posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 05:01 AM
This hoaxed video has reared its ugly (CGI) head again.
An article on Gather.Com includes the following
March 02, 2012
UK Fighter Jets Chase UFO: Is The MOD Covering Up? (Video)
by Tom Rose
Footage on YouTube of two UK fighter jets shadowing a UFO has
lead to calls on the Ministry of Defense to either label the
video a hoax or respond to escalating fears of a potential
threat to national security.
Contrary to the title shown on the video embedded on the webpage at the link given above, this video is not from 2012. In fact, it is
simply a relabelled copy of the video in this thread that I spent a rainy Saturday afternoon in 2010 proving (beyond a shadow of a doubt) was a hoax.
I pointed out a few relevant facts, including showing that one of the rather boxy/fake looking trucks on the video had a serial number on its side
which is actually the same serial number shown on a 3D model of an identical looking truck being sold online.
I posted about this hoax in some detail in 2010 on See:
Oh, it may also be worth mentioning that my posts at that link ended with an admission of the hoax by the person that uploaded the video to
I posted the relevant information on three or four websites at the time, in an attempt to kill this hoax off completely.
It seems a bit of a shame (though not very surprising...) that those posts had little impact, judging from the fact the video is doing the rounds
All the best,