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How do they manage to keep the agents quiet?

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posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Quote:"They don't always. In fact most mob operations seem to suffer an informer at some point. Sam Giancana, The Gambinos, Al Capone, they all got ratted on when someone went public, despite the threats of violence. "

Sure there's been informants before against the odd crime boss but when have the really big operations (like the Military/mob smuggling drugs, selling weapons etc.) ever been taken to task in a manner that ends with proper convictions.? Oliver North was made a hero though he was smuggling metric tonnes of coke on a regular basis, using marine corps infrastructure, for god knows how long. The biggest black market weapons dealers in the world are US military figures but they are never caught.

It's four star generals your dealing with here. We hear of the odd colonel involved in crime but the big boys never get a mention. Basically, you don't fk with the chiefs of staff of the US and by proxy NATO. Biggest gangsters in the world(and I don't mean that metaphorically or figuratively)

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by mrwiffler
I'm imagining the threat of brutality is the main silencing technique. Just think of the way the big mobs work. Why do the gangsters keep quiet?

Gangsters do NOT keep quiet. Whenever gangsters find out that a contract has been put on their head they make a bee line for the cops to spill the beans in exchange for protective custody. This is literally how a midwest chapter of the Hells Angels got socked in the face, a number of years back- the entire leadership was thrown in prison becuase an insider they had on their hit list knew he was going to get better treatment from the feds than from the Hells Angels. I've heard tell that a major Irish mob in Boston was taken down the exact same way.

Thus, the reason why these 9/11 "inside job" claims are nothing but a bunch of fantasy stories out of a comic book- the real world doesn't even remotely operate in the same way these conspiracy theorists claim it does. For one thing, a gov't that can't even hand out bottles of water to hurricane victims in New Orleans without slipping on banana peels can hardly pull off the most gigantic and intricately complex world conspiracy in all of written human history with the sheer perfection of a supernatural act. Sheesh, Bush can't even out a CIA agent without hordes of journalists tracing it back to him.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by REMISNE
I mean just look back at history and how many false flags have been pulled off by our government.

You just disproved your own conspiracy claims. By claiming "just look back" you're openly admitting they all became public in one way or another. If someone can find out about Northwoods by goign through the gov'ts garbage cans then they'd be as sure as shootin' be able to discover this shadowy gov't plot of yours to blow up the WTC.

There are thousands of Woodwards and Bernsteins out there looking under every rock for material exactly like this that will give them their Pullizer prize, and all you can come up with as evidence is the insane sounding garbage those college kids are putting into those internet videos they're making in their dorm room. Sometimes, I think you conspiracy people are really just pulling my leg with all this conspiracy baloney you're churning out.

[edit on 14-4-2010 by GoodOlDave]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
You just disproved your own conspiracy claims.

What conspiracy claims?

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:47 AM
Maybe the agents are keeping quiet about the 9-11 conspiracy because there is nothing to tell.

It's just like the Victoria Secret Models keeping quiet about the time they were stuck on an island with me while they were all suffering from a bout of nymphomania. Or maybe it is like Kobe Bryant and Lebron James keeping quiet about the time I single-handedly beat them in a game of 2 on 1.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

You possibly could make money by being an informer, but you would also be executed for 3,000 counts of premeditated murder.

Unlikely. You could just be a cog in the wheel. And the likelihood that you could gain immunity by testifying against those above you would be pretty high. I understand it happens a lot in the USA.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:50 AM
While all Americans have the right to their own opinions, having been a part of many types of classified and covert operations, the massive amount of support necessary for a function on this scale is mind-boggling. if you don't know the details of what it takes to make a real-word covert operation work, you simply can't understand the logistics alone of "rigging" the 9-11 attack. It is like people who have never watched a space launch saying that we cannot really go to space. if you watch a space shuttle launch in person, as I did 31 times, and you watch that 4.7 million pound vehicle disappear from sight, I would sure like for someone to explain where that spacecraft went if it DIDN'T go to space!

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Yeah, I suppose you could be right about that. In the end though, if there is anything to tell, we probably won't hear it until the guys are on their deathbeds

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade

Unlikely. You could just be a cog in the wheel. And the likelihood that you could gain immunity by testifying against those above you would be pretty high. I understand it happens a lot in the USA.

Not to mention, these "cogs in the wheel" would have to be as thoroughly as stupid as a bag of hammers not to know that planting secret controlled demolitions in an occupied building is going to get a hell of a lot of people killed. How on Earth could anyone ever compartmentalize that?

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Obviously they would be willing participants. That could increase the likelihood they remain quiet

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross

Obviously they would be willing participants. That could increase the likelihood they remain quiet

That's the problem you have with these conspiracies- EVERYONE would have to be a willing participant. You really don't think those gov't disinformation agents pretending to claim they saw a passenger jet hit the Pentagon to cover up the cruise missile aren't goign to be able to figure out what's going on? How about those secret agents who snuck out and dug up that fake crash site in Shanksville? How about all the people cleaning up ground zero who consciously have to pretend "I DON'T SEE THAT" whenever they come across blatant signs of sabotage?

Where, exactly, they get those 10,000 evil experts in planting explosives, physicists calculating fake NIST and FEMA reports, communications specialists falsifying the voices in the phone calls from the planes, and aeronautical engineers manufacturing fake aircraft wreckage, etc etc etc anyway?

