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The True Hidden Structure of World Power

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posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by Wotan
If this so called NWO takeover thing has supposed to be going on for centuries than why didnt it come to fruition when Great Britain had the British Empire at its height, when it ruled a quarter of the planet?

According to some, the players are the same bunch.

And who the hell is the Black Pope?

To answer the 1st question why wasn’t the New World Order introduced during the height of the British Empire, that is because One World Government, which is the driving and principle goal of the New World Order, requires having first conquered the entire world and not simply ¼ of it.

Nor does it allow simply for the occupation of the world by forces considered to be foreign to a region, but all people and all nations, willingly merging into a one world government system.

There are in reality less than a handful of nations that Rome has not conquered or controls, but we are still a ways away from people wanting to unite under a world wide central authority and give up ethnic, religious, and regional identities to create that homogenous society.

That will take a catalyst of apocalyptical proportions to separate people from their desire to cling to ethnic, religious, national and regional identities.

The Black Pope is the Jesuit General, the highest ranking Priest in the Jesuit Order of Catholic Priests.

The Jesuits sprang into existence in 1537 when a Spanish Knight of Noble heredity from the Basque Region named Ignatius of Loyola first began meditating in bizarre ways that many of his contemporaries considered to be some form of black magic or demonic possession.

Some were unsure if this was some mental condition, a physical ailment or some part of heresy and black magic.

Eventually word of his bizarre trance like states, convulsions, and proclaimed visions, led to the Pope summoning him to Rome to face a formal inquisition.

Being summoned to Rome in those days to face a formal Papal Inquisition was pretty much a death sentence. The subject of the Inquiry always had to do with whether you were engaged in heresy.

Locked in the Vatican’s prison, Ignatius continued his meditational practices, which were observed and some how managed to convince the Pope that he was in fact communing with God and no black magic, occult or heresy was involved.

Critics still to this day are in awe of how he managed to pull that off or convince the Pope of that.

But freed, and cleared with the Pope’s blessings, he was granted the right to found his own Order of Catholicism by training Priests which would report to him in the chain of command, with Ignatius then reporting directly to the Pope.
They spread the order wide and rapidly and primarily focused on missionary work that focused on Education. Loyola Marymount is just one of dozens of Universities and Colleges the Jesuits founded around the world.

Ignatius was later canonized after his death by the Vatican and proclaimed a Saint, a process that requires the confirmation of people attesting to miracles the canonized person performed with God’s aid while alive.

Jesuit Priests have been associated with revolutionaries who have changed governments in a number of countries.

The head of the Jesuit Order holds the title of Jesuit General. Ignatius’s background as a Knight and Military Man led to his belief of spreading Catholicism and Education in a rigid, disciplined military like way, with a strategic eye to where and when Jesuits could have the most impact in the world.

This militant and sometimes violent approach of what is one of the largest Orders of Priests within Catholicism long ago earned who ever is serving as the Jesuit General the Title of the Black Pope.

Now you know!

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 02:58 AM
A very enjoyable read and some interesting theories. However, this structure of power contravenes the theory that I believe in the most with regard to people and civilization which is entropy or an inevitable movement from order to chaos. No doubt that the organizations you have listed wield incredible influence and power, but I am skeptical of such a long-standing and ordered system of control. I believe, instead, that many of these players continually struggle internally as well as with each other to maintain their sphere of influence, which is waning with each passing year.

For example, the Vatican and the media are prime examples of monopolies that have suffered a tremendous erosion of power over the years. Competing religions, science and education have all cut into a major share of the monolithic power of the Vatican. The proliferation of alternative media such as radio, cable, and the internet especially have greatly undercut the "unified" media's griplock on information. Your post as well as the numerous responses and additions from others is a testament to how the natural evolution of chaos has and continues to drain off power and influence from these giants.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Sibilance

Do you understand, though, that competition and 'opposition' between 2 factions of the same side can be a good thing?

Think of it like spies. You send spy#1 to stalk and find information about this suspicious individual. But, you know, as soon as this spy finds out the truth, hes going to question your motive. So you tell spy#2 that spy#1 is planning to defect to the Soviet Union. He kills spy#1 after missions done.

When you have 2 parties you control at odds, it creates the illusion there is no unifying force. When people are confused (ambiguous enemy), they have no spot to focus their energy on, and your system is more likely to live!

And, all this 'free media', that comes out, what makes you think its not controlled by the same force too? Because it say the opposite of what you expect would be beneficial..?

Have you ever heard the phrase, "If you want to control your opposition, LEAD IT"

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 01:49 PM
Your post is defineitely compeling. I am going to u2u after i get my sufficient posts. Until then, I look forward to reading your opinions.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Sibilance
A very enjoyable read and some interesting theories. However, this structure of power contravenes the theory that I believe in the most with regard to people and civilization which is entropy or an inevitable movement from order to chaos. No doubt that the organizations you have listed wield incredible influence and power, but I am skeptical of such a long-standing and ordered system of control. I believe, instead, that many of these players continually struggle internally as well as with each other to maintain their sphere of influence, which is waning with each passing year.

