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Clinically dead boy 'saw grandma in heaven'

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posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 04:38 PM
At first the story seems unlikely but then we separate the journalism from fact (semingly).

His father, who had had first aid training in the past, tried to resuscitate his son by giving him mouth to mouth and heart massage.

Dad gave mouth to mouth and heart massage.

This keeps the blood circulation and therefore negates the other "fact":

They were about to stop because the boy had been clinically dead for three hours and 18 minutes - but then a miracle happened.

Clinically dead (at least in this country) is stopping of heart and braindead. In this state for three hours no ressuccetation is even considered.

We must assume that it is "journalism", when it is referred to as clinically dead.

Three hours with low core temperature and heart massage has been known to have been survived.


Haven't read the entire thread, so I don't know if this is mentioned:

The NDE has recently been attributed to a high content of CO2 in the blood stream.

A question for the smart amongst you:

If you see your life pass before you at the moment of death what happens when you get to the point where you see your life pass before you?

[edit on 9.4.2010 by HolgerTheDane]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 04:40 PM
Why would a hospital try to revive a clinically dead patient after 3 hours? Use your head folks. They don't.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by eightfold

Eightfold, i want to add to what you said about vibrating energy. As you said their are radio waves, UV, infrared, gamma, visible, these are all around us 24/7. It is not until we use an instrument to tune into these frequencies, do we become aware that they are present. Before radio waves were discovered, they were considered ridiculous theories. It is believed that our conciousness acts in this very way.

Our conciousness can tune in to other dimensions by changing its frequencies. Just as you have many radio waves freely surrounding you, you can tune your radio to 91.0, 97,1, 105.1, etc, and only here that one specific frequency. This is what makes discovery so hard, we do not understand how this principle applies to the physical world. We have just began to touch it, through quantum physics.

[edit on 9-4-2010 by Good Intentions]

[edit on 9-4-2010 by Good Intentions]

[edit on 9-4-2010 by Good Intentions]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Maddogkull
reply to post by hippomchippo

wow funny. Even skeptics like Sagan and Hawkins don’t even use "all". All evidence does not point that consciousness is in the mind. If it did 100% we would not have this conversation. There are arguments on both sides, and BOTH have really good arguments. We do not know what’s on the other side, so to say we do know is stupid. 100 years of science, and we can say we figured out the universe and life......Now that is a stupid belief.

Did you not read what I said? I said we don't have an explanation for consciousness as a whole, I said personality and who WE are, is in our brain, that is documented.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:10 PM
I am aware that it is very well documented as i have studied it myself. However, it is very possible that it resides in our brain because it may be that our brain is used to decode the information from our soul/consciousness, into our physical reality.

When you are out of body, all your thoughts, memories, your personality, are taken with you, so that makes it very hard to believe our thoughts and memories are only stored in our brain. The strong evidence for it however, still leaves open the fact that OBE's may just be a hallucination. But in the end your beliefs are your beliefs. However if you haven't fully looked into each side, then you may be biased in your beliefs.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:31 PM
At 3 years old its very likely this child didnt even know his grandmother or only for a extremely short time.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Good Intentions
I am aware that it is very well documented as i have studied it myself. However, it is very possible that it resides in our brain because it may be that our brain is used to decode the information from our soul/consciousness, into our physical reality.

When you are out of body, all your thoughts, memories, your personality, are taken with you, so that makes it very hard to believe our thoughts and memories are only stored in our brain. The strong evidence for it however, still leaves open the fact that OBE's may just be a hallucination. But in the end your beliefs are your beliefs. However if you haven't fully looked into each side, then you may be biased in your beliefs.

Sorry, but I have done alot and I mean alot of looking into NDEs and OBEs, I just don't see anything that shouts at me as being actual evidence of an afterlife, just dying brain functions and wishful thinking in my opinion, you can claim there's an extra part of the mind that is external to all things physical, but it's just a claim, and with no evidence I won't accept it just because it would make me happy.

[edit on 9-4-2010 by hippomchippo]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:41 PM
It's nice that this case gets media attention, but this is nothing new.
ALOT of people (including kids) have experienced same events!
This is real guys (:

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Kaytagg
I've heard that when you die, your brain floods with '___', which is a hallucinogenic chemical that is also released during REM sleep.

So, he probably did see his grandmother, in the same kind of way I've "gone to school wearing just my underwear" kind of way -- know what I mean?
Why are folks "starring" this post???

