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Greenpeace To Global Warming Skeptics: “We Know Where You Live”

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posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 12:49 PM
The Greenpeace Article

Emerging battle-bruised from the disaster zone of Copenhagen, but ever-hopeful, a rider on horseback brought news of darkness and light: "The politicians have failed. Now it's up to us. We must break the law to make the laws we need: laws that are supposed to protect society, and protect our future. Until our laws do that, screw being climate lobbyists. Screw being climate activists. It's not working.

We need an army of climate outlaws." The proper channels have failed. It's time for mass civil disobedience to cut off the financial oxygen from denial and skepticism.

If you're one of those who believe that this is not just necessary but also possible, speak to us. Let's talk about what that mass civil disobedience is going to look like.

If you're one of those who have spent their lives undermining progressive climate legislation, bankrolling junk science, fueling spurious debates around false solutions, and cattle-prodding democratically-elected governments into submission, then hear this:

We know who you are. We know where you live. We know where you work.

And we be many, but you be few.

In recent weeks we have seen a concerted effort by TPTB to brand together all militia patriots conspiricists etc together to make them all out to be right wing violence promoting terrorists.

So where do you think Greenpeace sits as of today and the publication of this on their own website.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Cytokine_Strom

So where do you think Greenpeace sits as of today and the publication of this on their own website.

This is important evidence for the development of "Global Warming" as a religion, of the kind that will not tolerate non-participants.

Oh, yes, and it's terrorism too, of course.

[edit on 5-4-2010 by DISRAELI]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 01:45 PM

If you're one of those who have spent their lives undermining progressive climate legislation, bankrolling junk science, fueling spurious debates around false solutions, and cattle-prodding democratically-elected governments into submission, then hear this:

So Greenpeace is after the IPCC & CRU now?

Oh wait

On a side note it really bothers me how the term civil disobedience is used in conjunction with threats of violence.

Used correctly, like Ghandi did, civil disobedience is one of the most powerful, non-violent revolutionary tools.
But lately the term has come to mean violent riots & aggressive behavior, Breaking & entering and so forth.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 01:45 PM
The science behind the climate destablization is pretty solid, but it will be debated so long as there is corporate opposition.

The planet could be a dune style desert, or a frozen over popsicle and there will be debate raging on as to if its even happening...

Anyone whom ignores the talking heads and actually does proper peer reviewed research will conclude that.

Greenpeace is a extremist organization that is justifying their concern into illegal activity...should they do anything illegal, they should be arrested and charged.

I am not having children, hense why I personally dont care what corporations do to the earth when I am gone. I used to care, dont get me wrong...but hard to continue caring when you do not have a personal stake in it and the people in general dont seem to care. People wont become extinct, they will just be completely dependent on a few corporations and governmental assistance once food cannot be produced in sufficient quantities, and the ecosystem is soo screwed up that survival depends on your corporate care package you slave away for.

Good luck with that, let me know how it goes..or not.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 01:54 PM
"We know who you are. We know where you live. We know where you work.

And we be many, but you be few. "

If you come around my neck of the woods with that attitude, you'll be fewer.

All of this hype about the "Tea Party" people, but no mention of these clowns.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 03:00 PM
Most of the time, I consider Limbaugh a loudmouth idiot, but he may be right on this.

He said after the left saw that marxism/communism was not the utopia system of government they thought it would be, they needed a new altar to worship at, and radical environmentalism is it.

These people are to be taken with a grain of salt....

[edit on 5-4-2010 by Darkrunner]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 03:08 PM
Green PEACE? Wow. I am glad that there are people who fight for environment, even though i am sure that they are being used for other interests and i am not that sure that Global warming thingy is not one of those. But come on - they speak like mafia now. If organization wants to get through opposing politicians they should convince electorate and not play godfather.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
Green PEACE? Wow. I am glad that there are people who fight for environment, even though i am sure that they are being used for other interests and i am not that sure that Global warming thingy is not one of those. But come on - they speak like mafia now. If organization wants to get through opposing politicians they should convince electorate and not play godfather.

Up to the 1990's they were being used by the Soviets to harass the US and NATO. I saw letters that were addressed to members of my squardon from Greenpeace. They had been operating in the North Atlantic near one of Greenpeace's boats. Aparently somebody on the boat got the side number of the helo. A couple of months later they got the letters. The letters were addressed only to the people who were in that aircraft at that time. There was an investigation, since flight scheduals were considered classified info. This was right before John Walker was uncovered. I didn't think anything of it, until I heard a former KGB Colonel bragging, several years ago, about how he provided information and funds to the environmental movement in the 70's and 80's.

