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F.D.R's Death: 65th Anniversary April 12th. One of the Greatest

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posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 10:15 PM

April 12, 2010 marks the 65th anniversary of the death of the leader who spearheaded the twentieth century progressive movement, righting the economic ship during perilous times, giving Americans hope at a time when it was desperately needed while changing the face of the Democratic Party in the process.

Perhaps the key personal ingredient that propelled Franklin Delano Roosevelt into the ranks of the nation’s and world’s great leaders was his handling of adversity. Overcoming adversity is a hallmark of so many great achievers


Not hardy a word mentioned today, anywhere, about FDR-many call the grandfather of the Progressive/Liberal movement. A man so popular with the American pubic that congress passed the 22 Amendment to keep him in office:
Lead our nation thru some tough times: Depression-War. Yes, most of you know of this or heard about it in school and maybe forgot as time passes-as I did. But, I was fortunate to be re-introduced to the FDR legacy and from a different perspective. I'll explain.

Last May my wife and I wanted to get away from it all. She ended up maing arrangements for Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada (I have family up that way). I didn't do any research into the trip before leaving. Anyway, I barely remember my mom saying she took all the kids to the island in 1968 when the FDT International Park was established. No memory of that trip at all.

We arrived at the island and after a very short distance, the FDR Park ( [atsimg][/atsimg] [atsimg][/atsimg]

Franklin D. Roosevelt spent many enjoyable vacations at his summer home on Campobello Island, in New Brunswick’s Bay of Fundy. His magnificent 34-room residence is today the centerpiece of Roosevelt-Campobello International Park, preserved as a memorial and as a symbol of the close friendship between Canada and the United States. Owned, funded, staffed, and administered by the peoples of both Canada and the United States, Roosevelt Campobello International Park is enjoyed by tens of thousands of visitors each year.

Campobello was his "beloved island," a home place during his early years, and is therefore a fitting site to honor his memory.

Well, maybe someday I will do a thread about all of that, with pics and whatnot but I wanted to say that the place I stayed at was adorned with FDR stuff. Movies, books, pics, model boat the works. Well, due to some bad weather, I started watching and reading about FDR.

The movie: Sunrise at Campobello (starign Fred Bellamy) was interesting: pure propoganda-of course [trailer to movie:] but it made me appreciate the man and not the President. What made him the man that became president. So, the movie was shot (a lot of it I guess) at the summer home on the island-so...

Anyway, the histroy of this man is truly amazing-regardless of his politics. If you believe in God and/or Fate-he was destined to become stricken with polio and permenately disabled. It humbled him, brought him down to earth, stopped him from pursuing what would have been bad business adventures but most importantly gave him the character needed to lead the US when it was on it's knees. Hell, the personal pain he put himself threw in attemts to regain his legs is fantasic in itself-president or not.

So, when I saw the original headline it made me thinking of that trip and the important things I learned about him and the man he was and how sad it was that hardly a mention today of one of the country's greatest Presidents. Made me wonder if we will ever have such a leader again. I believe we won't.

Well, the island and trip made such an impression on the wife and I that we are returning this year. If you have any interest in the man and can go to Campobello Island, I recommend you do.

My wife wanted this pic in here. This is the lighthouse FDR would canoe to and then back to his summer home. About 4 miles from the residence-in very interesting waters! He was a stong man in mind, spirit and body. (you can hang out at the end of it!)

[edit on 4/12/2010 by anon72]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 10:39 PM
I think the anniversary should focus on diseases that destroy children worldwide.

I am typically against most of his political dealings, so I will keep that to myself for the sake of respect for the dead.

I do think that this event should be focused on eliminating disease, because FDR was a shining example of a human being faced with a horrific disability and yet kept swinging and fought it out till the very end.

His determination to never let that disablement to prevent him from being a person of worth or importance is surely a lesson for us all.

Especially us healthy people we SERIOUSLY need to pay attention because WE might be the next disabled person!

BTW, that photo you posted.
There is a tiny Flying Saucer flying about 1 foot in front of FDR's face.

Im joking but, Can you see it too??

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 10:42 PM
He was America's greatest president. Of course that is just opinion but you to admit he did alot of things as president that has forever changed America(many will argue for the worse) but none the less he did his job and never backed down. Social Security, FDIC, Financial Adi to Farmers, Help for the poor, lifting up the labor unions. He did it all.

Sadly I am 99% sure we will NEVER again see any president as honest and courageous as him. He shifted America into the 5th party system, altered the politics of both parties(especially democrats) and laid the foundation for unbelievable prosperity, security, and safety. He is my political hero.

He will forever be missed.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 10:49 PM
The Real Legacy of FDR
(Samuel Francis)

"it seems to me," wrote H. L. Mencken in his private diary on April 13, 1945, the day after the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, "to be very likely that Roosevelt will take a high place in American popular history - maybe even alongside Washington and Lincoln . . . He had every quality that morons esteem in their heroes."

Last week those who still worship at Roosevelt's altar gathered in Warm Springs, where he died, to esteem their hero once more. But for all the weepy tributes by Democrats (and not a few Republicans and neo-Conservatives) to the godfather of American liberalism and its crippling legacies 50 years after his death, the truth is that the damage Roosevelt inflicted on this country and the world still cannot be calculated. If Republican leaders like Newt Gingrich solemnly invoke him as a model and a hero, it shows that they have not even begun to understand the ruin he left behind him.

Roosevelt's role in designing and building the leviathan state is well-known, but in the context of the 1930s, its meaning appears as a good deal more sinister than foolish economic policies and unwarranted tax burdens . . .

