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Black Conservative Tea Party Backers Take Heat...

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posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 01:18 AM

Now black conservatives are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white tea party movement—and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation's first black president.

Why does the news keep labeling Obama as the first black president? It makes no sense to me. He's every bit white as he is black. Anyhow, it doesn't make a difference if you're black or white, both parties don't represent us. Doesn't matter if the the President is black, white, asian, latino.. or et, as long as they're from the two party system, they represent corporations and do not have your best interests. Why do people get stuck debating bs that has no meaning..

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by joey_hv

It's a combination dude. The real question you should be asking is if he would have received the same kind of support from the black community if he was Republican. As a black guy, there was more going on then simply casting a vote and walking away for another 4 years. We had a black guy with a legitimate shot at being the first POTUS, hell yea he gets my vote..and my love too.

Alot of people want to say that the only reason why black people voted for him is because he's black. However if the shoe was on the other foot, if every president had been black, how do you think white americans would have voted if there was a heavy weight white president with a chance to win?

Personally, i thought i'd i NEVER see a black president. The choice was either him, McCain, or my mother. I voted for mom doesn't need my vote this year (Yes i actually wrote my mother's name in one year..that's how i wanted).

And know to this...

Doesn't matter if the the President is black, white, asian, latino.. or et, as long as they're from the two party system, they represent corporations and do not have your best interests.

Ah, you'd be astonished at how many people in the hood know this.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by joey_hv
So who is the racist again??

They've been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms

There is that disgusting hypocrisy. But just as bad is the invocation of race to assault "tea party" members or ANYONE who opposes Obama's policies. People like J. Garafaolo claiming all opposers are "racist", then during HC debates last year people like Carter and Clinton chiming in that the opposition was race driven was rotten behavior. The media delivered it up like a s--t sandwich on a silver platter.

Instead of debating the merits of the left leaning politics the tactic was simply to label the opposition the worst names possible. This kept them from having to debate anything with the added side effect of painting the opposition as the worst scum imaginable in modern America: racists. For any thinking individual it's clear who the real racists are: those who invoke the name in order to degrade their political opposition.

This tactic has permanently marred my opinion of the democrats and liberal philosophy in general. Way to go, democrats. You used your temporary loan of power to create a permanent disdain amongst a sizable portion of the population.

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