The one thing I always agreed with the French on was the Rainbow Warrior.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 04:06 PM
7 replies and no flags??

This shows how dangerous this lot is getting!

You will submit to the religion of Climate Change or be outcast forever.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by JIMC5499

Originally posted by JIMC5499
The one thing I always agreed with the French on was the Rainbow Warrior.

You AGREE with special forces, blowing up an civilain ship, and murdering civilians, in an civilain port, because they were trying to stop more Atomic Testing by the french?

Maybe you should go and get out of your Helo and pick up a gun and go to Afghanistan, many civilians ther for you to kill.

Disgusted, it was a civilain, boat with non combatants on board.

If a member of Al Queada comes and blows up your heli when your in it is that justified?


[edit on 5-4-2010 by MischeviousElf]

[edit on 5-4-2010 by MischeviousElf]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 04:44 PM
I realy expected some outcry from these Peace Orgs. over the ClimateGate issue, it puzzeled me until a few days ago WHY they didnt react One Bit , They are not working for the enviroment, they are there to push the Agenda 21, the Green Alternative, their work depends on the Co2 'scare' to get fundings and brainwash people into small useless batterycars...

It is all so sick..

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:31 PM
Greenpeace will never do anything.
They don't want any headline like "Greenpeace members shot destroying *@*"

They like other main stream eco groups have/pay radical groups to do the dirity work for them.

In the 1980s the Sierra Club paid Earth First to burn logging equipment and do other monkey wrenching for them.
Now they use the Earth Liberation Front to do there dirty work.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 06:08 PM
Greenpeace: "But, but, but, if people are no longer scared of the global warming hoax, where are our donations going to come from?"

Boo hoo!

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by MischeviousElf
Disgusted, it was a civilain, boat with non combatants on board.

Tell that to the families of the two sailors who were lost over the side of a US Navy frigate when it had to turn sharply to avoid being rammed by a Greenpeace boat. If they want to play in the big leagues let them pay the price.

If a member of Al Queada comes and blows up your heli when your in it is that justified?

As a member of my country's military, in a military aircraft, that would be a risk that I volunteered to take, so I can see some justification there. It's just that attacking an armed and alert target just doesn't seem to be Al Queada's style.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 08:08 AM
Are they sure they know where I live? If not, they are welcome to U2U me and I will give them my address. It shouldn't be too hard to find... I'll be the guy with a raging fire in my backyard where I burn tires and other garbage!
They'll recognize me immediately by the .40S&W strapped on my hip and a 12 gauge slung over my shoulder. I'll be anxiously awaiting your arrival!

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 09:56 AM
BEWARE! Greenpeace have pulled that post and changed it!!!!!!

Obviously someone is saying something they don't wish to be known.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 08:41 PM
After much procrastination – in part, caused by the timing of the long Easter break – the blog was finally pulled by Greenpeace earlier today once senior staff realised what was going on.

Greenpeace has confirmed to me that the blog's author had been given "full blogging rights" on its international website and therefore did not need to first clear his ill-chosen words with a senior member of staff.

This isn't that surprising as "Gene from Greenpeace India" turns out to be Gene Hashmi, the communications director at Greenpeace India. A visit to his Twitter page reveals that he is someone who likes to play it fast and loose with his phrasings – not always an admirable trait for a communications director.

For example, here's a tweet he posted on 9 March after a period of inactivity on his Twitter account:

I haven't said anything in 7 months, so why are all 32 of you mofos following me? Just so you know, I'm carrying a knife.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by Cytokine_Strom

Gene seems about as bright as a 1 watt bulb. And this is their Communications Director??? Whoa! Green Piss is having a crisis of finding qualified people.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 10:04 AM
Well if you know where I live and work and want to do me harm because I won't buy into your religion then come get it. I guarantee I'm better armed and more willing to do violence in defense of my person and home.

Stupid lefties.

[edit on 7-4-2010 by projectvxn]

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 02:53 AM
bring it on
if they wanna email me i'll give them my address & wait at my gate ready to welcome them with some good old skeptic hospitality ;-)

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