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All Of Science Is A Lie

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posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by mnemeth1
reply to post by ibiubu

I'm definitely no stranger to it.

I've spent years studying all manner of cosmological theory.

Occam's razor has been my guide while navigating the mine field of alternative theories.

Plasma cosmology is the correct cosmology.

Lorentz relativity is the correct relativity.

Standing waves account for all quantum strangeness AND the failure of the Michelson Morley experiment to detect the aether.

All matter is made of waves.

All light is made of waves.

The universe is infinite with a universal speed - Maxwell's equations are correct.

Quantum field theory, special and general relativity are incorrect. They are bogus shams of science that have no grounding in physical reality. They are obtuse. They are a fraud. They are peddled by scientists acting as priests.

[edit on 7-4-2010 by mnemeth1]

you seem to be convinced that all matter is made of waves. IF you say that everything came from electrons, and electrons are all waves (by your same reasoning) then I myself am made completely of waves. and yet how can this be? if this were true then i would be able to walk through the walls simply by forcing electricity into myself or the wall so it resonates at a different frequency. I just find this fanciful and outright ignorant. If all matter is made up of waves, then how are particles formed?

So there are no particles then. What is a proton? or a neutron? or any element? are they all waves? while i feel that a lot of science can be hokey and imagined that is where it all started. Everything comes from a made up assumption, and we CHANGE THE THEORIES not the OBSERVATIONS to match. If i perform a test and it doesnt happen the way i want it too then i dont skew the results i rethink my theory (which mind you isnt a law) and i start over. The LHC is the first chance to test many of these far out theories you denounce and yet you denounce it before it has a chance to become fully operational.

as for electrons being only waves, how do you explain the double-slit experiment? i would really appreciate your input on this seeing as you have skirted around answering many questions that are put up to question your theories (which, as a man of science, you should expect everything to be questioned). follow the link and see for yourself that they have tests proving particle-wave duality. please dont just dismiss this as "lies" because that would make you no better then the people you are criticizing. Im not what you would call a denouncer, just a skeptic. I like to have proof of something like you, and when i have proof that isnt what i wanted to see i dont just ignore it.

so feel free to ignore what ive said, or posted, or the PROOF that ive given to show that at least some of what you are saying is wrong
but it would be much better to strike it down with proof of your own.

and as an aside, Occam's Razor is a qualitative method, not a quantitative one. it is based on the users world view as to what is simpler and should not be applied to super general topics, its circular logic at that point, which makes it worthless for some of the things you apply it to so readily. just food for thought.

so please give me proof of what you are saying is true in tests and you will have one more follower, if not just another skeptic in the crowd.

the truth is out there, all we need to do is find it


posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 06:04 AM
the biggest thing that always gets me ,

it is the very act of observation of these particles and waves that changes their natural sate, so by humans observing the matter which makes up the universe around us we are ultimately changing their natural state , into something else !

So what does the universe and all of these particles actually look like when they are not observed , does this therefore mean that each particle or wave , exists at every possible given location or point in time !

maybe then aliens civilisations view the universe entirely different and their physics is complete differnt to ours as the way they observe the universe may yield all together different results , just an out there thought , with a great deal of uncertainty

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 04:28 AM
I agree to a large extent. My highest level in Scientific Studies is just at the Junior University level; however, there are so many contradictions within the studies that it is inevitable you will bog down.

I feel you are correct that it is over-glorified "Milk Money" that the upper crust mandate at the smaller in order to justify their budgets.

I am attempting to obtain an A.A.S., which is applied science, in order to utilize my college credits and hopefully obtain a somewhat descent job. Yet, those theoretical toting buggers will determine my placing.

I was just thinking recently how Computer Programming, also, is a run around. Everyone knows of Artificial Intelligence, and most software these days is programmed via another high-level computer. I find it interesting how some will delve into book after book trying to gain a foothold, only to see their idea rushed to the shelves before they even complete the outline of operation.

But, what are you gonna' do? This is the way it is. I do look into Scientific Theory, but only as a curiosity. Since, it adapts quite readily to Modern concepts, and also melds with the current schema of dogmatic drilling perpetrated by Mass Media.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 01:39 AM
I've always thought things were wrong in most of the basic modern thoughts of man... we ARE lied to and decieved all the time... what makes science any different? How many people were burn(figuratively and literaly) because they made claims other than the way we were told things were?