"CLINICALLY" dead means there is ZERO brain activity.


posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 06:05 PM
Hippomchippo, I am not reffering to only researching OBE's. I too think there is not enough evidence (yet) that shouts out as being actual evidence. What i was refering to was that you experience it yourself through meditation, and then judge from there.
I am not talkin about when you die, I am talkin about now. I am not claiming there is an "extra" part of the mind, I am stating that I believe what you call the mind may originate elsewhere. I think you are confusing researching NDE's, with practicing OBE's. Once again, if you have never experienced it for yourself, then you have not truly done all you can to decide. Just to clarify one again, I am not talkin about the dying process, I am talkin about if you were to practice OBE's right now, while alive, which if your truly seeking the truth, you should look into that.
That was what broke it for me, i never knew that you could induce an OBE before without dieng. I thought thats all OBE's where about, when you die and come back. So i said the same thing you did. However i discovered astral projection, and it lead me to challenge my previous thoughts. I am not trying to prove anything to you at all, I am trying to explain to you that you yourself can go and experience this, rather than form a conclusion without experiencing, or rather than blindly believe withouth seeing for yourself.

Edit to add: NDE's are a form of Out of Body Experiences, however they are not the only form.

[edit on 9-4-2010 by Good Intentions]

[edit on 9-4-2010 by Good Intentions]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by ker2010

Yeah, that's true. How can the boy know his Gran and understand her?
Plus the child understands the concept of Heaven! How many 3 year olds know about that?
Are his old folks religous?
Or is this just the media jumping to conclushions?
I agree that its a miracle he's alive, but heck, the kid sounds quite clever for his age, being able to know about heaven, to recognise dead family and then tell doctors that he was sent back by granny...

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 07:14 PM

here is how i perceive death: think of what your consciousness was like before you were born

You dont know what your consciousness was like before you were born just like you dont know or remember what you were doing on march 5th when you where 14 months old. Doesnt mean you didnt exsist.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Kaytagg

I have done magic mushes and other stuff in my youth even micro dot acid way back 35 years ago ,Now why on mushes i felt connected and had the feeling of being one with the world or nature it was far from what i experienced when i had a NDE, now that was awesome, i could look back at myself which is not available on 300 mushes for me, just heightened color and moving wallpaper and trees, way different than NDE. it happened i was working a drilling rig in town centre of place called swanage southern england, at the time i was taken to bornemouth AE at the hospital after many a resus attempts, i was revived and the pain upon being made back alive is horrendous, all i remember about comeing back was the medics shouting my name with "from up north" on the end of his shout , nobody new my last name but did know i was from up north,IT was late at night my spanner man had left for the diggs only locals around.any way the shouting by paramedics was faint to my energy but worked. i was watching but dident realise i was watching them revive me I was listening and a part of everything ,i also was connected to every person i seen in the homes around me ,I mean everything i thought of my mum and instantley travelled to her 200 miles away watched her talking to someone on the telephone ,thats when i was snatched back,I telephoned my mum and told her she was amazed that i knew what she was discussing earlier on the phone,
I also had a NDE when i was younger but that was a drowning and i had a similar event but 1 time other i had a NDE which was dark and evil and smelled bad, i wont say what had happened but lets just say it made me pray every night since.

SO my point is chemicals ive done NDE ive done they are very different

[edit on 4/9/2010 by dashar]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Originally posted by Solomons
NDE's are a result of the body dying, the lack of oxygen and a specific mixture of chemical processes cause them. I have never seen any evidence to prove they are more than that and absolutely no explanation as to why most people have no such experiences, if floating off to magical land is what happens when you die then why does it not happen to everyone? I have a close friend that died and was resuscitated, he had no NDE...does he not have a soul?
Like i said, i believe it is a very specific mix of things that cause them hence not everyone experiences them.

And if it is a basic biological process...then I have the same question you do...why doesn't everyone have one?

If it is a chemical reaction of '___'...why doesn't everyone experience it? If the lack of oxygen causes this...why doesn't everyone experience it?

It doesn't seem like a very "scientific" explaination if only a few experience it, but it is a basic biological process.

Cant the same question be asked if a NDE is something supernatural? If a NDE is your consciousness moving into a new realm(or whatever, fill in the blank with what is happening), why doesnt everyone experience it when in the throws of death?

I think what others are saying is that it is more plausible that what is happening is biological. It is definitely the simplest answer. Could there be something more to our consciousness and life? Maybe. But the simplest answer is the most likely. I know we dont have all the answers and I wont pretend to know the answers. But it is absolutely more logical that what is happening to be a biological mechanism. So far every mechanism in our bodies has been proven to be biological, chemical or electrical(all naturally occurring), the brain is the least understood of all the organs, rightly so as it is the most complex. But that doesnt mean or suggest that what we do not understand has some unexplainable, supernatural explanation.

