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The True Hidden Structure of World Power

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posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 12:34 AM
weird, me and a bunch of people were talking about this today

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Originally posted by Kratos40

Israel and the Zionists play an important role, in getting world events to mimick biblical prophecy in the drive to a one world government.

This I will vouch for I was heavily into Christian prophecy between 1992 and 2001 when prophecies were being fulfilled virtually every day ,upon investigation however it was European Royalty and the Religious right fulfilling propechy left right and centre especially with their useful fool Arafat whom got billions in return for playing the game,then 9-11 happened and all of the sudden the powers that be no longer had to try convince the 'elect' and their peons God was heading towards a middle eastern war.They now had the war on terror to fulfil imperial desires.

Between that and the splintering of the Palestinians with Hamas coming into power prophecy has all but dried up in the last 9 years,I guess we wait until all of the war on terror is exhausted on the peons before it 'magically' recommences.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by Bigfoot73

Really which law school taught you the fine venacular of @@@@@ in place of profanity?

Read many legal documents with profanity in them? What court of law is it that you curse and use expletives in my friend?

No offense but I hope you have a good legal secretary and litigate everything out of court.

Lack of self control tends to denote a person who would be in poor standing in environments where decorum and propriety is expected.

ATS is such a place, but the thread is not about you or me, or personalities, it's about a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy web site, if people discussing conspiracies is too heady and challenging for you, you might want to reexamine your participation there.

By the way, criminal law, is in fact all about dealing with conspiracies.

Using a combination of conjecture, speculation, circumstance, and fact to mull over various scenarios until one is found that fits.

This process does tend to upset the accused to varying degrees.

If you suffer or are limited by a shared identity attached, to God, Country or King, chances are some of the discussions on ATS are going to be contrary to your notions of those things.

The most enslaved person, is the one who imagines they are free.

Rome by the way, specializes in this type of highly devisive instilling of identities, to be associated with false notions of pride, that are in fact meant to drive people angrily towards confrontation.

The divide and conquer principle of world domination is in reality as simple as basic math, once you prime the belligerents.

Let's try to not be belligerent then shall we?


posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by vkey08
Here we go again...

Opus Dei?? are you serious? Masons? The Masons today are not the all powerful organization of the past that gave rose to the anti-masonic political parties because their power was so great. AND more importantly, AFAIK the Masonic Lodges and the Vatican do not exactly get along on a great many issue so to even try to suggest they are working together to control the world is just, well, out there.

Today the Masons run childrens hospitals and give out scholarships, they don't try and control destiny..

Yes, we know you guys are scouting out the forums. We're not being rude, we're just ignoring you.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Don't think that you are doing this alone Proto.

Like I said, I don't tell all my secrets on ATS.
And there is way more going on that I know.
So that would lead me to think that there is way more going on that even you do know.

We will win. Inshallah.

Ignore these fool trolls on here.

If someone is going to participate in a thread like this, then they need to hone their chops first.

If not, then be a lurker people just read.

[edit on 4/9/2010 by Josephus23]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Josephus23
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Thanks for the heads up about this.

I consider myself much more well versed than the average individual about this subject, but the disinformation is SO THICK that it takes diligence, patient, and true luck to come anywhere hear the truth.

I couldn't thank you enough for both noticing my posts, and realizing that I am worthy of being pointed in a good direction.

Peese man. Much obliged.

Hey my friend, you are welcome, and thank you, after all, we are all here to learn though and with one another.

The more people who bring something of substance to the table, and the more it gets discussed, is how we collectively discover what doesn't really fit or make sense, and what does.

That's all part of the process.

Thanks again for really contributing on the subject and bringing what you know to the discussion.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by ancientfuturist

You do not list your sources, but I am familiar with some of them and I believe you are on the right track.

What is not covered here is WHY these core contestants for world domination are so CRAZY.

Most of the central players are constantly doing things that are illegal (to say nothing of immoral) and their plans are obviously extremely homicidal, if not suicidal.

A concerted campaign to expose them would garner significant public contempt for them. However, it is not clear that general public indignation would be enough to stop them.

One factor that you have not mentioned which I believe is very significant, and a kind of Achilles Heel to this whole operation, is the deep complicity of the organized psychiatric community at all levels of this hierarchy. Some ignore or brush off these connections, but this group is a proven den of craven madmen. I believe they have been very instrumental in keeping the succeeding generations of secret society members convinced that they are "doing the right thing." A lot of the guys in business and politics, even the military, are at least sane enough to get things done. I cannot believe they would agree to such destructive courses of action without the secret urgings of a band of true lunatics masquerading as medical doctors.

The psychs have certain survival problems because most ordinary people will have nothing to do with them. Thus they depend on government handouts (medical insurance) and widespread drug addiction to fund their activities. If these funding pipelines could be cut, the psychs would have real problems, and you might see some of the other very powerful players move out from under their influence and begin to act a little more rationally.