The NIRA, created as an incestuous union of Big Business against small, independent businessmen, was an embodiment of that fusion of state and economy that James Burnham dubbed the Managerial Revolution. In his fury at the court's rejection of it, Roosevelt turned his wrath against the "Nine Old Men," who had dared defy his titanic will.

His "court packing" plan was intended to club the court and the Constitution into obedience to him and the bureaucratic elite he created. It failed, though it frightened the court into more docility toward FDR's schemes.

By the standards of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, itself modeled on the New Deal, Roosevelt's bureaucratic state looks like a piker, but it was he who initiated and legitimized, for Democrats as well as Republicans, the idea of conscripting federal power as the engineer of the social and economic institutions. The vast octopus of bureaucrats, goon squads and social tinkerers that lurks in Washington and winds itself around the country's throat today is Roosevelt's offspring.

Like the Caesarist strongmen in Europe, Roosevelt relied on his own charisma, carefully and deceitfully developed, and the executive power of his office to stroke a frightened electorate into compliance and to bludgeon critics. His welfare projects went far beyond aid to the poor and wound up bribing whole sectors of American society­p;farmers, business, banks, intellectuals­p;into dependence on him and the state he created.

Through his subsidies to intellectuals and artists, wrote the sympathetic historian, Richard Hofstaedter, "a generation of artists and intellectualsäbecame wedded to the New Deal and devoted to Rooseveltian liberalism." Their corrupted descendants still thrive today through federal endowments for the arts and humanities and in ideologically disciplined universities dependent on federal support.

In foreign affairs, Roosevelt pushed and pulled the country toward war, even as he piously promised peace. He allowed undercover British agents to operate freely and illegally within the United States to use this country for their own country's aims. Had his illegal and unconstitutional actions become known, even his own party would have impeached him.

His unprovoked belligerency toward the Japanese as well as the Germans helped cause the attack on Pearl Harbor, even as he and his tame eggheads vilified and persecuted the critics of his policies as "Nazis" and "traitors." His wartime diplomacy helped turn half a continent over to Communism, and his own administration was riddled with Soviet agents whose ideology was all but indistinguishable from the "liberalism" they prattled.

"He was the first American," wrote Mencken, "to penetrate to the real depths of vulgar stupidity. He never made the mistake of overestimating the intelligence of the American mob. He was its unparalleled professor." Let the Democrats, and those Republicans who will. cloak themselves in this great criminal's bloodstained robes. For those Americans who love the Old Republic he destroyed, Franklin Roosevelt was and remains our archetypal enemy.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 10:54 PM
No disrespect to the man himself, but anyone who is a Constitutionalist and a believer in the said document which founded our country, can in no way portray him as "one of the greatest" Presidents.

His presidency was probably the biggest step this country took away from the Constitution and it was a shining example of how party lines and the sham of a 2-party system are used to easily further one sides agendas - just like it was used today with the liberals and health care bill.

The man's actions prolonged the recession for probably 15 years longer than it should have lasted, and the plans he initiated that were and still are considered so "grand" by the liberal view of things - are completely collapsing under their own weight. I would go so far as to say that his presidency is one direct link as to why we are in the situation we are in today.

As with any war president, he cleverly used his sway with the people in order to keep distractions and to push through agendas that might never have been so popular, but were disguised under the guise of the "greater good". Sounds all too familiar.

If anything, we can celebrate this day because 65 years later, probably the closest thing to a reincarnation of FDR that we could possible have stands as our President of the United States, following the same path as he did.

The man was a trooper, no doubt, but his policies and the path he set for this country were and are directly in opposition to the Constitution and the vision the Founding Fathers had in mind. No one will ever be able to convince me that it was anything but, and nobody should be able to call themselves a TRUE Constitutionalist if you honestly feel that his policies were all in line with that document.

Sorry, but I just had to get my two cents in on the matter.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 12:25 AM
one of the greatest? I don't like talking ill of dead people, but he is a little over rated.
He Made the great depression worst, it's funny how little democrats have learned.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 05:37 AM
I was hoping this thread didn't get too political but...

I know it is pretty easy for us to sit here today and judge what occurred 65-75 years ago but you have to put yourself in those times.

The people kept voting him in and even passed laws to allow FDR to remain president well after the original two terms. They loved him and at the time, what he was doing-worked.

He did a lot of good as POTUS, More than most, better than most. At the time.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 05:43 AM
all praise the man respinsible for the death of freedom in america.

i hope our aware he was a democrat, im not his biggest fan. I think both Bushes led superior presidencies and need to be celebrated more for their deeds to stand up to the outcry of the people to do the right thing in the face of evil.

FDR was also old so maybe that why things went so downhill like the depression. not all presidents are great but there are alot of better ones like reagan who should serve as role models for our children in these disastrous times that seem more like the end of the days.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 05:43 AM
One of the best leaders I've read about. America needed FDR more then anything and I'm glad he lived long enough to help our country during the Great Depression and WW2.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by tigpoppa

Yes, I am aware of his political party choice but again, I say, look at the time. The Dems from that era are not the Dems of today-no where close.

That aside, I am Repub. I tried to keep that out of the OP as I wanted people to see there was more behind the man and what made him what he became etc.

He was a much loved man back in the day. People then felt he did a good job-who are we to judge so many years later.

Anyway, knowing what I did before I starting reading and learning about him made it even more interesting that I took the views of him I did. Time does heal all wounds, I guess.

It is easy for us to pick a person apart based on some of their actions but I am trying to get past that. Trying to learn more about what made them tick as opposed to being upset about a politic aspect of the person. Anyone you choose to like or dislike has history to them.

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