For example, the Vatican and the media are prime examples of monopolies that have suffered a tremendous erosion of power over the years. Competing religions, science and education have all cut into a major share of the monolithic power of the Vatican. The proliferation of alternative media such as radio, cable, and the internet especially have greatly undercut the "unified" media's griplock on information. Your post as well as the numerous responses and additions from others is a testament to how the natural evolution of chaos has and continues to drain off power and influence from these giants.

Terence McKenna has a theory very similar to this that he calls Time Wave Zero.

He thinks that mankind has been evolving through technology with a battle called novelty versus tradition.
Novelty being defined as ...

An increase in the universe's interconnectedness, or organized complexity,

And tradition being just the opposite.

And the opposite benefits the control of the few, because it creates a situation where either few or no communication is possible.
Divide and conquer.
These families have fought unification since usurping the original ruling Pharaohs, which were benevolent and not the malevolent God King that we think of the ruling Pharaoh.
These are the same people who have co-opted the religion of the original Jews and have now created Israel.

They have used the same control techniques since the time of Babylon and Nimrod.
Divide and conquer, but the universe has a movement toward interconnectedness.
McKenna thinks that culture is an impediment toward social-interconnectedness.

Listen to him rip on the creation of culture.
Culture and religion were created by the mystery schools.
All the world religions are manifestations of the first.

Always look for the similarities and not the differences, because they tell a story.
Research how many different religious figures had a virgin birth, had 12 disciples, did miracles, was crucified, was born on December 25th, etc...

Let me tell you a few who had at least a majority of the above characteristics:

I am sure that if I looked then I could find more.

Christians will try to debunk this in some way or form, but the evidence does not back their claims.
Look into the publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls and John Allegro.
And ironically enough, Allegro was once in school to be a minister and researching old languages made him question his faith.
That will tell you how invested these people are.

The first organized religion that created culture, which McKenna states is NOT YOUR FRIEND, was created by a group of people who worship what they like for us to see as Satan, Molech, blah, blah...
They do this because they want a deity that is solely theirs, and it represents the worship of the self, of the flesh.
This God is mostly know as Lucifer, the bringer of the light, the sun of God, the morning star, and it is a metaphor for knowledge, literally worshiping man the self, totally exclusive of others, which is the direct opposite of the movement of life, which is love.

He states in no uncertain terms in the video above that the god of social control is a demonic demi-urge that should denounced by ALL.
This god that he mentions as an aside is the same supposed demi-urge that the elite worship. You can call it whatever you want to, but it is characterized by:
Worldliness. Isolation. Selfishness.
Entropy, all of which all benefit the elite.

Life however creates more complexity. More information.
Negentropy... if you will.

And that is the movement that is spoken of by Terence McKenna that counters tradition and it has been worshiped by all since the dawn of history.
He plotted the course of our collective change over time in social inter-connectedness using an algorithm on a computer, and it cascaded into a descent that could be charted.
Novelty versus Tradition with novelty winning by a very little.

And he noticed that after looking at the chart of the mapped changes and then overlaying it onto a picture of the changes of mapped characters found in the I-Ching that it he started a movement on a time line with start being the date of the invention of the I-Ching that the time line would finish in the year 2012.

This was way before anyone talked about this 2012 stuff.

Even Mckenna himself had no idea about the Mayan calender at the time.

If you don't know the I-Ching, it is very interesting to think of in these terms.
Here is a link.
it is called the book of changes and is a source of divination for life.

He is not some yahoo mind you. He graduated from UC Berkley with a degree in ecology and conservation.
He has lived with indigenous people in the Amazon with his brother who is an ethnopharmacologist with a Masters from botany from the University of Hawaii.

He believed that mushrooms were the key to human evolution
It would take too long to explain this so look at this link.

Here is a link to his life.

These mystery cults were the first and after some type of cataclysm, they were left.
That is the reason for the bottleneck in human evolution.

They used the knowledge that was left after this incident to create power through controlling the ability to do things like:

They made people look at them as being mystical and demi-gods.
These people would always intermarry and eventually this gave rise to kings as these priests learned, and passed down through initiation, the knowledge of calenders, math, building, and the secrets of the the true religion.
This naturally lead to social control.

But McKenna thinks that life itself moves against that direction. Secrets cannot stay that way because life becomes too complex and secrets rely on compartmentalization.
Sure, they all come out in the wash and it may not mean much when they do, but the movement for openness and interconnectedness becomes faster and faster until it cascades into limitless descent, or ascent depending on how you wish to see it.
He calls this time wave zero. Watch him talk about it below.
The guy is amazing. He was a man of the people with a heart of love.
The opposite of the people who are spoken of as the antagonists of this thread.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 04:02 PM
I really thought I would see the word SOULS in the replies. But no... So, I tell it myself. The only thing that matters is the gaining of SOULS. Satan/Lucifer has to win souls, because otherwise they go to God. He is sending all his agents, devils in disguise (in body-suit) and his workers on earth (Illuminati) to drag people to him. They use every means of magic (and there is no such thing as white magic, every color of magic is evil). They have money, power, they have time to read all ancient magic books even in the Vatican library. They have knowledge of numerology (not the kind that you get after decoding your name), but for example : 9/11, not 10 because that number signifies completeness and Illuminati want to be more complete, so 11 is above 10.
The Illuminati have a religion called Luciferianism, and it has a higher goal than satanism. It is not only a religion but also a filosophy, a lifestyle.
They want to compete against God himself. They want to be 'good', but they can't be good. They are intrinsically evil. It's dualistic : they are good to each other, but they don't give a damn about the mob. They must work for them as slaves.
You have for example the Bilderbergs, they look like a neat club for wealthy people, but they are basically Luciferians. They have a second agenda. They have reunions that the media know of, and reunions on secret dates and places.