I've believed in singularity for decades. Infinitely small... Infinitely large...

Same thing if you truely understand the concept.

I think it's ironic, most of the thoughts and ideas I had as a child/teenager, are popping up in my 30's and showing me that I was on the right path...

before you judge OP, try looking at things from his perspective... the results may surprise you...


posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by mnemeth1

I didnt read the posts past this one because I cant believe how people tend to be so ignorant. YOU CANT SEE BLACK HOLES. ONLY THE EFFECT THEY HAVE ON SURROUNDING OBJECTS. now if its not a black hole that's moving those stars as seen in the video, what would be your explanation seeing as you like to disprove everything. Heck if you think everything is fake/lie, let me tell you something. Your fake, your not even real, what you see, hear, smell, touch, taste is all a interpretation of the brain when photons hit your eyes and turn into electrical signals that go to the back of your brain. So the "reality" that you think is real, is not even close to being %1 real

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 01:27 PM
Ok so ive been doing a lot of research which leads me to conclude that our solar system is stuck in a 4D time "bubble". The voyager 1 and 2 only reached the Heliopause which is one of the outer shells of our solarsystems magnetic field, I believe that beyond the "bow shock" which is believed to be the final endpoint of the magnetic field, we would find exponential growth in the amount of cosmic radiation, I believe that these travel way beyond the speed of light, like super energy, or what the human aura can consist of. Anyways everything we are measuring from outside this bubble seems to slow down because for some reason this region we are in is highly dense. So relating it to the vatican and all of their lies and sun worshipping i believe that they are intentionally modifying the suns frequency to that of something very dense in order to inhibit the growth of our human dna. So basically all research states that our dna is highly influenced by cosmic radation, the kind of code that reprograms our dna. When these cosmic rays are blocked out we experience Charles Darwins theory of evolution, dna starts mutating by itself, and a lotttttt slower. Every few thousand millenia evolution leaps forward due to increases of of cosmic radiation. It is now proven that cosmic rays have the most influence on plant growth!!!!! So when analyzing time lines of human activity and evolution it seems that there is an indirect corrolation between the suns solar activity and the amount of cosmic rays reaching our planet. Whenever the sun goes through a solar maximum it blocks out the most cosmic radiation, really? Why does this happen?

So therefor whatever dark rituals they are doing they want to hault humans from discovering their ancient potential in their dna, along with poisoning our air, food, and water. Explanation in chemtrails they are probably blocking out the radation from reaching us. Ever wonder why the sun destroys your skin so much now when it didnt before, wtf is happening to it? Is our sun connected with the dark sun and niburu? When 2012 comes along it will probably override w/e frequency our sun is emmiting and break through the magnetic field, therefor we will instantly be showered with cosmic rays like the fantastic 4. Thats what the pyramids were for, they connected to the earth grid to help our planet receive the signals. I strongly encourage others to research the topic as i think this is the dark secret that has been kept from humanity for so long. People need to realize that we dont know anything and that thinking outside of the box and this planet is a good thing for the benefit of mankind.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 12:13 PM

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by triplehelix888

Cosmic rays affecting DNA is nothing new, has been known about, postulated for many years.

It is just one of the mechanisims that is involved in evolution. But, as in evolution, requires many, many generations of the particular species involved, and more often than not, the mutations triggered by cosmic rays are either very insignificant, OR are detrimental to the viability of any offspring, and the mutation dies out.

Rarely, something is beneficial, and in that case has a better chance of being passed on in future generations, possibly to even remain in the species' genome, as a whole. Remember, too, that any of these cosmic ray DNA alterations would only affect one, or perhaps two individuals, and unlikely in the same way.

Those individuals could exist in isolation from other greater populations of their species.

Still, the randomness of mutations, and the incredible variety possible will, given time, account for one explanation of the rich diversity of life that we see -- not only today, but in the fossil records.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 08:39 PM
yes, i know this, but we can't really explain the gaps in the fossil records, i know that im obviously not the first to study cosmic rays but on an evolution standpoint i believe there is a lot more to it than meets the eye.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by mnemeth1

Math lies just like statistics lie.

The math behind the models is a sham.

