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Can the human eye actually emit an energy beam?

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posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:34 PM
i have always suspected something such as this exited. Have any of you guys ever looked hard at someone from across the room and the moment you start to think about them they turn around and look at you as if you had tapped them on the shoulder and said excuse me? It has happened to me a couple of time. maybe this has something to do with it. people always say i have intense eyes/stare.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by FortAnthem

Here's a vid of the scientist explaining how he did it.

Nah thats a guy saying what he'd like.. Not a scientist saying how he did it.

Very convincing tho.

I like.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by SheaWolf

If that's the case, wouldn't it make more sense for a predator to not send those beams out of their eyes in the first place? What evolutionary function would such beams serve? They don't help us see through walls. They don't help us see in the dark.

[edit on 4/9/2010 by Phage]

Great points.

This make more sense than the if/what case provided. This I like more.

Good post!

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

Thanks FA, good find S&F. Very interesting stuff!

I bet if they got someone for a test subject who was more aware of their energy and who had more 'balanced' energy through meditation and such, that they may find a stronger reading, but that is just a guess I'm making here. This whole 'eye beam' stuff is new so I can't really say if being grounded more and knowing your energy would help in this type of situation.

But, if they do find a way to harness this energy, imagine that... I could focus all my energy and build it up and stare at some girl from across the bar/restaurant and get her attention without ever getting up! The lazy guys way of hitting on a women

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:46 PM
Ok so let's see here, some questions for the scientists here:

The man in the video speaks of ELF waves shooting out of your eyes because he considers the theta brainwaves measured on an EEG in the 1-6hz region as ELF electro-magnetic radiation.
Now correct me if I'm wrong but brain "waves" measured via an EEG are NOT electro-magnetic radiation but rather are just waves of neurons sweeping across linearly in succession across the brain back and front.
This would seem a glaring error on this man's part and as such he would lose all credibility in my eyes if this is true because it seems like fundamental science that he is not understanding.
An ELF wave to my knowledge has a wave length of thousands of miles and requires an array equally large to generate. How is it that he thinks our 2 inch in diameter eye sockets can shoot out ELF waves that go on for "thousands of miles" according to him?
There seems to be something completely wrong with this picture....someone in the know please correct me if I'm wrong.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:50 PM
I'm constantly turning outside of my periphrial vision, directly towards people who are staring at me and make eye contact. It doesn't bother me, but can freak people out sometimes. I just figured this had to do with my perceptive ability.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:52 PM

Please read this. The word Electromagnetic does not occur once in that entire article. EEG to my knowledge do not measure electro-magnetic radiation.
That means that when it reads a frequency a delta wave frequency of let's say 5hz, that does NOT correspond to a 5hz ELF electromagnetic radiation wave, it is merely representative a 5hz electric potential signal as it oscillates 5 times per second back and forth through the brain.

What is this guy on about? This is a fraud.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by SheaWolf

If that's the case, wouldn't it make more sense for a predator to not send those beams out of their eyes in the first place? What evolutionary function would such beams serve? They don't help us see through walls. They don't help us see in the dark.

Perhaps the reason for the "eye beams" is to throw our prey out of sorts or off balance.

Plenty of posters have shared their experiences of feeling "off" when someone is giving them an evil stare.

Maybe there's more to the "evil eye" phenomenon than just superstition. Maybe it's a way to partially disable our prey at a distance.

The prey may have built up a higher awareness of the "evil eye" stare as a defence mechanism, thereby making the "evil eye" power of little use as it came to give away the presence of the predator.

Over the years, this power has gotten weaker (or maybe just forgotten) from disuse, explaining why it dismissed as superstition for the most part.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:55 PM
Phage, someone get on this and confirm my suspicions because to my knowledge that punches a gigantic hole throughout this guy's entire hypothesis and destroys all of his credibility if I'm correct on my reasoning.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Portugoal
What can we do with these laser beams? To date, I haven't seen through anyones clothes or any thing of that sort. Kind of a silly superpower...actually its not a superpower at all.

Why is this important, besides the fact that it sounds cool?

The human race is known to exist, in current form, for several thousand years. We have documentation of the human body going back a good 5k years. Greys Anatomy, THE book for medical school, is from over a century. In all this time, every possible aspect of the human body has been documented. Right down to the eastern body energy channels and such.

Given this long history of very solid understanding of human anatomy, you honestly don't find anything important in disovering a previously unknown body function? You must be the most stoic person I have ever encountered. LOL.