BTW I love this thread

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 02:04 AM
Protoplasmic Traveler… This is simply a brilliant thread…

I have read all 8 pages of it over the past 2 days and I have to command you not only for the level of your factual knowledge and you analysis, but also for having a truly academic and impartial approach to telling your story, replying to other posters calmly, firmly and wisely.

Whether they were agreeing with you or not, the usual "those bastards" tone is palpable in many posters' comments in this thread, where they usually try to adapt their existing beliefs about shapeshifters, aliens, god, christ, lucifer and what not, depending on which tribal, social, ethical structure they subscribe to. But, I have to say, none of your comments seem to have much of an apparent sentiment in them. I find that quite refreshing I have to say). In that sense, if I may, I would like to ask you a few questions as well.

How would you describe your feelings about this order that you so well describe? How does this order, as opposed to an alternative order (past present, future, real, imaginary or whatever), effect you? I mean in an existential sense not political…

I would understand if you find all this off topic or personal or whatever… But I would be genuinely interested in hearing about how someone who has such deep knowledge of the order would think about the philosophical side of things.

This order that is secret…

Why is it so?

If it has always been so, would it not always be so?

If there is this certain organization that runs the world while pacifying the masses with various myths, does it mean if it did not exist there would be no myth, no lies and no slavery or oppression, or does it mean that there would have been another one with a similar structure but with different stories (which, like China, already exist but are currently being devoured by Rome)?

An organization that has such massive power, knowledge, structure and possession of historical truth, and who make their plans and set their agendas not in terms of years or election terms but in centuries or more… Is there really another one that would actually be able to run the world? (that's why they are going for the whole enchilada this century by the way… they feel they can close the deal if they jump on the whole world while the balance of power is heavily skewed in their favor… It will be rough..)

Does the "world" ultimately need to be run by some organization or another to have order?

If civilization were an organism, is Rome its cancer or or is it its DNA?

Do you think the Pope (black or white) believes in God?

Thank you :-)

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 06:10 AM
i profess i have limited understanding in relation to what is to be known regarding the universe,but i have to admit that the real war being waged is not on the physical plane but on the spiritual, and this is where the human race will either earn freedom or loose it,in my humble opinion,its an individual battle,and a battle of illusions,in a way ,we are fighting a war within ourselves,to become the universal beings we could 1 can really have the power you describe over us[not rome ,big gov,or anyone],unless we give it to them,and this is where the trick is being perpetrated.the con. we are giving away our power,without realising we are,so i say,its a personal journey,take your power back,at all and any cost[easier said than done,but not impossible]we live in a constant state of paradox,becoming ,being and decaying,all in the same moment???how can this be???ok,i had my rant,forgive me ok.

[edit on 11-4-2010 by mediasorcerer]

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by mediasorcerer

I agree with you mediasorcerer. I have only an arm's length concern with who is running the world. My prime occupation is with my own journey, my own lessons, and whether or not I am (spiritually) making the progress I should be.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 07:43 PM
This was an awesome read...
Thank you!

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by redeyedwonder

I too think that this has been one of my favorite threads, but I have to say that a part of me wishes that I did not have any of this knowledge.

I envy those that can walk through life completely unaware of the gnostic "hell" that surrounds us.

Some call it the end times. Some call it the system of the Dajjal.
Some call it Hades

All one needs are eyes to see and ears to hear, because the messages will only get louder and more compressed.

And more urgent. That is the pattern, until we reach the technological singularity.

All this due to accelerating change.

Strap yourself in and hold on because this is just beginning to get interesting.

[edit on 4/11/2010 by Josephus23]

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by may_be_true

Whether they were agreeing with you or not, the usual "those bastards" tone is palpable in many posters' comments in this thread, where they usually try to adapt their existing beliefs about shapeshifters, aliens, god, christ, lucifer and what not, depending on which tribal, social, ethical structure they subscribe to. But, I have to say, none of your comments seem to have much of an apparent sentiment in them. I find that quite refreshing I have to say). In that sense, if I may, I would like to ask you a few questions as well.

Perception becomes a person’s reality regardless of whether the elements to it truly exist. As long as they exist in someone’s mind they are real to that person, and how they frame there reality.

A true conspiracy theorist can only be objective, when they can detach themselves emotionally from the events and circumstances.

In the military they have a saying “The reality on the ground”. Ultimately no matter what they told you going in, what you were led to believe, or did believe, once there, you do have to deal with the reality on the ground and the best way to do that is intellectually and not emotionally. Emotions cloud and effect judgment, and can cause us to perceive things in ways that are detrimental or inaccurate, and react to them in ways that our detrimental or inaccurate. Reactions are always based on emotions, responses are based on detailed and thoughtful analysis of all the possibilities and pros and cons.

