she doesnt even live here...I do!!! I hope she goes home and when she does I am switching routers. I am so annoyed!!

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

I know it's not perfect but you could always grab your self a longish ethernet cable and (after strangling her with it) hard wire your computer into the back of your router. At least then you will have full speed.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 11:05 PM
are you guys using static IP addreses? or are you using DHCP?

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:56 AM
Well,one of you should be hard connected to the router and then it probably won't happen.

I had a similar problem of having a router with wireless capability and none of the computers were hard wired to the computer.

We were all attempting to use the router wireless.

Even the desktop.

Once I connected the desktop by cable to the router,the problem ended.

[edit on 20-4-2010 by Oneolddude]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:34 AM
It can happen and the usual cause is mis-matched wireless settings.
The two main things you need to have correctly configured is:
Fragmentation Threshold
CTS/RTS Threshold
You can find the settings in your router and in the advanced settings for your wireless adapter.
Tho only obvious thing it is is that the added usage is overheating your router and it locks. Is it a linksys by any chance.

If it was me I would make use of QoS and limit any other computers other than your own.

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