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Gay TV for kids!

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posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:16 AM
Got linked to this article.


PARENTS watching Play School with their infants were shocked to find there was much more than a bear in there this week.

In a move that has angered family groups, the home of Big Ted delved into the issue of lesbian parenthood without any warning.
The Monday episode told the story of a girl called Brenna going to a fair with her two mummies.

"I'm Brenna. That's me in the blue. My mums are taking me and my friend Meryn to an amusement park," the little girl says over images of her two mums smiling and waving while she and her friend played on a merry-go-round.

Mothers across Australia are outraged by what they describe as 'political indoctrination'. I think it's great, there seems to have been no direct 'indoctrination' of any kind, the program was simply showing two women together as a couple, looking after a child. It's about time people starting accepting this as normality becuase it is. The earlier children get used to these things, the less hatred we will have in our world. Well done ABC.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:36 AM
Yeah i was happy with the ABC when i heard about this. Its about time we started showing the kids same-sex couples are not strange, coz obviously the adult population of the world isnt mature enough to accept that times change. Good work ABC

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:39 AM
Uhh... OK.

Same sex marriage is wrong, either way you look at it.

The last thing we should be doing is promoting it.

Mr. M

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by specialasianX
Its about time we started showing the kids same-sex couples are not strange, coz obviously the adult population of the world isnt mature enough to accept that times change. Good work ABC

Exactely. I think it is great that at least some parts of the media are realising their responsibility to educate kids in a positive way. Kids love T.V, they watch it alot, so it should be used to make the next generation of this world better people, more tolerant of different lifestyles, races and religions.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by StarChild

The last thing we should be doing is promoting it.

How was that show premoting it? Did it say " the two mummies were the best parents in the land" or "The two mummies were far more happier than the mummies and daddies". No it didn't, it is simply doing the right thing: showing children the facts of life, be it 'alternative' lifesyles or normal ones, and getting children used to different aspects of human kind. In this way things like this will help people to be naturally more tolerant.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 04:36 AM
I thought the purple tele-tubie was the gay tv hero for kids.....
many parents have barely begun to talk about sexuality to kids in kidnergarten....and now its ok to complicate that issue with a 3rd sex issue? Its a wonder how they'll grow up with that confusion.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 04:41 AM
Confusion? The only reason they kids may be confused is because their ignorant parents refuse to show them the true colours of the world. This has nothing to with issues of sex, it is simply about young children becoming accustomed to part of society which, wether you like it or not, is not going to go away. If parents are stopping their kids from having any kind of knowledge of gay people, isn't that going to use cause more confusion and anger than if the child recognised, understood, and accepted gay people for what they are: normal.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by earthtone
Kids love T.V, they watch it a lot, so it should be used to make the next generation of this world better people, more tolerant of different lifestyles, races and religions.

TV, used to make people better? It's hasn't done to well with the past or especially the present generation of TV viewers.

The problem I have with the very young introduction of this complex topic, is the inevitable questions that come afterwards. Children are a curious bunch. You might get away with babies come from mommy and daddy, and would have probably told this explanation sometime in the past. But what about two mommies or two daddies? How do we get into artificial insemination or that one of the mommies used a daddy, but just for this occasion.

I am in no way saying that these things shouldn't be discussed, they are a reality in our society, but the children in this story seem to young have this Pandora�s box of sexual knowledge thrust upon them. I remember being a child well and other than finding out why girls wore skirts, sexual matters were beyond my interest. Children have so much more to learn and experience than the complexities of adult sexual behavior.

Let them be children.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 06:24 AM
I agree with what you are saying, children shouldn't in any way be introduced to the world of sexuality at that young an age. Yet at the same time, I feel that children should not be brought up thinking only one way in this respect becuase this is what will cause fear and loathing later on. I was trying to say that if on TV shows for children it wasn't always 'mummy and daddy' this could be a good thing. I do not mean that young people should be told the ins and outs of adult sexuality, I just feel that if kids are accustomed to relationships between people of the same sex, not in any kind of sexual context, this could be a good thing for society.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 10:06 AM
Listen ET, I understand your view, I really do. I know it comes from a point of view is not trying to maliciously shove it down the throats of children.

Yet I disagree.

If this had happened in America, I would have said I hated it, and would not allow my 3 1/2 year old to watch it (much like that petulant ass caillou), although I would say there really is nothing stopping them from doing it as it is their right to broadcast such things.

The point is, is that children do not need to be shown these things. I don't think you are looking for tolerance, because if you are, you have it. I think the appropriate word would be acceptance.

I have found that judgement (not of people but of actions) has come under attack in this coveluded attempt at making everything like the fight for blacks to become first class citizens. Nothing is wrong, disagreement and not accepting a lifestyle is bigoted and narrowminded.

I say show it all they want, but it is now up to the parents to censor their children as to what they want them to see. Personally my children will not be watching anything of the kind.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 10:13 AM
I agree with KJ, I mean what was the purpose of having a show like that for small children? I mean really wtf does a child that small care about lesbians and gay guys? Absolutely nothing I'd suspect, oblivious to the fact.

People love to exercise their rights I suppose, eh?

they should just go back to nonhuman, nonsexually active fuzzy chrs lol

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Lysergic
I agree with KJ, I mean what was the purpose of having a show like that for small children? I mean really wtf does a child that small care about lesbians and gay guys?

It's not about the child even being aware of the fact that the person they are seeing is different in that way, as KJ said, it's about acceptance. I am not saying that childrens TV should be saturated with information about sexuality, thats crazy, I mean involving chractersations that will make a child grow up not just seeing the world through such a narrow perspective of the world. I don't see how this could be harmful.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 10:31 AM
A child would have to be taught it is wrong, or disgusting for them to no accept it in a possitive way, because they will have to accept it, negatively or postively all depends on how the child was raised imo. Well... Thats odd now that I think about, I was raised by racist homophobes, and I try to spread the mad love

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Lysergic
I try to spread the mad love

Thats good to hear Lysergic.

See what I am talking about is a subtle thing, simply getting children used to just seeing gay couples characterised, nothing has to be said, nothing at all, it would just be a good thing for them to be accustomed to seeing it happen. You are right, it is about how a child is brought up, but you are proof that it can go either way regardless.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 11:19 AM
I don't like this one bit. But it should still be aired. If people don't like it,they won't watch it, it won't stay for very long. No need to get our underwear in a bunch. Just turn the channel,easy as that.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by nyeff
I don't like this one bit.

Would you mind explaining why nyeff?

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 11:30 AM
Because I do not support a gay life style. If someone wants to be gay let em.....but not in my house.
Has far a gay tv goes...thats up to the veiwers. It won't be on in my house. Neither my son or my daughter will be exposed to things I think are wrong. If I can help it anyways.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 11:34 AM
I don't think Gay TV for kids is right. kids should be taught the old fashion way with books about stereotypical familys, mum,dad,son and daughter.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 11:36 AM
I don't get this discussion at all. Will & Grace has been on for years, one of my favorite shows, it hasn't harmed my kids at all. In fact they point out that it's on if I'm busy at the time.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by infinite
kids should be taught the old fashion way with books about stereotypical familys, mum,dad,son and daughter.

It is these stereotypes that create fear and hatred.

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