In essence what I have done is tried to respond to the reality on the ground, by reverse engineering history. Starting with the outcome, with a firm conviction that nothing is coincidental and someone wanted that desired outcome. That although the victors get to rewrite history, that who gained the most in any conflict, or upheaval, is likely who orchestrated the events to bring that outcome about, even if it had a temporary seemingly detrimental impact to their own faction.

By doing this, I have been able to isolate a lot of things, held as truths and dogmas, and put forward as truths, that really just don’t fit when it comes to the outcome, by reverse engineering it all backwards. Who had motive, who had opportunity, who had something to gain, and who had the most to gain. The heroes often end up the villains and the villains the heroes.

Like a jigsaw puzzle all the pieces need to fit, if they don’t, then it’s easy to instinctively and intuitively figure out why if you are looking at it academically and intellectually as a puzzle and enigma, instead of emotionally as a dogma.

Regardless people, all people, need a reality to frame their world, and while we all have different takes on it, I certainly don’t begrudge anyone who feels they are better served to cling to their own perspectives, even if I myself through my own investigations have found them to not be true, or lack substantial credibility.

My quest and passion is for the truth, and the facts, and where ever that leads it leads. It’s important to me on a personal level, through a sense of responsibility to share what I believe, but not to force anyone to believe, so naturally it doesn’t upset me at all when someone disagrees.

The truth, and the hidden truths, still is true, regardless of whether people recognize them or wish to validate them by agreeing they recognize them.

The difference between conspiracy theorists and conspiracy buffs, is one is always on the search for the truth, the other latches on to a conspiracy and uses it to frame a new close ended reality complete with circular logic.

Once circular logic is employed that becomes a reality they will never willingly part with regardless of any other greater truth.

How would you describe your feelings about this order that you so well describe? How does this order, as opposed to an alternative order (past present, future, real, imaginary or whatever), effect you? I mean in an existential sense not political…

I am in many ways indifferent to it, it is simply the reality on the ground and like it or not, we all have to deal with it. Much of how the world is ruled is through peer pressure and psychological intimidation designed to evoke emotions that cause people to react in easily manipulated ways, instead of to respond in calculated and measured ways. I understand why those who employ the system feel it’s valid and the best one for them to employ.

I study the logistics of systems, because all systems have weaknesses and week points where it’s possible, and much easier to disrupt or throw a system into chaos, or render it useless.

In reality the Bankers, Government and Corporations have more cause to fear me because of that, than I really do them.

My own personal belief is that if an imposed system is designed to be unfair towards you, find the weaknesses and exploit the system to work for you, and against those, who designed it to work against you.

Turnabout is fair play!

This order that is secret…

Why is it so?

If it has always been so, would it not always be so?

Information is power, so people who aspire to power or maintaining it are always going to horde information and keep secrets.

People engaged in either illegal activities, or activities that would be a detriment to others, always have to be cognizant that there are those who would love to stop them from doing that.

The smaller the group of people in the loop, the less likely information will leak into the hands of those who would oppose them and their plans.

Being a member of a secretive group conspiring for power and control is no assurance in and of itself you are going to be told the truth either.

Powerful people use synergy frequently of winding up one subordinate to compete with another, providing each subordinate with just partial information, knowing that the outcome of the conflict will result in what they actually wanted to have happen, without ever having to tell anyone precisely what it was they wanted to have happen!

This is how puppet masters work, and its why they are so hard to defeat, because the people who dance on their strings rarely ever know just what it is they are really intended to achieve, this makes it harder for them to act out of conscious or rebel against anything that might be too abhorrent for them, or to seize control themselves.

They feel privileged to have a piece of the puzzle that no one else has, it doesn’t mean they see the overall puzzle or picture being created.

People in fact can’t betray what they don’t know.

If there is this certain organization that runs the world while pacifying the masses with various myths, does it mean if it did not exist there would be no myth, no lies and no slavery or oppression, or does it mean that there would have been another one with a similar structure but with different stories (which, like China, already exist but are currently being devoured by Rome)?

Humans have an inherent need to dominate one for a number of different reasons on a number of different levels. Until people evolve away from that mindset, despots and cabals bent on domination are going to exist.

The main reason they are going to exist though is because people allow them to resist, and will play the game by the rules that those dominant players create to stack the playing field in their favor.

Does the "world" ultimately need to be run by some organization or another to have order?

In my humble opinion it does not need to be, provided the average person will step up to the plate and assume total self responsibility. Make no mistake about it, that people, the majority of them are abdicating their responsibility, and will give up their rights and dignity, cheaply.

The difference between those who work for the ruling cabal, and those who slave for it, is those who work for it, didn't sell out cheaply!

If civilization were an organism, is Rome its cancer or or is it its DNA?

Rome is a concept that has evolved and been perverted over time. What was designed to be fair and good for everyone originally, eventually what became what was right for a select few, who then bestowed the right to empower them selves to decide what is right for everyone else.

That still required people abdicating, one way or another.

Do you think the Pope (black or white) believes in God?

