posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Mr Mask
If this type of hogwash is all you need to sell the family cow for magic beans...I recommend allowing someone else to walk your cow to the market
other then yourself.
While i could not disagree with you more, this quote is pure gold. well done.
Listen, i get what you are saying. You want to be the voice of reason. That is very noble. But there is a very small amount of people that need you
to save them from their own naivete.
The guy wanted to post his story. ATS has creative writing areas, so even if he is full of it all that should have happened was to be moved to the
HOAX forum, or a creative writing forum.
Discrediting the guy is one thing. But the all out dogpile that happened after 12 pages of piling on was excessive.
At the end of it all, i read his story and felt that i got my moneys worth in entertainment from the bandwidth i used. I got a good deal.
Edit to add: for what its worth, i believe this guys story. But i have many, many years of research behind me. This guy touched on a couple of very
small, esoteric elements that tells me he stumbled across a story that i have already heard.
[edit on 13-4-2010 by bigfatfurrytexan]