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Anyone feeling really weird this week?

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posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 08:33 PM
its either the chemtrails or haarp....when i see those trails in the sky i know the next few days im gonna have to keep my thoughts and anxiety under control.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by Funkydung]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by S1J1A1
I ask myself, am I fine right now in the present moment? Yes I am fine; I am healthy, fed, clothed, sheltered etc. I am having uncomfortable feelings but in reality I am fine in this present moment. I think all fear stems from a projection of what COULD happen in the future. To realize and stay in the present moment calms me down right away.

Beautiful post! Yeah, I definitely calmed myself down after that panic attack I had. I'm feeling good now. But like I was saying earlier, this feeling seems to ebb and flow. At the moment, things are all good though.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by njl51

I have an answer for you (sort of). In my own personal experiences, I have felt over the past 6-8 months that my abilities have been slowly blocked by some outside factor. Something as simple as a tarot reading I cannot do now because the metaphors do not make sense, and I cannot properly meditate on the purpose of each falling card. I feel like my personal bubble is slowly shrinking, while the world around me keeps getting larger and larger. To make a crude comparison, think of a pimple that is getting really want to pop it, but you can't. Finally, nature takes its course, and one day while you are looking in the mirror, the little bugger finally pops and releases all the pressure beneath your skin. It feels to me like the pimple is getting to the point where it's going to pop.

But I digress.

I have talked with many of my close sensitive friends and we are all feeling the thick tension in the air. We all believe this is affecting our abilities of foresight. When I meditate, it feels like I am wading through pea soup just to find that one gem of knowledge that I could use and pass on to all of you.

I feel like a Jedi without the Force, and that is a scary thought.

Peace be with you.


posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander

So how about you? Anyone else feeling just strange, irritated, weird and antsy like you just need to get away? And if so, any ideas what might be up?

I've been planning this trip to Vegas... and I'm going next week...

and I just have this bad feeling about it.

Like I shouldn't go or something like that.

But the feelings you described in your OP are there... Something is gonna happen soon.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 11:43 PM
Even a teacher mentioned to our class how tense it was today.

This is very interesting situation. Something big is going to happen, and it feels right around the corner, but it has just not seemed to have happened yet!

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by devilishlyangelic23
kind of the opposite for me...i've been feeling that way for months. just recently its lifted a bit, and i dont feel as heavy or as bogged down by negative energy. so maybe thats a sign that others who're experiencing this will be coming through it soon?

Met too. I feel refreshed for the first time in a couple years.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 11:52 PM
I started a thread about feeling angry. Here recently, I have had waves of nausea and dizziness and I have been plagued by bad dreams. My head has felt strange all week, like I have been on a boat all day and then got off on land but still have sea legs........ strange!

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
Don't worry, people. It may be unpleasant but this is exactly as it should be. Know this with every fiber of your being. Also, know that this is far from the worst of it. Still, welcome it wholeheartedly and love the turbulence. We're on our way to a better world. Be glad you're aware of it. Find peace in that consciousness.

Be sure you follow the signs now. Be sure you follow your heart.

What if the signs and our hearts lead in different directions? What if "this is how it should be" is exactly how the powers that are making this weird -- or the powers who want the world to change -- want us to think?

I don't believe in "shoulds" in that sense. But even discounting that... Why are things as they should be?


Perhaps this is something different from what the sensitives are used to; Perhaps it's something new. My first impulse, though, is to say that if something does happen, the "sensitives" are not really sensitive; they only think they are, they've been sensing not-things.


Maybe the metaphors do make sense -- you're just not seeing how, for one reason or another? Maybe you need to reinterpret, because the world isn't how you think it is... It's another way that you can get information on.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

I've been planning this trip to Vegas... and I'm going next week...

and I just have this bad feeling about it.

Like I shouldn't go or something like that.

Always follow your gut. If you do go anyway keep this feeling in mind. Be watchful and don't take risks while there. It may not be that anything serious will necessarily happen, but your gut is warning you that the trip may be less than or turn out to be different than you had hoped for.

Safe travels.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 03:37 AM
The feeling for me can be described as a major switch from what used to be normal. I used to see life as a continuum. I am nearing the latter end of the continuum approaching old age.

But lately the notion of continuum has been weakened or even shattered. I no longer feel things continuing along the predictable line. Its as if some huge change in on the horizon and everything that I have been working towards or planning for is somehow going to be irrelevant. Its as if the future, perhaps even near future is going to be completely outside of what I could have even imagined. The change(s) will be mostly completely outside of my control, but I can't help but believe that somehow my values and intentions remain important.