[edit on 9-4-2010 by l_e_cox]

[edit on 9-4-2010 by l_e_cox]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by ancientfuturist

Great thread! Here is where we disagree:

"Infrastructure is already being created to smoothly facilitate an invasion of the continental US, including using Cuba as the initial staging base of operations, and an ideal port in eastern mexico with the high-capacity NAFTA highway system leading to Kansas City and from there branching out through the US for swift troop and equipment mobilization."

An invasion of the continental US for forced military control is logistically impossible and unsustainable. The land mass is to large there are to many armed Americans many of them veterans. Nothing would Galvinaize Americans more then a foreign invasion. There are not enough troops world wide to pull it off and even if thier were that can't feed them and keep them supplied, they would be picked off from every rock, tree, door, and window.

There is no reason for it either since they have all the control they need and the slaves are relatively happy on the plantations why would they want to stop all production?

I wrote another post on it here for more info: post by hawkiye

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by ancientfuturist

Interesting and entertaining read!

The bottom dropped out of my stomach when I read your comment regarding a "strongman" coming for America. Divide and conquer. Shock and Awe. Can you image how the MSM is going to report America's War against home-grown terrorists? Brutal. Just like reality-TV. No, actually, still reality-TV, only 24-7, heightened drama w/the benefit of graphic violence. The public trials. The mini-"events". Fear will keep people from putting up a proper fight, and it's not going to be pretty. Or, it might, in flawless orchestration and execution...

I hold out the slimmest of hopes that the bad times won't go down. The Dark side is winning, at least that's how it's being reported. And shy of Nibiru or some kind of alien interference/retribution , this top 2 % will win. Or, might they have already won, and all's over but the crying???

I often wonder if every generation on this Time-Space Continuum hasn't suffered from this kind of impending doom...

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by vkey08
Here we go again...

Opus Dei?? are you serious? Masons? The Masons today are not the all powerful organization of the past that gave rose to the anti-masonic political parties because their power was so great. AND more importantly, AFAIK the Masonic Lodges and the Vatican do not exactly get along on a great many issue so to even try to suggest they are working together to control the world is just, well, out there.

Today the Masons run childrens hospitals and give out scholarships, they don't try and control destiny..
I wont speak to Dei, but...

Last I heard, most presidents from about 1900 up to Clinton were confirmed Masons, and Dubya swore his oath both times (well tried to the second time) on George Washington's Masonic Bible.

Rule by secrecy?

They're relevant, for sure.

And the thing about the Vatican, when Mason's built D.C. in the likeness of the Vatican, with the symbolisms and so on, hmm. Please do explain.

reply to post by hawkiye

It would be hell trying to come here and totally take over... I know I for one would be labeled a "terrorist" by enemy forces and media like we label the Iraqi's who try to repel US from their front yards.

But the NAFTA 'super-highway' infrastructure would certainly be quite the item of strategic value would one want to attempt it.

[edit on 9-4-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by ancientfuturist

If you propose the following hierarchy, why is your location Rome? The weather?

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by vkey08

Masons? The Masons today are not the all powerful organization of the past that gave rose to the anti-masonic political parties because their power was so great

Not only that.. there actually is no "head of Freemasonry" .. the only "heads" are the mwm's of the Grand Lodges, of which there are many.

OP: Your thread is taking every discussed conspiracy and mashing it together.. but it makes absolutely no sense.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Last I heard, most presidents from about 1900 up to Clinton were confirmed Masons, and Dubya swore his oath both times (well tried to the second time) on George Washington's Masonic Bible.

you heard wrong.. Ford was the last Freemason.. Clinton was not a Mason. Regean wasn't either (so many think he was for some reason)

Truman was also a Freemason.

Lynden Johnson was also a Freemason.

Truman was the most decorated of the Freemasons to serve as President last century, in fact he was also the only one to be a 33rd degree Freemason.

The last Masonic Presidential candidate was Bob Dole.

Of the signers of the Declaration only 8 are confirmed Freemasons, with affiliated lodges known. Approx 20 in total were rumored and or confirmed to be Masons. Out of 56.

I love the organization I belong to.. but sometimes our reputation precedes us.. we are not as big and powerful as you think, and far less eventful.

Also the fact that everyone swears an oath of Presidency on a Masonic Bible is rather a coincidence.. Washington used his Masonic Bible (which is a Bible with a square and compass, nothing more) and thus every President uses Washingtons Bible.. not specifically a Masonic Bible, that just happens to be chance.

[edit on 4/9/2010 by Rockpuck]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck

Not only that.. there actually is no "head of Freemasonry" .. the only "heads" are the mwm's of the Grand Lodges, of which there are many.

OP: Your thread is taking every discussed conspiracy and mashing it together.. but it makes absolutely no sense.

First of all, Freemasonry is a FRAMEWORK that promotes secrecy. This secrecy is fine as long as it is private as I have read you previous debates.

But when it comes to the Freemasons serving in government, then they must remove themselves from the craft.
Once someone takes an oath uphold the Constitution for the untied states of America, then NO OTHER oaths matter.

