posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 08:45 PM
Ponder these truths slowly,
What is a spirit? A spirit has no shape, no size, no color, no weight, does not consist of matter which in turn does not occupy space.These are all
the things that spirit is not . However, what is spirit?
In the bible, John 4:24 states that God is a Spirit. Unless we know the meaning of the word spirit we are clueless as to what he said.Its as though
he said that God is a nothing which tells us nothing at all.
In Genesis 1:26 God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: This is a good starting point to begin with, Our own spirit.The one we
know best.The element in us by which we know and love, by which therefore we decide.Our body knows and loves and decides nothing.The body only reacts.
It is the knowing mind that enjoys or dislikes these reactions.
Spirit has power too. It is the mind that splits the atom, The atom can not split the mind.The atom cannot even split itself. The mind uses the body
not asking the bodies consent.The mind is the principal, the body the instrument.The body is essential. The mind must use it to cope with matter.
Example: the raising of your arm. This is a very complicated anatomical activity however it is set in motion by a decicion of the will.
In conclusion spirit produces what matter cannot.One of the particular things that spirit also does is that it produces ideas. some will argue that
there are changes in the brain when we think,grooves or electrical discharges or what not.But theses only accompany the thought and are not the
thought.Our ideas are not material.They have no resemblance tour body.There resembalance is to our spirit.
If we are continuously producing things which have no attribute of matter, it seems reasonable to conclude that there is in us some element which is
not matter to produce them.this element I call spirit. All theories welcome
Mods please put where you think best
[edit on 8-4-2010 by oliveoil]