posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 09:45 PM
Here is the problem as I see it. Most families to get ahead, the parents have to work, and expect the child to go to school or drop the child there.
Then the child either skips class or chooses not to go to school. The parents are called, they have a discussion, and nothing gets resolved. Parents
not allowed to be parents, because if they try to discipline their children, then they have to deal with the department of social Services and have to
go to court. So their are 2 solutions: 1) If you do not want to put your child on the GPS system, give the parents greater freedom, including the
ability to spank and discipline their child as they see fit, and keep DSS out of the loop. Not every case of a child who is spanked or punished is
child abuse. But at the same time, parents need to realise that they have to cut out things from computers, to cell phones, and techinal stuff. That
way the learn that there are consequences for bad behaviors.
Or 2) If not, then yes children need to learn that if they do not go to school then I agree, treat them like a criminal, embarass them, with the
understanding that they break the law, and going to school is the law, then they will be treated like a law breaker.
In either case, we can not continue to coddle and spoil the children, or we will end up with a bigger problem.