posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:50 AM
Hey. So you can call me Ezra. I'm the son of a preacher man out in Connecticut. Actually I'm also the grandson, great grandson, twice great get the idea. Family's been spreading the Word (just like smallpox in the Sudan) out in Connecticut and Virginia for just about
forever. But enough about my family. We're not really on speaking terms these days.
I'm not, as the more discerning may have discerned, a preacher man. I've been a janitor, a bassist in several doomed punk bands, a night security
guard, a convenience store clerk, a waiter, and always a writer/journalist (which hasn't always paid the bills). I've also had a few more sordid
jobs and hobbies that it isn't really right to mention in public space right now. At the moment, I'm working on a book about cults and their
influence in America, which is by turns fascinating, terrifying, and exhilarating.
I've read the boards here off and on for a long time. Looking forward to contributing what I can, where I can. Peace and punk rock.