There are certainly things that science cannot explain but that doesnt mean that you can just fill in the blank with a supernatural answer. Science is a process, an ever evolving process. Some things cannot be explained because we lack the technology but that doesnt mean that it is something that will never be explained.

The argument against science that seems to have been around since its beginning is; "well science cant explain _______". And then when science does explain ______. Someone will say well ok, but what about _______, science cant explain that so it must be (fill in the blank with supernatural claim). This process has been going on since the beginning of scientific thought.

Just because science cant currently explain something DOES NOT mean that it has a supernatural explanation. Everything that science CAN explain is rooted deeply in a natural explanation.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by nh_ee
reply to post by spearhead

Cold water and temperatures DO slow the rate of degradation of tissue, for the same reason we keep our produce and meat in the Fridge.

'___' or not We are talking a 3 year old here folks.

It makes me wonder if he as a 3 yr old, had ever even met his Great Grandmother in real life before, let alone knew who she even was before this episode occurred ?

Also, why would he make this experience up in the first place ?

I wouldnt say he made it up but like you said, he is a 3 year old. I have known three year olds to make things up and see monsters in their closet. My nephew says all sorts of crazy kid stuff that isnt true, he isnt purposely lying but he is a 3 year old kid and he says funny/weird things. Do I believe everything he way. I usually tell him to quit lying and i put him in the shame closet.(joke, i would never do that to my nephew)

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 10:27 PM
God works in mysterious ways far beyond our understanding. He is larger and more powerful than medical science. Our bodies are capable of amazing things because He created them that way.

You all can argue about how it's impossible or the story is fake because things just "don't add up". All things are possible with Christ's love in your life, and clearly this boy experienced that. Good for him.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 11:35 PM
It's normal for people who have NDEs and see a white light to jump up and say i saw heaven. Just because you see a white light doesn't mean it's the christain version of the afterlife.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 12:38 AM
These topics always intrigue me due to that fact that you never hear "I was clinically dead and saw so and so in Hell". It's always Heaven that people see or think they see, you can't have it both ways. Your religion implies not everyone goes to Heaven, so why don't we see more NDE's where people see Hell? No one can pretend to understand the human consciousness. Just because your dead doesn't mean the human consciousness ends there or ends when the brain is dead. The fact is we don't know, and are not equiped to guess.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by Metal Head

Some people with NDE's do experience hell. As far as I know in "heaven" certain people always come up. Jesus other biblical characters dead loved ones and unspecified beings.

The ones that have supposedly experienced hell arent exactly what you would you would describe as pitch forks and demons but they arnt nice either.

Both Heaven/Hell NDEs if true have huge impacts on the peoples life after having experienced one.

At least this is coming from the main NDE website... err whats the name. 1000's of NDEs compiled and a certain methodology is used to find similarities witch give the above impression.

You should check it out for if anything a good sci fi read if you dont believe it to be true.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 02:03 AM
The boy is telling the truth many people will never believe it, but some people who are old souls already know he is telling the truth. People who have NDE or ADC like I have had, know for a fact this boy is telling the truth and it is as real as I am typing this to all of you. Once you had an experience like an NDE or an ADC, it will change your life forever, in a positive way, it happened to me several times and It changed me. I have had a glimpse of the other side and it is beautiful, human language cannot describe it, the over whelming love I felt is unbelievable, the light is very real.

I had an ADC while I was sitting on my bed drinking my diet soda and watching television it was so strong and so powerful that when it was over a few moments later I had tears of sadness and joy running down my face. My friend was with me at the time and saw my face and ask me what just happened asked me if I was ok.

I told him yeah, I was fine, but it was his mother that came to me, she had died a couple of months ago. She said to tell her son that she loves him and she was all right. Several years ago his mother and my friend and I had a bad argument something I do not wish to discuss but during the argument I tried to tell his mother something about my past that happened to me that was very bad, something that my real parents did to me and it impacted my life for a long time. During this ACD with his mother, she told me this:
I “didn’t know,” I “didn’t understand.” “Now I know, please forgive me” she said, I could feel her sadness the emotional feelings, they where overwhelming. I told her in my mind that I forgive you its old water under the bridge, which is when she told me to tell her son she loves him and that she is ok.
When I told him, he knew I was telling the truth, he saw it on my face; he knew I had an experience that defies sciences.

These events are very real, for those of you that don’t believe that death is only the beginning, well all I can say is, you will find out it is very real one day.

[edit on 10-4-2010 by impressme]

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