You can feel time shifting in and out of sinc as if its about to bust loose and everything will be topsy turvy and end up with some new kind of existence unrecognizable to today's world.

I feel it coming/happening.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by truthseeker1984
reply to post by njl51

Something as simple as a tarot reading I cannot do now because the metaphors do not make sense, and I cannot properly meditate on the purpose of each falling card.

Funny, I have the same thing. I used to be quite good in Taro reading, but lately cards don´t make any sense. Or I can´t understand. Even cards, that should represent someone´s past, look like they mean nothing. Or mayibe it´s because timelines are merging and linear time is changing to something different?
Meditation is better, as I mentioned before I use mantras and it´s good way to meditate, because you just have to repeat mantra. And it has had interesting results, some unexpected.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 04:30 AM
Ok I'm tappin in again. I'd like to say it's this thread that is going to cause
a mass hallucination/hysteria. I can't do that after a few of you have described, "a change in the air". This winter I've said many times the air is a different kind of cold,
much more crisp or snappy. So I have noticed that going on toss in the
economy, earthquakes. Weird azz spirals in the sky, rogue waves.
I rode the Baja quake out sitting right here at da puda. The ground felt like it was on rollers. It does appear that just ahead are times fortold.

In the next week at the rate things are going, we are going to see another
major quake somewhere and won't that just about put the score far above
anything people like Phage can deny?

I straight out asked Phage on a different thread. At what number does he finally admit there has been a jump in the amount of significant temblors.

He ignored me.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:30 AM
I don't really feel weird or anything but this week has gone incredibly fast. I don't know where all the time's gone.

[edit on 9-4-2010 by Sozen94]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by randyvs

I would say that it's a significant increase when the number doubles. I don't think it's doubled yet.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 09:38 PM
I wanted to add some more to this thread.

I feel like life has meaning, and that everything that happens has a reason to be in our lives. I pay attention much more to things around me. Last night, I meditated on a hill that overlooked the town I am currently in, and stargazed. It was a great experience and everyone must realize we should all take moments out of our day to step outside and just sit down and relax with Mother Nature.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 02:51 AM
Hopefully these are signs and symptoms of the ascension to the fourth dimension. Get rid of your fear. Go with the flow. Don't fight it. Weird yes, but I'm hoping for something beautiful to happen.


posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 10:02 AM
Good Morning All,

Someone suggested we state how we feel to see if these feelings are a pre-cursor to something happening on earth.. ie..earthquakes, sunspots, CME's etc...

So although I feel out of sorts and like something is wrong most of the time my headaches are not a daily occurance. Have not had a headache for days now. Well last night the pressure in my head started late last night, just a dull ache that today has turned into a raging headace. So I am posting this here to see if anyone else had these feelings today and what earth changes happen between now and when these feelings stop. Maybe we can find a correlation between the two...

I will also add that I am not prone to headaches and these have just started in the last six months, medically I am fine and interestingly my GP told me the number of people coming to him telling him they are experiencing headaches and dizziness has increased for him this year. I just hope whatever is causing this happens soon so we can get on the back side of it and start to feel normal again.

Wanted to add this also... My best friends mother is one of these people who helps everyone all the time. Ever since Thanksgiving she has been so impatient and angry and has told us all that she just doesn't look to the future any longer, basically she feels like she no longer feels things she used to look forward to years down the road it's more day to day now to her . Completely opposite of how she normally acts, usually she is talking about her next trip somewhere, or planning for things months in advance. Just another symptom of changes I think.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Steve8511

Summer of 2011? The RA material states that the "Harvest" will occur in 2011, like the striking of a clock. See RA material, Law of One.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by S1J1A1
reply to post by SolarE-Souljah

I don't know if this will help but I'll tell you what I do when I start to feel fear (or panic, or dread or any of the other emotions that polarize to fear).

I ask myself, am I fine right now in the present moment? Yes I am fine; I am healthy, fed, clothed, sheltered etc. I am having uncomfortable feelings but in reality I am fine in this present moment. I think all fear stems from a projection of what COULD happen in the future. To realize and stay in the present moment calms me down right away.

FEAR = Future Events Appear Real. I think Appear is the key word.

Your method of regaining a calm state sounds similar to how I use this little saying. Anytime I start to feel "fear" I remind myself of it.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by alexgia

Is your headache between your eyebrows? (Ajna chakra) I had that for a while, just a tightness...pain not really.

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