There will be those of you who immediately squawk that this is 'old news' . Well , you know what , I don't give a damn .
I am sick of those of you who desperately try to justify the murder of innocent civilians in this BULLSH*T war .
The numbers for civilians who have died since this pre-empted invasion/occupation began will vary widely , depending on what you choose to believe ,
so I won't bother to quote any numbers . Suffice it to say that it totals into the hundreds of thousands , if not more .
The video release from Wiki shows what is only one occurence of U.S. tpoops targeting and killing civilians . This thread will not attempt to go into
whether it was justifiable or not . That is currently being debated in other threads .
The intent of this thread is to show that it is not an isolated , unfortunate , incident .
There are numerous sources to give credibility to what I am posting ., but this post will be brief .
'Iraqi man beaten to death with truncheons by U.S. troops for refusing to remove a picture of a wanted Shiite Muslim Leader' .
'More than one incident of ambulance with flashing lights , siren blazing , and clearly marked "Ambulance" in ENGLISH , being fired upon/blown-up
by U.S. troops ' .
One was on it's way to pick up a pregnant woman who had went into pre-mature labor .
In the other , the driver and a paramedic bled to death over the course of two days because warning shots were fired from U.S. troops every time a
team would arrive to collect the injured ( 4 different times ) .
The main hospital was destroyed .
U.S. troops guarded the bridge that led to the secondary hospital , with orders to shoot anyone who tried to enter or leave the hospital .
Instead of trying to de-bunk my thread , why don't you instead go to the original source and de-bunk it . I am sick of hearing / reading the same old
tired and lame argument of 'this is war' to justify the murder of non-combatants .
There's no news like old news ...
[edit on 9-4-2010 by okbmd]