They believe they have Godlike powers and are through rituals and the arcane and metaphsyical able to tap into and channel incredible energies, that are fed to them through a heirachy established to do just that.

There is much more in relation to the universe and the power of the human mind, than the average person knows or has been told.

Look at the Pope, look at the Lord of the Rings and someone like Gandolf, look at Excalibur or King Arthurs Court and Merilin.

What you have in the Pope is a powerful staff wielding wizard, who knows a lot of secrets about power and the universe lost to the bulk of people through time, and very carefully guarded and selectively used.

Interesting world we live in wouldn't you say?

Thanks for posting, if you have any other questions please ask.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You have wonderfully clear way of putting things, usually, but I am having difficulty with this:

The difference between those who work for the ruling cabal, and those who slave for it, is those who work for it, didn't sell out cheaply!

Your intent or meaning is not clear. From one angle it almost looks like you are giving praise to those who (intentionally/knowingly) work for the cabal, and so further it's efforts.

From another it just sounds like an interesting collection of words with a nice sound but little meaning. I understand how people take the easy way out a lot of the time, but whether you roll over for the bad guy, or join the bad guy, both options are nearly equally bad IMHO.

Preferably, those who don't actually fight the cabal should at least avoid supporting them at a minimum. Be aware and don't play the game any more than you have to to survive.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by wayno

I am neither praising those who sell out to the Cabal or condemning the people who role over for it.

All I can do is judge what is truly right for me.

I don't like the present system.

More than anything what I was trying to point out, is the belief on the part of many of the Elites, that the average person sells them self to cheaply.

That belief on the part of the Elites simply causes them to look to get a lower and lower price to get people to sell out.

Kind of like buying a car. Everyone loves to haggle and bargain to get the lowest price.

Typically when someone encounters some graft, some corruprtion, some crime being perpetrated by the elites and stumbles across it, and obtains real evidence, they can be bought off cheaply.

That's one part of it.

The second part of it, is most of us will labor and work for far less than we are truly worth and could get if we had more faith in our abilities.

I once had a job that I felt paid me a very good salary with a decent monthly bonus at the end of the month.

After working for the company for the 3 years working my way up into a highly specialized area of management with exemplary service, the decided to institute mandatory drug testing.

I felt this was an invasion of my privacy and demeaning. I refused to take the test on those grounds.

Initially to pressure me to comply and take the test, they suspended me without pay and sent me home.

So I simply went home and started looking for a new job.

Two days later the General Manager called and offered to double my salary if I would take the drug test. I told him no, but thanked him for the eye opening and generous offer!

Two more days went by and he called me back up and offered to triple my salary and to wave having to do the drug test!

Knock me over with a feather. I was easily worth three times what I was being paid in ownership and upper managements eyes!

So, I stuck to my principles, dared to say no, risked being unemployed for a while, stood up for myself and in the process realized I was worth a lot more money to my employers than I had previously accepted!

In future jobs ( I have worked for myself for a number of year nows ) I would take the position at what were pretty much standard rates in the employment market for that position. After my first year of service though and they had a chance to gauge my talents and work ethics, I would then tell them what was close to the truth. I love working here, but I can't afford to this is what I will need to be able to continue to work here. Part of that bargaining always required me to display I really would walk off the job. They would always say I was asking for way to much, and they couldn't afford to pay right up until the point I grabbed my jacket and started cleaning out my desk to go home. Then at that point my request for a wage that was appropriate for my needs would suddenly become reasonable, and they could suddenly afford to pay it, and would agree too.

Most of us sell ourselves way to cheaply.

Worse still in the eyes of the Elites, is we will sell ourselves to cheaply and then finance our lifestyles on credit, going into debt, through credit cards and second mortgages, and lines of credit to subsdidize our meager wages.

This allows the Elites to make obscene profits, and they truly enjoy the fact that most of us will do that, but they do not respect us for doing that.

They are generally of the opinion, that if we are given simple tasks to perform, a few dollars to perform them, a six pack of beer, American Idol, or the Jerry Springer or Ophrah Show, and a ticket to an occasional sporting event, or monster truck rally, that is the sum total of our ambition and mindset.

In essence they believe they can walk all over us, and that we will accept it and for the most part we will.

Because so many people in fact will sell out for a non-living wage, it makes it very hard for someone that won't. Then you almost have to have exceptional talent and abilities, to really have a bargaining position.

This is why they worked so hard to bust up the unions and to destroy the collective bargaining process, and one of the ways they did it was to convince non-union workers, and consumers alike that collective bargaining was hurting everyone by driving up prices, and that the unions were engaged in nothing but extortion.

Of course the average consumer wasn't negotiating a living wage, so that notion that some other worker like them was making life more expensive for them, because they were demanding a living wage, simply led to jealousy of those who were standing up to bargain and get a real wage, by those who weren't and were afraid to or refused to.

Of course if you weren't making a living wage, everything is too expensive, and amazingly in that person's eyes, it's wrong for someone who does a similiar job to them to make three times as much and recieve benefits like health care and retirement and a month of paid vacation, but its perfectly alright for the CEOs and Executives to make obscene salaries, and stock holders to be paid big dividends.

