posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by Phlynx
If you have any Javascript/Java/C/C++/maybe C# (don't really use it anymore)/PHP questions, plus a few other languages, you can message.
Me or my programmer friends will usually have an answer. Eventually. When we get around to it. Probably on a Tuesday cause I don't really do anything
on Tuesdays.
But when asking questions about programming it's probably best to ask how a simple command works or a keyword or a line of code you saw on the net or
in a book. You probably don't want to ask questions like, how do I make a complete program? Or how do I make my own Facebook like web page? It's
amazing how many people ask me that. When I explain the complexity of it the next question invariably is, can you do it for me? lol. The answer of
course is not for free.
Also, I'm comp sci. Some computer scientists can talk about theory for three weeks and never produce an actual line of code. It's absolutely amazing
how unproductive we can be sometimes without putting any effort into it. Most of the time it's not like that, but it happens.
So, if you ask something like how do I make my own Facebook or Myspace service to most programmers you'll probably just get this big
technical/philosophical discussion about the 18.2 million completely wrong ways to make a web service like Facebook and never actually learn any
So, just keep it to the basics and eventually you'll learn how to build the basics up into something that actually works and does what you want it
to. Hope that helps.
[edit on 18-4-2010 by tinfoilman]