posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 05:46 PM
Hi, I'm Sapienta Stellarum, my main interests in this area are astral phenomena, UFO's and extreterrestrial intelligence.
I believe ET aliens are currently visiting this planet and having contact with select groups of humans. Given the overwhelming amount and greatly
varying quality of data regarding these phenomena it is not easy to say anything with sertitude. Howevet I think we have reason to believe that there
are several different kinds of ET aliens with different agendas, and we also know that there are many different groups of humans (governments,
corporations, etc) with different agendas. Therefore the situation is not entirely negative or positive, it can go either way, and therefore it is
important that we citizens investigate the facts so that we can act and shape our future according to our enlightened selfinterest in a rational and
informed manner.