posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 01:23 AM
Hmm...Lets see here...
If say 50 buddies of mine and I all said we sell massive amounts of coc aine. Not all at once, but at different times in public. I can only
ponder the amount of time and money that would be spent to figure out if we actually did deal massive amounts of coc aine.
Don't worry folks. They wont take over. As much as the NWO thinks they are in power, they are merely in control of a bunch of self loathers. At least
in America.
Remember there is one thing North Americans love, them selves. Once their government turns a quick one on em, they wont question the violence or
murder. I think NWO is coming to realize this. I've realized it.
No question, the government wont hesitate violence either. The only difference is America is a nation that thinks of it's self, not the state. As
many times as someone can get up and take the pledge of allegiance or stand up for America and claim that it is the land of the free, they are only
thinking of them selves. They are not patriots of the state, they dont care about the state. They care about them and their lives and anything that
has to do with their life, other than that majority of people don't actually stand up for the rights of people and the right to sovereignty.
I think it is blatantly obvious that we all know something is going to go down soon. Civil revolution, not just yet. Though I do feel an event could
occur that could incite the incident. America is not fragile, but numb to the decisions of the state (except for health care). Many people compare
this new world order to Hitlers outlook where people are slaves of the state. All of the citizens just bodies that are there for the extreme purpose
of the state and every one in the state knows it is their life for the states existence. Hitlers idea will never work in America.
I'm sure no one read this far anyways.
No one would ever guess he's a Canadian guy.