posted on Mar, 4 2003 @ 10:22 PM
More michael madness...
HOLLYWOOD ( - Perhaps Michael Jackson is to blame for Steven Spielberg's lack of Oscar-nominations.In the new issue of Vaniety Fair,
writer Maureen Orth reveals that Jackson paid $150,000 to a voodoo doctor in 2000 to place a curse on the director, music mogul David Geffen and 23
others that the "king of pop" had put on a list.
The curse, a ritual involving the slaughtering of 42 cows, was supposed to kill Spielberg and the others within a week.
Arriving on the heals of two highly rated TV special, the story is full of grim facts about the 44-year-old star -- as Orth points out, when
Jackson's "career has stalled, his freak factor has risen."
Other highlights from the article:
King of debt? "In a few years, the principal on a $200 million loan Jackson has with the Bank of America will be due. In order to pay that off
without selling his most valuable asset, The Beatles' song catalog, he will have to earn about $400 million before taxes, a virtual impossibility."
Among the expenses said to be owed from October to December 2000: $99,831 to Celebrity costumes and $62,645 to Mickey Fine Pharmacy in Beverly Hills.
Jackson bleaches his skin because, according to a former maid, "He does not like being black." He has had special names for blacks, including
As part of the 1993 sexual molestation case that Jackson settled, investigators had identified at least 10 other young boys called Jackson's
"special friends" going back 10 years, according to one prosecutor. None came forward. "Silence was purchased," he says. The "special friends"
were "all pre- pubescent boys between 8 and 12 years old, and as soon as they started sprouting whiskers -- whoosh -- they were out the door."
During Jackson's recent court battle, Orth observed that the singer was able to walk before entering the courtroom. "As soon as it was time to enter
the courtroom, however, Jackson fell onto a pair of crutches and started limping markedly."
The tip of the singer's nose is fake, Orth writes, and "one person who has seen him without the device says he resembles a mummy with two nostril