posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:33 AM
Here is the report on yesterday's eruption.
Edited from
INGV and from our data.
This eighth paroxysm of the year 2011 was the most intense episode with sustained lava fountains. These were different from the previous episodes
whose fountains were rather pulsating and rarely exceeded 250-300 m in height. During the phase of maximum intensity, fragments of fluid lava were
violently thrown to heights of about 450-500 m ( 1, 640 feet) above the crater rim, causing heavy fallout onto the external flanks of the pyroclastic
cone to a distance of 200-300 m. The lava flow emitted during this episode were longer than those of all paroxysms except for the first one, reaching
the gently sloping terrain immediately to the north and northeast of Monte Centenari. Lava fountains were jetting from at least two vents located
within the crater and on its upper east flank.
From 23.30 local time onward, the eruptive activity started to decrease in intensity, and ceased completely shortly after midnight.
This image was from
Cam 1 then colourised from black and white.