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Bilderberg To Prolong Global Financial Recession For Another Year

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posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by Noncompatible

Perhaps not ... For years, TPTB weren't challenged in the main stream media, and to a large extent, they aren't now but this is changing. Over the last few years, the blogosphere has really taken off and so on-line radio stations and websites such as Alex Jones' have largely been ignored. But more and more folk are tuning into and logging onto these websites, and TPTB have been caught with their pants down, so to speak,

I guess what I am saying is that TPTB, in their arrogance, thought such websites irrelevant because of their mistaken belief that the only people who went to them were the tin-foil hat brigade. That has changed. MSM news outlets are checking out the sites and are starting to report on these issues.

However, it won't be surprising if a counter-insurgency is set up by TPTB in order to try and discredit alternative news sources on the web. I believe it is being done on infowars, and even ATS members have discussed whether or not it is happening here:

I think we have TPTB caught on the wrong foot at the moment and they are only now starting to react. Maybe Next year, the Bilderberg group will change it's name to the Stiges group

[edit on 11-4-2010 by Scattykat]

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Scattykat

Once more you directly highlight my problem with many theories.

If we are being "played" by TPTB, do you seriously believe that they have been caught wrong-footed ?
If so, then they are pretty inept no ?

You do not hide secrets in darkness, you hide them in the light. So many are "watching" the left hand that the right hand can act unfettered.

There is far too much information available, freely available, on these "super-secret" organizations that once again I can draw only one of two conclusions.

1.) Paranoid fantasies, smoke & mirrors. There is NO conspiracy.

2.) The plans proceed as expected. Look at the "doggies" chase the bones....

Pick your poison.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by Noncompatible

Why can't they be caught wrong footed?

With respect, you seem to be stuck in an either or situation. Sometimes there are more options than two.

A possible third way is these bastards get caught out because the dogs ain't fooled by the false scent and those sniffing Pedigree Chum finally realise there are better foods to consume.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Noncompatible
reply to post by Scattykat

Once more you directly highlight my problem with many theories.

If we are being "played" by TPTB, do you seriously believe that they have been caught wrong-footed ?
If so, then they are pretty inept no ?

Maybe they are inept, maybe you give the "elite" too much credit.

There are many possibilities at hand here.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 03:24 PM
I think they are moving things along just how they planned them. Has the debt spiral slowed down because more people are aware of their conspiracy? No, it has kept accelerating. Debt slavery is where they want countries, and that's exactly where they're taking us. It's like the father of the Central Banks said, 'give me the power of a countries currency and I care not who makes its laws'.

All fiat currencies are being brought to heel by the central banks in anticipation of their world currency. Knowing where the bilderberger meeting is and what they supposedly said hasn't changed a thing so far, and I seriously doubt it will now. Even the article makes it sound like a pronouncement, 'Hear ye, hear ye, They will keep the economic recession going for another year'. I guess we're all supposed to shake our head and go 'awe shucks and I was hoping for a recovery' and walk away. The whole thing just reeks of some kind of theatre.

[edit on 11-4-2010 by HimWhoHathAnEar]

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