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Oh I agree. I do not believe in the explosives theory. I do believe that at the very least, the government knew and looked the other way or at most, worked with the hijackers. This would require far fewer people to be in the know.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
Oh I agree. I do not believe in the explosives theory. I do believe that at the very least, the government knew and looked the other way or at most, worked with the hijackers. This would require far fewer people to be in the know.

Then you have another problem- the gov't isn't some disemodied brain floating in a vat of fluid, or a supercomputer in a basement somewhere. The gov't is entirely made up of lots and lots of people, and it's involved in so many different things that one person simply can't be the clearing house for everything. Just to get a report to Bush it'd require the people collecting the information, the people corroborating the information, the guy writing the initial report, and the guy retyping it in a third grade reading level so that Bush could understand what it says.

So who is the far fewer people in the gov't who'd be looking the other way and/or working with the hijackers in this case, exactly?

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

The CIA. What Fletcher Prouty referred to as "The Secret Team"

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by REMISNE

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
You just disproved your own conspiracy claims.

What conspiracy claims?

Take one guess. Your first guess will almost certainly be correct.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 03:44 PM
Thank you for all your replies. Everybody is free to believe what they want.

I have made my choice and reject the OS of 9/11. The implications of rejecting it are mind-boggling because it questions the fabric of reality as we perceive it. But still, I truly believe that rejecting the OS is intellectually more honest than agreeing with it. The OS includes too many coincidences, historical firsts, and technical feats that are 99.9 % impossible. And here is the kicker for me: these "issues" happened at all 3 sites! I'm not saying that I have all the answers, quite the opposite, but at least I want REAL answers.

I think that many people know in their heart that the OS is not true, but would rather go along with a lie than question everything (and I mean everything) the US is built on.

Anyway, I'm derailing my own thread LOL.

I'm still curious to hear a figure on the amount of people it would take to pull off operation 9/11.

Edit: spelling

[edit on 14-4-2010 by AllIsOne]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
reply to post by GoodOlDave

The CIA. What Fletcher Prouty referred to as "The Secret Team"

The director of the CIA during 9/11 was George Tenet-

Bio of CIA Director George Tenet

...however, the current director of the CIA is Leon Panetta

Bio of CIA director Leon Panetta

So are you saying THESE are the guys who a) murdered 3000 people and/or b) conspiring to conceal the murder of 3000 people?

You'll find that it's one thing to conjure up daydreams of shadowy, obscure plots, but it's another thing entirely to slander real live people to their face.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by AllIsOne

Such a large operation such as 911 had to be planned for years. To do that study of options and the many variables which were most likely run through AI super computers to derive the best 911 success options and the process by which it had to be executed to achieve a certain affect.

Many that died in the Pentagon were in the US Navy Intelligence and had a large part of planning the whole 911 operation. The planning was compartmentalized as so often the case. This is why this special Navy group was told to report to a meeting room at the Pentagon on Sept 11, 2001 and were at the last moment "re-located" to where the missile struck the Pentagon on the west side and came through to do its most damaging blast affects. Does that tell you anything?

Those killed were killed because they would have been able to immediately come forth and reveal that 911 was a false flag operation that had been planned and they planned it. As such, because these planners were the true brains of the operation, these planners had to die. Many did. Others have been compromised or turned into non threats or have already succumb to some disease or some accident.

The Air Force, DOD, NORAD, FAA, FBI, Customs, State Department, CIA, NSA all had participants. I would estimate that as many as a thousand people over many years planned 911 to the precision we witnessed that fateful day.

Since anything anyone worked on for the planning of 911, any classified remains classified. It is just understood that sooner than later they will talk and tell someone and so the truth would be discovered.

By controlling information and disguising the plan as a training exercise, many agencies could be involved and not even know they were working on a 911 specific actual operation. This use of the planning phase which was called a training exercise even legally funded the planning for 911 with tax payer dollars via the DOD budget.

This is why and how they are able to keep so many people silent. For the most part the people may suspect involvement, but they don't really know for sure. They cannot for the most part prove anything and if they could, the existing classified nature would prevent anyone from ever knowing the truth of what some military member may know about.

With so much compartmentalization and with the use of National Security, we will probably never know just who within the DOD planned the 911 operation to its finest detail and microscopic analysis of what would transpire and how it had to be planned to achieve a success for the overall operation.

I hope this offers you some food for thought.

Thanks for the posting.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by AllIsOne

I'm still curious to hear a figure on the amount of people it would take to pull off operation 9/11.

I've heard of a way you could pull the whole thing off with just 19 people, but no one here seems to think that is possible. So back to the controlled demoltions, faked crashed sites, cruise missiles that look like passenger planes, morphed phone calls, thermite encrusted elevator shafts....

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by AllIsOne
I'm still curious to hear a figure on the amount of people it would take to pull off operation 9/11.

Before you can determine a figure, you're necessarily going to first have to determine what the conspiracy exactly is, and so far, I haven't seen two conspiracy theorists here agree with each other on the same story. One person says it's controlled demolitions, another says there were nukes in the basement, yet another says it was thermite, yet another says there were no planes, and so on. One person says it was staged by Bush, another says it was the Jews, and yet another thinks it was the work of a secret cult of Satan worshipping numerologists. There are more "truths behind the 9/11 attack" than there are grains of sand on a beach.

So to answer your question, how many people would it take to launch, support, and operate a secret orbiting energy beam weapon, do you know? 10,000? 25,000?

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