posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 09:42 AM
Originally posted by infovacume
You are applying laws of man, to God, can't be done, it is beyond your comprehension,
I'm not applying anything to god...I am simply thinking instead of saying its beyond my comprehension...who are you to say that god gave you that
thing called a brain just so he could limit what you could comprehend...
Why do religious people always act like they know the limits of our mind...Where do they obtain such knowledge?...especially after declaring that we
are in fact limited in knowing.
If god didn't operate through SOME of the laws of men and the physical realm then you wouldn't even come to the conclusion that he existed...because
part of you is physical...he makes sure you can comprehend it.
I am not one to say what is meant to be understood, because I don't know. However I do know that the workings of the universe are a wonderful thing;
not because of their own merit but because they all point to a greater being than ourselves. I don't look at science and immediately say that's nice
but god's not bound by that; I look at it and say, how could god be speaking to me through that...he is in fact everywhere and thats what the
universe screams at us...
Now back to the topic, If there was a being that was limited to our space-time continuum and he could see everything at once then it would be quite
interesting...because he would see it all as one big wave, it wouldn't be broken down into a "particle" imagine if they weren't limited to
our space-time then I'm sure it would be even more magnificent...sorry, I just find that awesome
Regenmacher, thanks for your answer...that was an excellent explanation of the free-will concept...BTW, that was my question, does the presence of god
in fact contradict the concept of free-will?