The oath on a jury trial doesn't matter, because you can vote however you wish and it is for the government, but the oath in Freemasonry is private or secret, and that simply not be allowed for anyone who is serving in office to participate in an oath.

That is eerily similar to treason.

And if you don't believe me, then look up the definition of the legal word Oath, what is means, and how they can be held accountable.

Your argument falls into the fallacy of an over-generalization by stating this

Your thread is taking every discussed conspiracy and mashing it together..

And you continue with the logical fallacies with this veiled ad hominem

but it makes absolutely no sense.

At least give us some evidence to work with man.

You Masons come in and use the same attacks.

Ad hominems.

Straw Mans.

Non-Sequiturs. etc....

I want to think that most of you guys are good folk, but your behavior says oh, oh, oh so much different.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Bigfoot73

Poison the well much?

2nd line...

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 02:30 AM
interesting thread. It changes from the "earthquake somewhere-no-one-cares-about"

I would really like to know where did you get these informations from . Well-constructed thread, everything sems to fit.

I'd like to believe you, but that would make me a blind follower

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by Rockpuck

You are a wee bit wrong.

Barack Obama is a 32nd degree prince hall freemason.

Le's look at some of the accomplishments of the Presidents that have belonged to Freemosonry.

1st FDR. Created the Social Security Act, which is a slippery slide to socialism. This act alone make everyone that is a a citizen of the corporation U$A to employees of the same country.

This is socialism. Plain and simple, but it got worse.

Harry Truman, a 33rd degree Freemason, created the NSA, the CiA, and dropped not one, but 2 atomic bombs on innocents.

Granted that there may have filled a few gaps.

George HW Bush was a member of the skull and bones, as was his son. HW Bush was Head of the CIA during Iran Hostage Crisis, then he went on to 8 more years of VP and 4 more years of Pres.

Both Father and Son were mystery religion inductees.

And now we have Barack Obama, a 32nd degree Prince Hall freemason.

[edit on 4/9/2010 by Josephus23]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 02:42 AM
Wow. the more I know the less I want to know.

It's been my experience that people... humans... are schemers, liars, con artists, cheats. Any structure of power. any means of control is just part of the scheme.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by ancientfuturist


This is an outstanding thread and done very well. Most people are not aware of this silent, unseen power structure. Rome does everything through proxy, through fronts, agencies and agents. It is a most insidious power, and very formidable. It has had nearly 3000 years to perfect its strategy of infiltration, subversion and power projection resulting in total enslavement of the masses.

It is truly frustrating when trying to share these truths to be met by mockery, arrogance and name-calling. Most people simply don't have ears to hear. They are deaf to the obvious noises of this structure, and blind as well. This is by choice and an exercise of their free will.

Here is a snippet to an article I put up years ago, but is still very timely, as truth always is.

The Roman Empire is still Among us

Vatican City is a landlocked state within the city of Rome, Italy. It is governed by the Bishop of Rome (called the Pope) are in fact clergymen.

It is the smallest sovereign state in the world.

Caesar Constintine began the "corporate takeover" by renaming all the old Roman offices, this evolution of name changing still occurs. Name changing allows a person to hide their tracks of origin.

Roman Empire offices & their modern names:

Roman Empire (Imperium Romanum) renamed: Roman Catholic Church

Curia (legal body of Senators) slight name change: Curia (legal body of Cardinals)

Roman Emperor renamed: Roman Pope (head of all church and state affairs)

Civil government matters of state: Extra-Ordinary affairs (matters of civil-state governments)

Religious orders matters: Church "ecclesiastical" matters

Roman College of Senators renamed: College of Cardinals

Magistrate of College of Senators renamed: Dean of College of Cardinals

Departments of the Roman Senatorial Curia renamed: Congregations

Political Ambassador renamed: Pro-Nuncio (highest civil ambassador sent to other governements, ie Wash.DC, London etc)

If a government has not signed a treaty with Rome which makes the Romans the head of the foreign country as certified in the Roman Code of Canon Law. This rebel nation which has no official ties has an ambassador called an Apostolic Delegate. The United States and the United Kingdom never allowed the Vatican to serve as their legal head until President Reagan quickly signed into law on January 10, 1984. This Treaty for the very first time in U.S. history recognized full diplomatic relations between the United States and the Vatican State.

In 1534 when the United Kingdom realized that the Treaty with the Vatican City-State made them subject to all the Popes rules they voided the treaty. Formal plomatic relations between England and Vatican State were broken. Full diplomatic relations with the the Pope's Vatican State were never restored for 448 years until 1982.

Rest of article here: (full story wouldn't fit)

I hope you keep posting this material in as many places as you can because it is vital that people understand the forces that are arrayed against humanity, which will be projected from Rome as the source.

Great post!


[edit on 9-4-2010 by Phil Jayhan]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 03:21 AM
The Jesuits is a key player in the New World Order, but I don't think they are at the top.

The CIA approach the Jesuits to join forces, so that leads me to believe whoever controls the CIA is above the food chain. I think the royal family and bankers are at the very top.

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