United we stand, divided we fall, and the Elites know its very easy to divide us over petty jealousies, and that the average person, would prefer to make their fellow average person sit down, lay down, and roll over, than they would to stand up too!

Now whether you like it or not, and most of us don't, we are all part of the system, and what I have just illustrated in part is how we all for the most part let the system screw us, and rather than standup and confront it, will just bicker amongst ourselves, at our own levels and social stratas and blame it on each other.

Oh its your fault you voted for Bush, oh its your fault you voted for Obama, oh its your fault you asked them to pay you too much money, etc. etc.

A lot of the people who work directly for the Elites don't like the system anymore than the people on the lower social and economic rungs, but they do a better job at demanding real compensation, and as a result the Elites respect them more.

Some of the people who work directly for the Elites, then develop a similiar mindset of screw the little guy too, and the Elites respect that even more.

I am not knocking the little guy, or praising the big guy, I am just sharing what I know and how I see it.

I think its important though to add, that no matter how loudly or passionately or emotionally one complains about the system, that in lack of some real action, even if its as simple as demanding a living wage or threatening to withdraw your services, or refusing to pay your taxes, or some corporate code violation, that the vast bulk of us, do NOTHING of any susbstance to challenge or change the system.

We might not like it, but we do accept it, and therefore we really do have to accept the responsibility for it too.

And that my friend is the thing, they are hoping the average person never figures out, that they will just keep complaining, and pointing fingers, and then sitting down, and laying down, and then rolling over.

The only way the system is in fact ever going to change for the better, is when you, and I and everyone else, grows up and looks in the mirror and says, hey I shop at Wal-Mart and help jobs be exported, hey my Credit Cards are maxed out so I could get things without having to rock the boat and demand a real wage, hey I am willing to work for next to nothing, hey I am willing to give half of it away in taxes and fees and insurances, hey, I am really not doing a very good job at defending myself, and looking out for the other little guy, hey I am part of the problem.

The system needs you, and me, and everyone else to make it work, and whether people enjoy it or not, they are cooperating, pick your own excuse for doing so, and perpetuating it, and in fact making it worse, by cooperating and perpetuating it.

For the reality is, if you give someone an inch they are bound to take a mile, and all you are seeing is an Ages old tug of war between the Elites, and the plebes and the slaves, over who is going to take the inch, and then the mile, and who is going to get dragged into the mudd pit!

The Elites in case you haven't noticed are winning the game, and the Plebes and the slaves are really failing at pulling back with collective strength on that rope.

Why because united we stand, divided we fall, and our collective resolve is negligible at best!


posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

For the reality is, if you give someone an inch they are bound to take a mile, and all you are seeing is an Ages old tug of war between the Elites, and the plebes and the slaves, over who is going to take the inch, and then the mile, and who is going to get dragged into the mudd pit!

The Elites in case you haven't noticed are winning the game, and the Plebes and the slaves are really failing at pulling back with collective strength on that rope.

Why because united we stand, divided we fall, and our collective resolve is negligible at best!

It doesn't sound like we are talking about "the rulers of the world" anymore as some diabolical unique entity but just people - some of whom are better than others at getting ahead; at least in terms of power and finances.

I personally find it hard to remain coolly objective about this reality. There are values and ethics which greatly enrich my life experience that seem to be missing from the picture of how the elites get ahead. I have neither respect; nor envy for their insatiable need for power and material wealth. The same goes for the worker who seeks only the same.

Like I said before, its a game that I just choose not to play. There is a bigger game above that one that intrigues me more -- one of enlightenment in the context of 80 odd years of temporal existence with its multitude of challenges and rewards.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by wayno

That’s all highly commendable. I think we should all focus more on self discovery and evolving as entities in our own right within a vast and infinite universe. It is in part why I spend so much time, revealing so much of myself and my thoughts here on ATS. To better understand myself, and to help where and when I can, others better understand themselves.

I in fact lead a humble and simple existence; I work from home, for myself, by myself, and charge a reasonable rate for my services and product. I could charge much more, but choose not too, because the bulk of my clients and customers are average working people struggling to get by.

There is a saying in business that is time honored. If you want to get poor cater to the rich, if you want to get rich, cater to the poor. The poor will pay more, and expect less in the way of quality and service than the rich, and complain less and be more grateful for it.

One of the problems is that the poor, who want to get rich, understand this as well as the Elites. So, I can honestly say I do the opposite, and actually employ a gradient pricing scale for my services, where the working poor pay on average of slightly more than 50% less for my services, while I make the working well to do, and rich, pay two or sometimes three times more.

I try to be fair, in all the things I do.

Like it or not though, we are only as free physically as the money in our pockets. That is why sometimes Constitutional Notions of Freedom are so often misleading. If you have no money you can’t travel to enjoy that freedom, at least not easily, and without taking the risk of being a burden to others. Money provides freedom of mobility, choices in things like eating and entertainment habits, etc., etc. Most of the prepackaged foods widely distributed are in fact a slow death sentence, they are full of harmful chemicals, often manufactured and processed in unsanitary conditions, and still cost way more than the average person can afford. So for instance if you want to eat healthy, organic foods that have no harmful chemicals, anti-biotic and steroid additives, you are really going to pay a small fortune to do and enjoy that.