Scientists observe something, then change their mathematical models until they agree with observation.

The models are not constrained by any laboratory proven physics.

For example, the island of stability prevents the formation of neutron stars. Laboratory physics says neutron stars are impossible. Matter packed that densely will fly apart instantaneously.

This law of physics doesn't prevent theoretical physicists from claiming neutron stars exist, even though the lab says they are impossible.

[edit on 7-4-2010 by mnemeth1]

I had just realized this...

Don't neutron stars undergo an ENORMOUS amount of time dilation? Oh yeah the do. So why can it not be that time is slowed down to almost a stop from neutron stars? Oh that's right it can. Why? oh because of the fact that neutron stars come from the collapsed remnants of other massive stars which can create gravity. Which would bend TIME as it bends space.

Now won't you look at that. A very simple reason why neutron stars do not violate the island of stability and it also explains gravity and time dilation.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by Gentill Abdulla

Yea, you know... that was like totally cute and all, but the basic premise behind the whole assertion of your is completely unfounded and utterly wrong. I'm not sure how big you are on keeping up with the times and all, but recent discoveries and research are indicating that 'time' as we've previously perceived it is no longer true, to such an extent that the darn thing just doesn't exist.

Efforts to understand time below the Planck scale have led to an exceedingly strange juncture in physics. The problem, in brief, is that time may not exist at the most fundamental level of physical reality.

Why, then, can we look back at the past but not into the future? Prof Rovelli, along with Alain Connes at the Collège de France in Paris, have argued this flow of time is an illusion. They liken it to the sensation of temperature. What we mean by temperature is molecular motion. A hot cup of tea teems with more energetic water molecules than a cold one, but the temperature we feel somehow gives us an average of all that turmoil. In a similar way, when our brains average what our senses detect, what emerges is a sense of passing seconds, minutes and hours. Time's flow is a measure of our ignorance. This chimes with earlier work of Julian Barbour, an independent thinker, who warned that when we unify general relativity and quantum mechanics, time will be seen as a trick of the mind.

Astronomer Mike Hawkins from the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh came to this conclusion after looking at nearly 900 quasars over periods of up to 28 years. When comparing the light patterns of quasars located about 6 billion light years from us and those located 10 billion light years away, he was surprised to find that the light signatures of the two samples were exactly the same. If these quasars were like the previously observed supernovae, an observer would expect to see longer, “stretched” timescales for the distant, “stretched” high-redshift quasars. But even though the distant quasars were more strongly redshifted than the closer quasars, there was no difference in the time it took the light to reach Earth.


There’s also a possibility that the explanation could be even more far-reaching, such as that the universe is not expanding and that the big bang theory is wrong.

If new calculations are correct, the universe just got even stranger. Scientists at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, have constructed mathematical formulas that conclude black holes cannot exist. The findings--if correct--could revolutionize astrophysics and resolve a paradox that has perplexed physicists for 4 decades.


Physicist Lawrence Krauss and Case Western Reserve colleagues think they have found the answer to the paradox. In a paper accepted for publication in Physical Review D, they have constructed a lengthy mathematical formula that shows, in effect, black holes can't form at all. The key involves the relativistic effect of time, Krauss explains. As Einstein demonstrated in his Theory of General Relativity, a passenger inside a spaceship traveling toward a black hole would feel the ship accelerating, while an outside observer would see the ship slow down. When the ship reached the event horizon, it would appear to stop, staying there forever and never falling in toward oblivion. In effect, Krauss says, time effectively stops at that point, meaning time is infinite for black holes. If black holes radiate away their mass over time, as Hawking showed, then they should evaporate before they even form, Krauss says. It would be like pouring water into a glass that has no bottom. In essence, physicists have been arguing over a trick question for 40 years.

