+4 more
posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 12:16 PM
Results here*
Remote viewing (RV) is the ability to gather information about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means or extra-sensory perception or
sensing with mind. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object that is hidden from physical view and separated at some
As far as I know there have indeed been experiments like this in the past on ATS but there isn’t one underway right now as far as I’m aware and as
I’m very curious as to what the results of something like this could be especially since on ATS being the site is it there is such a wide variety of
people most of whom seem to be at least interested in this or apart of this type of subject (more so than most places anyway) so I thought it would be
a good idea to simply create my own experiment and hopefully come across some interesting results.
I’m also hoping that this can be (at the very least) quite a fun experiment to try out and hopefully it’ll eventually turn into somewhat of a
fascinating one as well with lots of members getting accurate hits to what I shave situated here.
Ok now so I have a total of
3 Objects here that I have purposefully picked just for this experiment and I have now placed on my desk directly
to the left of my computer screen.
I’ve also took pictures of what they are prior to starting this thread which I have already sent to a Moderator (who agreed to let me send them
before posting of course) via U2U.
The items will remain in the same spot for the duration on this experiment which I’m also planning on leaving for exactly 1 month (Although it could
depend on how many people post) before posting the pictures I have took.
Also it gives a long enough time to get enough results and hopefully plenty of accurate hits and then I’ll post the pictures that I have taken.
So please do try and be as specific as possible in any and all of your predictions and post anything else that you pick up so you can post as many
times as you want and as I have already said I really do look forward to seeing if anyone actually does get a genuine hit.
Thank You.
EDIT TO ADD: The experiment will
officially be over at exactly
10/05/2010 (10th May 2010) At
6:16 PM
All posts
after that time will not count towards the experiment.
[edit on 10-4-2010 by Rising Against]
EDIT TO ADD: Per Member Request Via U2U: It is recommended that people do try to avoid reading other members posts in this thread before posting
yourself to avoid being influenced by their answers.
Also it is recommended that you don’t simply guess but instead attempt a genuine remote viewing attempt.
[edit on 11-4-2010 by TheBorg]
title edit by request
[edit on 11/5/10 by masqua]