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400,000 year old German 7 ft long spears!

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posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 05:22 PM
Just because someone said its 400,000 years old doesnt mean it is......

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by people=oooo

ok believe whatever you want to believe, it doesn't matter.

Today on CNN they talk about a new ape from 1.8 million years. They are filling in the gaps slowly and will have a great timeline to really prove evolution soon. It is just tough to find the right dig sites.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Masterjaden

Funny... It seems that every day something comes along and a discovery is made that blows the current darwinian theory out of the water, but instead of acknowledging it and saying we better rethink it, they just continually adjust their predictions of what should be found and their theories to match up with the evidence that was just five minutes ago, completely counter to their theories...

What total nonsense! Moderators why do you allow this to be printed unchallenged!

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Harte

I am trying to get a web page on the Venus legend or Venusians.
I first read about it in Dr. Richard Noone's book 5/5/2000 Pole Shift.

I am doing my best to find the exact info, while I am looking though there is a lot of Venus and Visitors and Hopi people mention here.

In his book Mexico Mystique, Frank Waters, a non-Indian expert on the Hopis, writes:

"On Second Mesa near Mishongnovi an ancient petroglyph depicts a dome-shaped object resting on an arrow which represent travel through space, and the head of a Hopi maiden who represents pristine purity. As the Hopis believe that other planets are inhabited, this petroglyph represents a paatuwvota or a 'flying shield' similar to a 'flying saucer' that came here in the Beginning. So now at the End the sacred ones will arrive from another planet, said to be Venus, by flying saucers. Many Hopi traditionalists recently have reported seeing flying saucers, all piloted by beings they call kachinas."

More to come

Careful calling things bull :-P but I understand, and I should have tried to put something the first time to educate.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by Loki Lyesmyth

If it is true that the Hopi think the other planets are inhabited, then the Hopi are sorely lacking in education.

I will say this, though. Until the first Hopi looked through a telescope (or spoke to someone that had,) no Hopi on Earth ever knew that the planets we can see are anything other than points of light in the night sky that move around (as opposed to the other, stationary, points of light inm the night sky.)


posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 07:13 AM
Being from Germany this discovery really hit home. It absolutely blew my mind to read what has been found, basically in my back yard.

This challenges a lot of things I have been told in school as absolute fact and thinking about rewinding 400.000 years to find a group of seemingly well-organized hunters, utilizing tools and weapons efficiently, really makes you think what else will be discovered about our past that invites us to rethink our world view of ancient history.

If anything, this proves yet again, that albeit being the dominant species with a large amount of historical knowledge, we basically know nothing about what the earth really looked like in the far-off past.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by catfishman
This challenges a lot of things I have been told in school as absolute fact and thinking about rewinding 400.000 years to find a group of seemingly well-organized hunters, utilizing tools and weapons efficiently, really makes you think what else will be discovered about our past that invites us to rethink our world view of ancient history.

As I already illustrated in this very thread, it may be true that you should "rethink (your) world view of ancient history," but that is simply not the case for people that actually know something about ancient history.

These spears are simply confirmation of what was already known.


posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 11:42 AM
I should have made clear that I meant the discovery in this particular location. I have never been taught that this could have even been a plausible possibility, but I admit I am not the most educated person when it comes to history, especially that far back.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 06:59 PM
Actually nomads can farm, they just need to be in the right areas at the right time to plant/cultivate/nurture, and then harvest the desired crops. Many nomadic tribes agriculturally cultivated many crops.

I think the over looked reason man began to create cities was a result of the taming of the horse, and using it for transportation. This massive advance in transportation capability was most like to have enabled men to start developing permanent settlements, and at the same time greatly increase out building capabilities.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 10:04 AM
To describe these found artifacts as "German" is obsurd. 400,000 years ago the Homo Sapien species was non-existant and certainly not living in Europe. These artifacts were the creation of the Neanderthal Species which we are reminded were a different evolution separate from our own modern european Homo Sapien stock. One must understand that the Neanderthal were very heavy in build. Very sturdy and strong with a larger brain than the modern Homo Sapien. Life for the Neanderthal appears to have been not so brutish and animal as we have previously been misled into believing. They did not have metal or ceramic pottery. Such things were still to be discovered ? But they were most probably actively experimenting with fire ? Cooking their hunted meats ? Recent discovery is that they used cosmetics. They were able to weave cloth too. They were not the naked and vampire "werewolf" type that the movie industry once presented them as being. All this shows that the Neanderthal were sophisticated and were able to communicate.

Google Video Link


posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by CAELENIUM
You're information's good about Neanderthal and I like your style, but the most likely creator of the wooden tools/weapons is H. Heidelbergensis. There's a thread about them here. Wiki page here.

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