We may be spiritual beings, who place an importance on spirituality, but the truth is we are in sentient and physical corporal forms, that require a certain amount of maintenance to enjoy maximum performance and longevity. The sad truth is that most people can not afford to eat right, and they are purposefully being poisoned slowly to death.

Healthy food does exist, but it costs a premium most people can’t afford, and that to me is very sad.

Further, stress is a killer, and most people because of a lack of a living wage and money, and the addition of being saddled with debt are under tremendous pressure when it comes to juggling their finances.

Stress takes years off of people’s lives and also forces them to make bad choices very often, so once again real freedom goes out the window.

Now some of us are more immune to stress than others, we live, and we let live, we might not place as much importance on the physical, on the superficial, on possessions, or esthetics, and the things that cost money.

Chances are your estranged or ex-wife and five kids don’t share those lofty and calming and more reasonable principles, I know mine sure don’t!

So, for most of us, there is always some beast to be fed, howling at the door and nipping at your heals, whether it’s a banker, or a bill collector, a landlord, or merchant, or some little rug rat who starts out their extortion demands with Mommy or Daddy, we live in a world where money, the root of all evil, is for the most part a necessary evil.

Like I said, we all have our reasons for selling out, some of them seemingly more reasonable than others, but no matter what excuse employed, the motivation for it, or the justification employed, the reality is, we all to one extent or another take part in a system of artificial scarcity, deprivation and indifference, and far too many people in the world are suffering for it, and suffering in such a way, that not only are their freedoms negligible at best, but that path to spiritual enlightenment and self understanding and awareness becomes all the harder, because such a large portion of their time and focus must be devoted to eking out the sustenance that is going to maintain their physical and sentient corporal form and life itself.

We all have our excuses, but the truth is righteous indignation, and other forms of emotional condemnation, or rejection, that simply lead to denial and acceptance of a perverse system is a huge part of the problem that allows for it to exist in perpetuity.

As I have tried to explain to everyone on the thread, human nature is pretty basic, and whether you are at the top of the Cabal of the Ruling Elite, or at the bottom of the slag heap on skid row, we ALL put our pants on one leg at a time, we ALL come into the world crying like babies ( I am still hunting down that doctor seeking revenge for slapping me) and we all go out deader than a door nail.

That’s the other secret that the Elites really don’t want you to know. It’s why I try to caution people that these notions of scions of evil dressed in witches and warlock garb at black masses, conducting arcane rituals with space aliens and inter-dimensional beings hovering at their sides that give them super human advantage is so, self defeating.

The Elites enjoy one distinct advantage; they band together well, and act with real unity, and combined purpose. In many ways they have to because their numbers are so small in comparison to ours. If they acted in the same emotional and divisive manner that we do, they could never achieve the coordinated effort it takes for them to instill and manage the system at the top. While we argue amongst ourselves, divide ourselves, and come up with our own individual excuses to in essence do nothing but whine and complain, they in fact are highly organized, disciplined, and follow a rigid hierarchy and chain of command that makes them far more cohesive and much more adept at reaching their shared goals.

Sadly for us, there goal is screwing us, the average person, the working poor, the honest person, in the middle class.

More sadly for us, our own goal is usually screwing the average person, the working poor, the honest person in the middle class to get ahead.

So if they aren’t screwing us, we are screwing us.

Now some of us, and you very well might be one of that us, try hard not to screw the average person, the working poor, the honest person in the middle class, but that in fact does NOTHING to keep those that are from doing it, and EVEN LESS to keep the Elites from doing it.

At its base, most basic level, yes it is a game, very similar to tug of war, the Rich versus the poor, and King of the Hill, and the Elites use a tremendous amount of psychological manipulation as a force multiplier to make up for their much smaller numbers, by intimidating people to believe that they have unearthly powers, and unseen and unknown allies, that make them invincible so don’t try it.

They put there pants on one leg at a time just like us my friend, the bleed if you prick them, they cry if you hurt their feelings, and no matter what their ambitions or crimes, they are just human like us.

The only advantage that they hold over us, are those that we willingly give them and allow them.

That’s what they don’t want you to know, and that’s what they especially love us making excuses about.

We are all part of the problem, we all share the same planet, and while many of us might be looking for our own paths off this rock, to something, anything, more meaningful, satisfying and better, we still none the less all have to share the same launching pad, and one way or another are affected by what really goes on.

[edit on 12/4/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 04:50 PM
Great post - S&F.

Also surprised most people don't recognize this 'Ring of Power' by this trinity ['of the Empire'], considering the seemingly out of place obelisques that are prominently diplayed at each of these 3 city states.

