posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 04:25 PM
Possible Paranoid (Pet Prophetic Post) - Enter with Patience Please!
The volcanologists over the last two weeks have made - on more than one occasion - reference to ‘expecting’ another eruption from Etna using
phrases like ‘she’s full to the brim and ready to explode’ - etc.
We’ve all (?) heard stories of animals that ‘know’ before eruptions.
Now combine the two while I add I’ve a young dog who’ll be 5 months on the 6th of August and she is FREAKING OUT tonight.
Nothing in her routine, food, etc is out of the ordinary - but she is displaying behavior that is extremely out of the ordinary.
She’s circling the yard endlessly, throwing her head up every once in a while, whining and circling more.
In the last 30 minutes (yes this behavior has been going on that long) she’s peed at least 15 times.
She does not try to leave the yard (if a strange animal had passed through I would think she would try to ‘follow’ it’s tracks/smell farther),
but no, she just paces endlessly the boundaries of the land, whines, pees, and will just not rest.
I’ve been outside all day all evening. I saw no signs of any strange animals. My other pets/livestock are restless, but not like my Luci. With
the rooster I have and the male turkey? ANYTHING unusual and they let me know too, but, they’re just having a little trouble settling in tonight - I
blame that on Luci being so restless and her endless pacing, peeing, pacing, circling. It’s unreal.
I tried to bring her inside (where she always sleeps with me) and she will have NONE of it - she wants OUT! And that is a FIRST for her. She follows
my habits always. When I eat, she eats, when I sleep she sleeps etc.
So, she’s still out there circling, making her water, and circling some more.
Why I’m adding this post should be obvious.
If nothing happens - I don’t know what I’ll write up her behavior as. I just don’t.
If something does happen this tonight/early morning? Then we’ll have one more report - this time before hand - that animals can detect
So, we’ll see.
Please, don’t get worried people. I’ll report back as soon as I can. But in the mean time Luci is still just displaying behavior that’s
agitated to the max for no apparent reason.
Until next time.
Added note: I left the door open while I was writing this out. She came inside and had diarrhea on the floor. She’s NEVER done this before.
Agitated is NOT the word for her at this point she is in a panic! I am at my wits end figuring her behavior out!!!