posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 01:11 AM
I am writting this because i am curious if any of you ATS'ers know this guy and what yer take on him is. I am sure its going to be a mixed bag of
feelings with everyone. Some liking him others not. I think i most definetly do not.
Awhile back when Obama was running for president, the LaRouch PAC was set up outside a courthouse here in Houston Texas and i went to pay my traffic
ticket. On the way out they hitme up with the usual anti obama stuff so i listened. Sounded good and i had never heard of this guy Larouche so i tooks
some free papers and a disk and even gave them a check for 25 dollars. What the hell if its against obama its gotta be good right? Well not from what
i am reading about this guy now.
I get these emails at least once a week from the LaRouch PAC and i sometimes read them and sometimes dont. Cant say i am overly political to care
much. The one i got today was weird. Its a paper discussing Larouche's ideas on how we need to join the Russians in a joint op to bomb the
Afghanistan poppy fields and destroy the british drug cartel there. I was like what? HuH? I thought the Brits were our friends. To make it more
confusing, The article goes on to state that we should bring iran in on the deal since such a large percentage of their population is addicted to
opium. I thought wow is this guy mad? Arent these the folks who want to nuke us?
Ok so i decide maybe its time to do some digging into who this LaRouche guy is and wow what i found.
To start with he has a history as a marxist, and socialist. He hates jews and has been quoted as saying in regards to jews as being a zionist-british
organism and "evolved through moral depravity and inbreeding into a separate species outside the human race. He absoutely seems to hate him some
brits too. He has made conspiracy theorys in the past with regards to Queen Elizabeth II as running a drug cartel and that the 1995 Oklahoma City
bombing was the first strike in a British attempt to take over the United States.
In 1986, LaRouche proposed that AIDS be added to California's List of Communicable Diseases. Sponsored by the "Prevent AIDS Now Initiative
Committee" (PANIC), it came to be known as the "LaRouche Initiative." The proposal, Proposition 64, qualified for the California ballot in 1986,
with the required signature gatherers mostly paid for by LaRouche's Campaigner Publications.[104] Opponents said the measure could have required
universal testing and the quarantine of infected individuals, while proponents denied this, arguing that it simply allowed for standard public health
measures to be taken. It was defeated, reintroduced two years later, and defeated again. AIDS was a leading plank in LaRouche's platform during his
1988 presidential campaign. He vowed to quarantine its "aberrant" victims who are "guilty of bringing this pandemic upon us
Well thats pretty much all i have had a chance to read so far on this guy. Anyone have anything they know and wanna post it please do. I feel so weird
having giventhese people money. I am sure i am now on some watch list or something.