This is pretty recent stuff, so I can't expect everyone to know about it, certainly not those who think silly things like archaic neutron stars are magically real entities. Word of advice, it doesn't hurt to continue learning things after school stops. If your still in school, then perhaps arguing about the complexities of the universe is just not a topic your best suited for.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by sirnex
reply to post by Gentill Abdulla

Physicist Lawrence Krauss and Case Western Reserve colleagues think they have found the answer to the paradox. In a paper accepted for publication in Physical Review D, they have constructed a lengthy mathematical formula that shows, in effect, black holes can't form at all. The key involves the relativistic effect of time, Krauss explains. As Einstein demonstrated in his Theory of General Relativity, a passenger inside a spaceship traveling toward a black hole would feel the ship accelerating, while an outside observer would see the ship slow down. When the ship reached the event horizon, it would appear to stop, staying there forever and never falling in toward oblivion. In effect, Krauss says, time effectively stops at that point, meaning time is infinite for black holes. If black holes radiate away their mass over time, as Hawking showed, then they should evaporate before they even form, Krauss says. It would be like pouring water into a glass that has no bottom. In essence, physicists have been arguing over a trick question for 40 years.

Yes I'm still in school, only 13 though.

As Krauss said
"The key involves the relativistic effect of time, Krauss explains. As Einstein demonstrated in his Theory of General Relativity, a passenger inside a spaceship traveling toward a black hole would feel the ship accelerating, while an outside observer would see the ship slow down. When the ship reached the event horizon, it would appear to stop, staying there forever and never falling in toward oblivion. In effect, Krauss says, time effectively stops at that point, meaning time is infinite for black holes. If black holes radiate away their mass over time, as Hawking showed, then they should evaporate before they even form, Krauss .

As Hawking showed. Hawking only applied black body radiation to the EVENT HORIZON of a black hole.

As I'm sure you know the event horizon IS NOT WHERE GRAVITY IS STRONGEST. Gravity is strongest at the center of a black hole.

SO I think we can say black holes can exist due to the lack of his understanding of Hawking radiation.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by tektek2012

Because peices of paper for time spend at university render a person unable to lie? Hm. Sounds almost magickal.
But then again anyone who speaks of science as if it had a voice to say anything such things are to be expected. All well, some people have guys in funny hats and others have guys in lab coats to tell them what to think and believe. It's hillarious when the two fight as if they are so very different though.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by Gentill Abdulla

Do you know the history behind black holes and how it all came about?

Both persons credited to black holes, Einstein and Schwarzschild did not believe in black holes and ridiculed the very notion of them. Black holes were invented through faulty mathematics, hence why we can't rely solely on mathematics to describe the universe. Mathematics was also used to literally prove that heavier than air flight was *impossible*.

Black holes simply do not exist and can never exist.

Here's a couple more articles for you:


posted on May, 19 2010 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by mnemeth1

Originally posted by Phage
That's nice.
We now return to our regularly scheduled broadcast.

Dang. My computer just stopped working. Stupid science!

Engineers tell the truth.

Theoretical scientists are the liars.

Couldn't agree more! I am an engineer. I was banned in a serious physics forums for knowing more about the 2nd law of thermodynamics than a theoretical scientist who happens to be a moderator too!

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by ibiubu
Einstein's theory of relativity is very much open to debate.

So I suppose e=mc2 is just a theory and the atomic bomb means nothing to you...

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
The bow and arrow was built by a physicist.

Does that mean his theories on the Universal laws were correct?


Your argument fails massively.

Let's move on please.


excellent stuff mnemeth1 and muzzleflash

it's nice to see some logic for a change.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 02:42 AM
While skimming through this thread I saw comments debating if matter, and therefor people, exist as waves. Here's a half baked theory that pooped in to my head...

I am somewhat familiar with the double-slit experiment - if I remember correctly - electrons exist as a wave until they are observed, causing a collapse of the wave structure and instead existing as a particle.

People seem to exist as particle based entities because in waking life we can not help but constantly observe ourselves, and collapse our own waves. Perhaps dreams/meditation/altered mental states are a way to change our self observation and a way to experience reality in our wave form.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

Then I should blame the engineers? Glad we cleared that up.
Stupid engineers.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by ahnggk

Then I should blame the engineers? Glad we cleared that up.
Stupid engineers.

A mathematician, a philosopher and an engineer ask each other whats 2+2

The mathematician says 4
The philosopher says it could be 4
The engineer says make it 5 just to be on the safe side.

Its a joke but what it says about engineers is so TRUE they do not take chances, I deal with structural engineers all the time and they will never put there neck on the line they don't take chances and will try to pass the buck whenever possible so when the brown stuff hits the whirly thing they can blame someone else THATS my they could never be scientists. FACT!

[edit on 20-5-2010 by wmd_2008]

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