posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 01:01 AM
I can't take full credit for this, as it was also on the Daily Show last night, but I have compiled the related images and video without Daily Show
editing to present the story as best as I can.
Apparently, there isn't enough going on in the world of politics, so the talking heads at FoxNews need to invent a new conspiracy.
Fox & Friends video
In short, they are suggesting that the
logo of the nuclear
summit is, in some way, a "secret sign of friendship" to the leaders of Islamic nations attending the meeting.
Now, compare that logo with the
Bohr model of hydrogen, one of the main
elements in current-generation hydrogen bombs (the isotope tritium, to be exact), which the conference is meeting to discuss.
Notice any similarities? The Bohr model of hydrogen is one of the simplest, and often the first learned, model of an atom in the world. Even most
senior-level high school students would recognize it, I would wager. But, not FoxNews. Their blind hatred and idiocy has apparently blinded them to
common knowledge.