posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 07:52 PM
NASA says "To destroy the Earth-approaching object, astronauts would land a spacecraft on the surface of the object and use drills to bury nuclear
bombs deep below its surface. Once the astronauts were a safe distance away, the bomb would be detonated, blowing the object to pieces. " I thought
only Bruce Willis could do that.
Then there is the "deflection approach, powerful nuclear bombs would be exploded up to half a mile away from the object. The radiation created by the
blast would cause a thin layer of object on the side nearest the explosion to vaporize and fly into space. The force of this material blasting into
space would "nudge" or recoil the object in the opposite direction just enough to alter its orbit, causing it to miss the Earth."
It almost appears that the space agency's is more concerned with finding them now, deciding what to do with them later...I guess that's probably the
sanest does you no good know how to destroy an object you don't know exists.
"A likely setting is one where a modest Earth impact probability by a NEO is identified decades in advance, then, future mitigation technologies
would be most appropriate. Furthermore, "opportunity science" could be derived from such a response. NASA has an interest in harvesting NEOs for
their minerals as well as siphoning from them water to further long-range space exploration goals."
Now the Russians on the other had, are being proactive about known asteroids that are big and gonna get uncomfortably close...just hope their efforts
go well.
"Russia is considering sending a spacecraft to deflect a large asteroid and prevent a possible collision with Earth..."People's lives are at stake.
We should pay several hundred million dollars and build a system that would allow to prevent a collision, rather than sit and wait for it to happen
and kill hundreds of thousands of people." ..."Calculations show that it's possible to create a special purpose spacecraft within the time we have,
which would help avoid the collision without destroying it (the asteroid) and without detonating any nuclear charges," Perminov said. "The threat of
collision can be averted." "
oh, and Legion, I dig your avatar...that's change I can believe in...