St. Peter's Square in the Vatican - moved from Egypt to its current location in 1586

London on the River Thames (1878)

And, of course, the Washington Monument - the tallest obelisk in the world and also the tallest standing structure in Washington DC. (seems only fitting)

Maybe Dan Brown wasn't that far off, after all

[seriously, he wasn't]

[edit on 4/12/2010 by SquirrelNutz]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Good point, and I agree with much of what you said. But was this not inevitable? I have figured out control mechanisms, you have figured out control mechanisms, and quite a few in the past figured out control mechanisms. These control mechanisms are, what I believe, split humans in two, creating a schizophrenic society of sorts. I believe it especially affected men, as all are at least subconsciously aware of these patterns, and mothers would instinctively split their sons in two in order that they might later defend and provide for women in general, and the fathers beat and scolded the sons in order the father's limited and corrupt, core-ruptured understanding might be re-membered in the son, who often was ironically deprived of a sun of the mind, of a soul. Of course, women were often denied access to the universal logos, to the time-binding logic. But men were deprived of beautiful feelings, leaving them slaves. The mothers being deprived of logic rendered them somewhat powerless to protect what they instinctively knew their sons were having systematically stolen from them by TPTB. This will all work out, in my view, as an awake society, no matter if there was some sort of planning to turn all into slaves (not saying there was; it could have been the other way around, he he) cannot be exploited. Love, peace, and chicken grease.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 07:20 PM

I read on one of your threads about how America's treaty with Britain ending the revolutionary war actually gave the king control of America and made him our treasurer. I looked it up and I did read in the first paragraph that he gets his power from being a prince of Rome (among other things) but I didn't fully understand the exact meaning of a lot of it so I'll just take your word for it.
Yet on ancient futurist's post it says Britain was in control of the U.S. 'since 1871'. Which one is it? If you guys could elaborate on that it would help me out, thanks.
EDIT: I know you would say Rome controls Britain anyway but I'm just assuming we were controlled through Britain in the past.

reply to post by time91

Well, I go into this a lot on this thread (Don't feel like repeating it if I don't have to.) Anyhow, Protoplasmic does an excellent job of expaining the rift that occurs between 1805 til the Civil War between Rome and her vassal states, and there was definately something going on in the US within this time frame that allowed Andrew Jackson to beat the Bank of the U.S. (which was completely British controlled). And for a time this country actually saw a prosperous and relatively free period in our history (aside from Trail of Tears abomination) under Andrew Jackson.

You see, we were very much in the palm of the "Crown" (Vatican) still, but some kinks had to be worked out over time in order to bring us fully into the fold, which contractually, we had never left. They were just waiting for the right opportunity to put the death nail in. There was a movement in this time frame for the barring of Esquires (aka Lawyers, officers of the King's Court) from holding public office, which led to the passage of the original 13th amendment (had nothing to do with the current anti-slavery amendment).Also, the charter for the infamous Bank of the US was not to be renewed. All of this led, in part, to the War of 1812, and the burning of the US capitol, with all the government documents from that period vanishing. Of course, after the war the Second charter of the BUS was passed until it was put down by Andy Jackson. This bought us some freedom until the Civil War.

The significance of 1871 is that that was the date that President Grant incorporated the Distirict of Columbia, bringing us all, as 14th amendment slaves, under the jurisdiction of the corporate "Crown" and paving the way for our totoal enslavement under Roman commercial code (Uniform Commercial Code).

D.C. was created by Washington in 1791 and now incorporated by the Crown under President Grant in 1871, the District States and Distirict Courts were also created by George Washington. All that was needed now was some kind of calamity by which martial law could be declared, and the Constitution could be amended (14th amendment) so as to wipe out whatever pretended rights we might've had under the Constitution, which was the Civil War. Once all of this was in place, it was just a matter of time before the third installment of the Bank of the US (Federal Reserve Act of 1913), a couple of World Wars, and wammo! We're all slaves!

It may have taken over a century, but its designs were laid at the signing of the original corporate Charters of the original colonies, the Treaty of Paris, and the passing of the Constitution, which was never intended to secure our God-given rights, but, in fact, to take them away. You see, the original draft of the Constitution didn't contain the Bill of Rights, and it was never intended to. The Bill of Rights were thrown in as a last minute concession to the anti-Federalists (mostly Virginian statesmen, such as Patrick Henry,) when it was apparent that it wasn't going to pass without them. The Federalists that drafted the Constitution were totally opposed to the Bill of Rights, for the sole purpose of the Constitution was to create a Federal Zone by which the colonists could be ruled, and their substance stolen. These 10 Rights created a small impediment for the Crown, but they finally usurped them following the Civil War. I explain this further on my thread.

It is ironic how most people hail the Constitution as the source of their sacred Rights, when, in fact, the Bill of Rights (though a last minute addition to the Constitution) and the Declaration of Independance are the true expression of these Rights.

Great posts, by the way, Protoplasmic Traveler, and star and flag to the OP.

[edit on 12-4-2010 by HothSnake]

[edit on 12-4-2010 by HothSnake]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 05:41 AM

Im all fired up to really study like crazy listening to your posts, its like eating food for me, I just need to, I mean sure Id love to me able to just live a "normal" life, but deep in my gut I feel a responsibility to know these things, to search for truth and to present it to others.

I find it interesting how you seem to tease certain things, bet not to just tell all I suppose, Im intrigued how you likened the pope to Gandalf, hmm, and his staff.....I immediately though of how his staff is clearly representing the pineal gland, and of course theres the GIANT PINeCONE in the vatican.

The search goes on......

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