Ingo Swann believed that there were around 17 different sensory organs. He also believed that "psi" was not only able to transcend time/space, but that it had EM properties when employed in certain ways. His famous experiment on the Neutron detector was, in effect, him using his "mind" to alter the EM signature of the Neutron Detector. EM waves are present in many of his experiments.

This is a nice piece of information. Thank you, OP, for sharing it with us.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:56 PM
Wasn't this guy the one who went on Coast to Coast saying he had the James Randi 1 million dollar paranormal challenge in the bag with this eye energy thing... and then failed miserably? Pretty sure he was.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:57 PM
Very intresting stuff op, but I believe what that experiment showed is that the mind/brain projects somesort of wave, that can be pickedup by devices that can pickup EEG fields, and the eyes are the focus of the waves that we send out. It's really intresting because I ussualy try to avoid eye contact, it's just awkward most times, but wild animals though respond if you look at them with bad intentions. Who knows maiby if the guy colin a ross can get some device that can register when you focus the eye on it, and if you can interpret those waves into binary code computer language, then you can interpret somewhat what the person is thinking by a medium a computer. Or you can look them in the eyes to see whats going on. It would be cool though if you could type stuff on the pc by looking and focusing on somesort of device. no more typing. Lots of other things this could lead to if it's possible to register these waves. I gave you a star was going to give a dancing banana to, but couldn't find him.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 06:00 PM
I think I love this man!!! I was starting to crack thinking I was the only one, though I may have more control of "it" then most, I think I was preparing this power thing of the eye all my life w/o knowing about it til a year or so ago. Also I think it is because I cracked my head over my right eye that amplified this discovery of his.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 06:01 PM
In order to see, light emitted by the eyes meets with the outside light. This is also why the "evil eye" is a real influence. Why some people do not eat at a buffet or where others can see their food or watch them eat. The simple desire of the hungry person can effect the quality of the food.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by FortAnthem

yes I believe it is possible if you brain is wired to do so.

NOW... you're catching on.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Hedera Helix

A picture says a thousand words, but the picture is interpreted differently by whoever sees the picture so a picture says billions of words collectively.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by rufusdrak

You are correct.

An EEG does not measure electromagnetic radiation. It measures changes in electrical potential, measured in microvolts (millionths of a volt). Without a circuit it will measure nothing. In this case the circuit is through the goggles to the head of the participant. As I said, it is measuring brainwaves, not radiation.

You are also correct that the human body is not capable of producing ELF electromagnetic radiation. It is highly questionable that the human body can produce any form of electromagnetic radiation. Otherwise, you wouldn't need to attach those electrodes to take an EEG, you could just use a radio.

You are correct that the guy is a fraud. Oops, I mean probably a fraud.

[edit on 4/9/2010 by Phage]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

That is so freaking cool! I mean, damn man! I always knew it was possible to sense if someone was looking at you, and here is the proof...and if you think about it, the brain is an electrical device, meaning it also gives off its own EM field...mind reading would be possible if the human brain is capable of receiving and interpreting the EMR given off by other peoples brains...and I believe humans already posses this ability...they've just forgotten about as their obsession with material items has deluded them. It only requires that the human brain has some sort of antenna or radio receiver, which picks up the radio waves given off by others thoughts. It works just like normal radios, a person sends a signal, and it is received and demodulated by any device capable of interpreting the signal (a radio can interpret AM and FM signals, a brain could interpret other brain signals), and a message can than be sent back if using a two way radio system i.e. telepathic conversations. A radio must be tuned to a certain frequency before you will hear anything other than white noise...considering this, we could assume that two people need to be on the same wavelength before a telepathic conversation could take place.

We've always known that eyes emit energy subconsciously...if you look at every movie ever made, whenever there is a scene where a person is being followed, or someone is watching them from a tree...they always have that little pause where they get an odd feeling and just look around for a moment but then dismiss it when they see nothing. The human body as a whole machine emits a good amount of EMR, which is probably why I always wake up when someone is in my room no matter how quite they are...

Nice thread, S&F

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by Phage

It is highly questionable that the human body can produce any form of electromagnetic radiation.
ok, I'm just catching up and seeing this is probably a fraud, and has nothing to do with EMR, but Phage, I can't understand why you would make that statement. With your amount of scientific knowledge, it should be clear that we are bio-electric machines...with complex nervous systems...electricity (or more precisely, electrons) flow through us like a fountain of energy...we definitely give off EMR...because as we all know, moving electrons --> EMR

[edit on 9/4/10 by CHA0S]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

Watch out about people that talk with you, without take off the sunglasses...

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